What is a Gastric Balloon?


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The World Health Organization defines obesity as the excessive accumulation of fat in the body. According to the criteria of the World Health Organization, obesity can be defined when the body mass index is above 30. It is well known that there are many health problems associated with the global epidemic of obesity. These include serious health problems such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and hypertension. Therefore, obesity needs to be treated not only for aesthetic purposes but also for a healthy life. Nowadays, there are many surgical and non-surgical options available for the treatment of obesity. The decision regarding which treatment to apply to an obese patient is made by considering factors such as the patient's height, weight, age, and general health condition under the supervision of an expert doctor. Gastric balloon is one of the commonly preferred non-surgical treatment methods for obesity. The main purpose of gastric balloon treatment is to reduce the amount of food consumed in a single meal and provide a long-lasting feeling of fullness. Gastric balloons are silicone devices that are inserted into the stomach and can remain there for a certain period of time. The gastric balloon procedure involves placing a deflated balloon into the stomach and then inflating it with saline or a biocompatible and approved blue dye. The inflated balloon occupies more than half of the stomach. The amount of inflation is determined during the procedure, considering that everyone's stomach structure and anatomy are not the same. The endoscopic gastric balloon procedure takes approximately 30 minutes to 1 hour.

FQ About Gastric Balloon Clinic in Antalya / Turkey

Antalya in Turkey has been famous for plastic surgery aesthetic and cosmetic treatments throughout the globe for many years. Bariatric Surgery Turkey Price For more details in our article, Which surgery is Turkey famous for in Antalya where you will find all the information about Which surgery is Turkey famous for in Antalya please contact us. Which surgery is Turkey famous for in Antalya Antalya in Turkey has been famous for plastic surgery aesthetic and cosmetic treatments throughout the globe for many years.... +More
When the stomach is taken out through a procedure like gastrectomy, the patient must adapt to a new lifestyle that involves eating smaller, more frequent meals and relying on supplements for essential nutrients. This surgery is performed to treat conditions like stomach cancer, ulcers, or severe obesity.
Gastric band tablets are not a recognized treatment, but the term might refer to weight-loss medications that mimic the effects of a gastric band by suppressing appetite or blocking fat absorption. Medications like Orlistat or appetite suppressants are sometimes used in combination with bariatric procedures.
The cost of Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery varies based on location, healthcare provider, and whether the patient has insurance coverage. In the U.S., the cost ranges from $20,000 to $30,000, depending on the hospital and specific circumstances. In countries with public healthcare systems, such as the UK or Canada, the surgery may be covered, though waiting times could be long. Many insurance companies in the U.S. cover bariatric surgery if it’s deemed medically necessary, but patients must meet specific... +More
A total gastrectomy is a surgical procedure where the entire stomach is removed, usually due to stomach cancer or severe damage. The esophagus is then directly connected to the small intestine. This life-altering surgery requires patients to follow strict dietary guidelines, including smaller, more frequent meals, and take supplements to ensure proper nutrition.
Pregnancy after weight-loss surgery is generally safe, but it’s recommended to wait at least 12-18 months after bariatric surgery before trying to conceive. This waiting period allows the body to stabilize and ensures proper nutrition for both the mother and baby. Women should work closely with their doctors to monitor their nutritional intake and ensure they are getting adequate vitamins and minerals during pregnancy.
While there is no specific gastric band pill, weight-loss medications such as Orlistat or appetite suppressants may be prescribed alongside a gastric band procedure to help enhance weight loss. These pills should only be taken under medical supervision as part of a comprehensive weight management plan.
People often find they aren't very hungry for the first several months after bariatric surgery, but eventually their appetite starts to come back. And when it does, learning to tell the difference between true hunger and simply being “in the mood” to eat can help them to stay on track toward their wellness goals. Bariatric Surgery Turkey Price For more details in our article, Will I ever feel hungry again after gastric sleeve in Istanbul where you will find all the information about Will I ever feel hungry again... +More
Semaglutide is a weight-loss medication that mimics a hormone regulating appetite and food intake. In the UK, it is marketed under the brand names Ozempic (for diabetes) and Wegovy (for obesity). It is prescribed to individuals struggling with weight management, often in conjunction with diet and exercise.
Atrophic gastritis is a chronic condition where the stomach lining thins and loses its ability to produce stomach acid and digestive enzymes. This condition can be caused by long-term H. pylori infection or autoimmune diseases and may increase the risk of stomach cancer. Treatment focuses on addressing the underlying cause and managing symptoms.
Before-and-after images of gastric sleeve patients highlight not only the weight loss but also the excess skin that may remain, especially in areas like the abdomen. Many patients opt for skin removal surgeries after achieving their weight-loss goals.



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  • £ 1580
    £ 1450

    Give a call to learn more about what’s included and to come up with a tailored plan if you need unique accommodations that are not listed below.

    • Airport
    • Hotel
    • Hospital transfer
    • The balloon is placed via endoscopy, the procedure takes 15-20 minutes and you are discharged after 2-3 hours.  It is enough to stay here for 1 night.
    • Blood samples & x-rays
    • 5 year follow up
  • £ 2750
    £ 2550


    Give a call to learn more about what’s included and to come up with a tailored plan if you need unique accommodations that are not listed below.
    • Airport
    • Hotel
    • Hospital transfer
    • 4 day stay at hospital
    • Blood samples & x-rays
    • 5 year follow up
  • £ 3100
    £ 2900


    Give a call to learn more about what’s included and to come up with a tailored plan if you need unique accommodations that are not listed below.
    • Airport
    • Hotel
    • Hospital transfer
    • 4 day stay at hospital
    • Blood samples & x-rays
    • 5 year follow up