Weight Loss Surgery Turkey Cost Aesthetic Travel

Pricing for Bariatric Surgery in Turkey / Antalya at Aesthetic Travel

5 Years of Helping 15,000+ People Change Their Lives
With Bridge Health Travel®, you are never alone. Our team in the Antalya / Turkey is with you every step of the way.

Gastric Sleeve Procedure Package Cost Turkey / Antalya £ 1450 | Gastric Balloon Procedure Package Cost Turkey / Antalya £ 2550 |  Mini Gastric Procedure Bypass Package Turkey £ 2900


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Aesthetic Travel Turkey, Gastric Balloon in Turkey


Le chirurgien, les infirmières, le personnel sont très inquiets - Consultation de Chirurgie Bariatrique
Aïcha, France
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Vous pouvez y aller les yeux fermés. Avant même votre arrivée Irem est très disponible pour répondre à TOUTES vos questions ! Le chirurgien, les infirmières, le personnel sont très inquiets. Je suis plus qu'heureuse d'avoir franchi le pas car j'ai été très bien entourée et même depuis mon retour en France Irem est toujours disponible et serviable
Çok yardımsever bir koordinatör, her zaman tavsiyelerde bulunur ve şüpheler olduğunda yardımcı olur
Doris, Birleşik Krallık
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Obezite Cerrahisi Konsültasyonu İlk başta çok korktum çünkü bu benim ilk ameliyatımdı. Fiyat iyiydi, bakım iyiydi. Ameliyattan önce çok fazla araştırma yapın. Çok temiz bir hastane (Geliştirilebilecek tek şeyin refakatçi için yataklar olduğunu düşünüyorum). Çok yardımsever bir koordinatör, şüpheler olduğunda her zaman tavsiyelerde bulunur ve yardımcı olur. Cevap vermekten asla çekinmedi ve her zaman sevildi. 5 yıldız veriyorum.
Everyone at the hospital is lovely, and kind and can not do enough
Annie, UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
I spoke to Irem nearly a year before my surgery. She was the first person I had spoken to when I was doing my research that didn't just want to talk money with me. She asked how I was!!! Everyone at the hospital is lovely, and kind and can not do enough. I would advise anyone to use this hospital. Nothing is too much bother. I am 4 months in and 5 stone down. I have dropped from a size 22/24 to a size 12/14 and got my life back. I could not be more happy with the choice I made.
Tamam geleceğim dediğim andan itibaren hemşire bana VIP muamelesi yaptı.
Tiffany, Türkiye
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Bridge Health Travel ile olan deneyimim olağanüstü bir şey değildi. İrem çok yardımcı oldu, sabırlı davrandı ve karar verme aşamasında beni süreçle ilgili bilgilendirdi. Tamam geleceğim dediğim andan itibaren bana VIP muamelesi yaptı. Ayrılışıma kadar her adımda oradaydı. Yalnız bir gezgin olarak bu güven vericiydi çünkü her zaman rahat olmamı sağladı. Tüp mide yolculuğuma Bridge Health Travel ile hızlı bir başlangıç ??yapmayı seçtiğim için o kadar mutluyum ki bunu başkalarına da kesinlikle tavsiye ediyorum. Kollu2023.
Their services are comprehensive and well-coordinated, ensuring that patients receive the best poss
Vedat G, US
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Bridge Health Travel is an excellent option for individuals seeking medical treatment abroad. Their services are comprehensive and well-coordinated, ensuring that patients receive the best possible care. The team at Bridge Health Travel is highly professional and knowledgeable, and they go above and beyond to make sure their clients feel comfortable and informed throughout the entire process. I would highly recommend Bridge Health Travel to anyone looking for high-quality medical care in a foreign country
Consultation de chirurgie bariatrique - Le suivi a été incroyable
Debbie Dunlop, Royaume-Uni
No votes yet
Quelle expérience incroyable et bien entretenue. Le suivi était incroyable. Je suis tellement reconnaissant pour tout ce que vous avez fait pour moi. J'ai marché 4 heures après l'opération et je me porte toujours bien 12 jours après l'opération. Je recommande fortement ce chirurgien et Iram.
Dès mon arrivée jusqu'à mon départ, j'ai été extrêmement bien soigné.
Usine Sharon, Royaume-Uni
No votes yet
J'ai été opérée le 16 janvier 2023 et je peux honnêtement dire que les soins que j'ai reçus ont été de 10/10. Dès mon arrivée en Turquie jusqu'à mon départ, j'ai été extrêmement bien pris en charge. Irem, mon interprète, était incroyable, elle est vraiment allée au-delà des attentes. Tout m'a été expliqué concernant mon opération et pour l'après mon opération. Je recommande fortement les voyages de santé en pont.
She made me feel at ease and was there most of the way to explain what was being said
Millicent N., UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
I was received warmly from the airport in a lovely VIP transfer 5*. I was then taken to the hotel which was clean and comfortable. The driver also picked me up in the morning and handed me over to Irem who I must say was so amazing, she made me feel at ease and was there most of the way to explain what was being said. The ward staff were brilliant and the consultant also paid me a visit prior to the procedure which I found reassuring. I only wish Irem was allowed to come into theatre with me until I was asleep. I had the option to stay in the hospital till my flight that evening but decided to go back to the hotel. I also got some advice from the dietician before my departure but unfortunately, she was unwell for the follow-up call, I was however given all the information I needed. Definitely good value for money and would use them again.
Я без колебаний порекомендую вас своему кругу
Джонатан, Великобритания
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Спасибо, Ирем. Я живу мечтой о теле, которое ты мне дал и дал. Я не ожидал, что смогу зайти так далеко за такое короткое время. Я без колебаний порекомендую вас своему кругу. Еще увидимся
Am nächsten Tag wurde ich zur Operation gebracht, alles verlief perfekt, keine Komplikationen
Yvonne H, Großbritannien
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Was für eine tolle Erfahrung mit dem freundlichsten, fürsorglichsten und professionellsten Team. Als mein Sohn und ich in Antalya landeten, wurden wir von einem privaten Transferfahrer abgeholt, der uns eine eiskalte Flasche Wasser gab und uns bequem ins Krankenhaus fuhr. Bei meiner Ankunft traf ich Irem, der mich und meinen Sohn willkommen hieß. Irem sprach ausgezeichnetes Englisch. Sie beantwortete alle Fragen, Irem kennt sich in ihrem Fachgebiet hervorragend aus und aufgrund ihrer eigenen Erfahrung in der Krankenpflege wusste ich, dass es mir gut ging. Am ersten Tag meiner Ankunft im Krankenhaus hatte ich alle körperlichen Gesundheitstests mit High-Tech-Geräten erhalten – diese Tests wurden alle am selben Tag nacheinander mit hervorragender Koordination abgeschlossen. Die Einrichtungen waren sauber, ordentlich und das Personal äußerst freundlich. Sie haben sich alle die Zeit genommen, Sie als Person kennenzulernen. Ich wurde nie gesehen oder hatte nie das Gefühl, nur einer ihrer Patienten zu sein. Das Zimmer war geräumig und das private Zimmer mit Bad wurde regelmäßig 3-4 Mal am Tag gereinigt, mit frischen Handtüchern und Decken jeden Tag, ein Bett wurde für meinen Sohn bereitgestellt (der sagte, es sei bequem), ihm wurden auch 3 Mahlzeiten pro Person angeboten Tag aus dem Krankenhaus. Aber da Irem eine wählerische Esserin ist, nahm sie sich Tag und Nacht die Zeit, eine Essenslieferung für meinen Sohn ins Hotel zu organisieren. An manchen Abenden konnte das zwischen 8 und 9 Uhr sein, wenn Irem bereits den ganzen Tag gearbeitet hatte! Aber nichts war für Irem zu viel Aufwand, sie hat sich nicht nur großartig um mich gekümmert, sondern auch um meinen 17-jährigen Sohn. Ich traf die Chirurgin Dr. Belen, die sehr freundlich war und Fragen stellte. Anschließend erläuterte er alle Fragen und erläuterte mit Hilfe von Irem den gesamten Ablauf ausführlich. Dr. Belen ist äußerst sachkundig und äußerst professionell. Nachdem ich ihn kennengelernt hatte, wusste ich sofort, dass ich in guten Händen war. Am nächsten Tag wurde ich zur Operation gebracht, alles verlief perfekt, keine Komplikationen. Ich wurde von den erstaunlichsten, fürsorglichsten und professionellsten Krankenschwestern überwacht. Mein Sohn, der erst 17 Jahre alt war, bekam ein wenig Angst, während ich mich erholte. Er schrieb Irem eine Nachricht, und Irem rief ihn an und erzählte ihm alles, was an den Maschinen passierte (Piepton). Es war alles normal, Irem kontaktierte die diensthabenden Krankenschwestern und arrangierte, dass sie zur Beruhigung ein wenig Zeit mit meinem Sohn verbringen konnten. Nichts war ihnen zu viel Mühe. Ein paar Tage später hatte ich ein Einzelgespräch mit der Ernährungsberaterin, die mir alle Informationen ausführlich erklärt hat. Meine verschwenderische Reise nach der Operation Ich bin sehr detailliert. Ich erhielt eine Tüte mit Nachsorgematerialien, darunter Vitamine, Proteinpulver, Literatur zu meiner Operation und eine vollständige Kopie meiner medizinischen Unterlagen sowie eine DVD der Operation. Ich bin selbst im medizinischen Beruf tätig und habe diese Erfahrung gemacht. Ich würde dieses Unternehmen wärmstens empfehlen. Wenn Sie eine freundliche, fürsorgliche, professionelle und würdevolle Pflege suchen, dann zögern Sie nicht, mit Irem und ihrem Team haben Sie das richtige Team gefunden. Es gibt immer die Sorge, für eine Operation „ins Ausland zu gehen“, ich hatte diese Sorgen und zweifelte an mir selbst, Aber eines kann ich sagen: Sie brauchen sich wirklich keine Sorgen zu machen. Ich habe so viel Zeit damit verbracht, mir vor der Operation Sorgen zu machen, obwohl ich es nicht brauchte. Ich bin 10 Tage nach der Operation und könnte nicht glücklicher sein als jetzt. Ich hatte überhaupt keine Komplikationen, trinke gut, ich befinde mich derzeit im Stadium der dickeren Flüssigkeit, also habe ich selbstgemachte Suppen gemacht, die mir gut schmecken. Seitdem ich das Krankenhaus verlassen habe, habe ich keine Schmerzlinderung erfahren, nicht weil ich sie nicht gelindert hätte, sondern weil ich sie nicht brauchte.
У них опытные хирурги.
Меаген, Турция
Average: 5 (1 vote)
У компании Bridge Health Travel потрясающие отношения с клиентами. Они мне очень помогали на каждом этапе операции и все организовали для меня. У них есть опытные хирурги. Весь коллектив очень дружный и профессиональный
Я вообще не могу винить компанию
Никки, Великобритания
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Ух ты!! Что я могу сказать, какая фантастическая команда. Я вообще не могу винить компанию. Они все так хорошо обо мне заботились и помогали мне с того момента, как я спросил, и до того, как прошло 9 недель после операции. Это было важное и пугающее решение, но я никогда не чувствовал себя таким расслабленным и непринужденным на протяжении всего пути. Они действительно потрясающие. Они навсегда изменили мою жизнь, и я не могу их отблагодарить. Я бы рекомендовал снова и снова. Спасибо
Der Chirurg, die Krankenschwestern und das Personal sind sehr engagiert – Beratung für bariatrische Chirurgie
Aïcha, Frankreich
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Sie können mit geschlossenen Augen dorthin gehen. Schon vor Ihrer Ankunft steht Ihnen Irem jederzeit zur Verfügung, um ALLE Ihre Fragen zu beantworten! Der Chirurg, die Krankenschwestern und das Personal sind sehr engagiert. Ich bin mehr als glücklich, den Schritt gewagt zu haben, denn ich war sehr gut umgeben und Irem ist auch nach meiner Rückkehr nach Frankreich immer noch verfügbar und hilfsbereit
This clinic was amazing from start to finish, I can’t fault them in the slightest
Kai, UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
I used this surgery to have Top Surgery (double mastectomy with plastics) This clinic was amazing from start to finish, I can’t fault them in the slightest. I had full support before I even flew out. Then was waited on hand and foot from start to finish every day I was there. The hospital was so accommodating and couldn’t have asked for more. The hotel they provided for me was nothing but perfect to recover in.
Je le recommande vivement et j'y retournerai très certainement à l'avenir
Lisa, Royaume-Uni
No votes yet
J'ai voyagé pour une opération chirurgicale qui a eu lieu le 16 janvier 2023, avant, à mon arrivée et tout au long de mon séjour, j'ai été bien soigné. Irem a été présent tout au long du processus, a répondu à toutes vos questions ou préoccupations et a fait de son mieux pour faire de mon expérience un processus agréable et sans stress. Je le recommande vivement et j'y retournerais très certainement à l'avenir.
Çok hoş bir deneyimdi ve her şey muhteşem gitti
Clarissa C., İngiltere
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Gerçekten dalmaya başlamadan önce iki yılı aşkın bir süredir tüp mide ameliyatı olmayı düşünüyordum. Hayatımın yarısı boyunca kilolarımla mücadele ettim ve büyüdüğünü görmek istediğim üç küçük çocuğum var. BHT aracılığıyla rezervasyon yaptıran bir kızı sosyal medyada takip etmiştim. Bana Iram adında bir bayanın iletişim bilgilerini verdi. Beni ameliyata alırken çok titiz davrandı ve prosedürle ilgili sorularım olduğunda her zaman oradaydı. Gün hızla yaklaştı ve ben havaalanında özel bir taksiyle karşılandım, Iram ise gece geç olmasına rağmen hastanedeydi! Hemen hastaneye kabul edildim ve kanlar alındı. Ertesi sabah tüm ameliyat öncesi testlerime götürüldüm ve yol boyunca her şey anlatıldı. Daha sonra o öğleden sonra ameliyata alındım ve çok iyi geçti. Birleşik Krallık'a dönmeden önce 2 gece daha hastanede ve bir gece de otelde geçirdim. Hemşirelerin hepsi çok tatlıydı, iletişim kurmak için ellerinden geleni yaptılar ve hatta yardım etmek için Google çeviriyi bile kullandılar. Hastane güzel ve temizdi, çarşaflar her gün değiştiriliyordu ve çöp kutuları günde 2/3 kez boşaltılıyordu. Çok hoş bir deneyimdi ve her şey muhteşem gitti. Yurt dışında ameliyat olmak isteyen herkese BHT'yi tavsiye ederim.
Je suis à la maison maintenant presque une semaine après l'opération et j'ai perdu 1 pierre - je me sens très bien.
Chloé M, Royaume-Uni
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Wow, que puis-je dire ? J'ai eu la meilleure expérience grâce à Bridge Health Travel (Irem), tout a été discuté avant même de monter dans l'avion. Dès votre arrivée à l'hôpital medstar Irem vous attendra avec le sourire !! Vous êtes admis tout de suite et les examens commencent (ils ne perdent pas de temps) après mon opération, j'ai toujours été surveillée par les infirmières/mon chirurgien et Irem. Partir à l'étranger pour me faire opérer m'a fait peur, mais maintenant que j'en ai fait l'expérience, je le recommande à 100 % et j'y retournerai ! Je suis à la maison maintenant presque une semaine après l'opération et j'ai perdu 1 pierre - je me sens fantastique !! Merci à tous chez Bridge Health Travel de m'avoir aidé à être meilleur et en meilleure santé.
The nurse treated me like VIP, from the moment I said okay I’ll come
Tiffany, Turkey
Average: 5 (1 vote)
My experience with Bridge Health Travel was nothing short of exceptional. Irem was very helpful, and patient and educated me about the process during the decision making. She treated me like VIP, from the moment I said okay I’ll come. All the way to my departure she has been there every step of the way. As a solo traveller it was reassuring because she made certain I was always comfortable. I am so happy that I chose to jumpstart my gastric sleeve journey with Bridge Health Travel and I’d most definitely recommend it to others. Sleeved2023.
Would definitely highly recommend
Nicole, UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Can not fault bridge health travel at all! Had my gastric sleeve on 10/1/2023 after irem being recommended to me and I'm so glad I did! I was anxious excited, nervous scared every emotion you can think of but was really kept at ease the whole time and after surgery the care was incredible, anything I needed was given! And now I'm home the aftercare hasn't stopped I can message any time if I have a query!
Je leur suis reconnaissant pour tous leurs services
Onur C, États-Unis
No votes yet
Ils m'ont aidé pour tout. Ils étaient très attentifs et sympathiques. Vous devriez absolument leur rendre visite. Je suis sûr que vous allez adorer ce service. Je leur suis reconnaissant pour tous leurs services.
I would certainly return and recommend it
Terri, UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
I'm a few days back after having 12 12-month gastric balloon. I went by myself and that was fine as everything was planned very well, pick ups turned up on time each time and Irem took great care of me in the first-class hospital. My first couple of days I felt rough but then quickly got back to feeling like myself by following the eating plan and using the medication provided. I would certainly return and recommend it, now I'm looking forward to the new me.
Insgesamt bin ich sehr zufrieden mit meiner Erfahrung mit dem Krankenhaus und dem gesamten Personal
Natasha, Großbritannien
No votes yet
Ich war so nervös, bevor ich ankam, aber als ich ankam, war Irem da und führte mich durch jeden Schritt des Weges. Die Betreuung, die ich vom Personal erhielt, war unglaublich … Ich wurde ständig überprüft, wechselte meine Bettwäsche und gab mir Medikamente, meine Mutter, die mich kostenlos begleitete, bekam 3 warme Mahlzeiten am Tag. Insgesamt bin ich sehr zufrieden mit meiner Erfahrung mit dem Krankenhaus und dem gesamten Personal
Ein professioneller, respektvoller und sympathischer Mensch
Rachel, Großbritannien
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Vom Start zum Ziel. Ich habe nur positive Worte. Irem war fantastisch. Vom Treffen im Krankenhaus bis zum Abschiedswinken im Hotel. Sie hat einen stressigen Prozess so einfach gemacht. Dr. Belen war fantastisch – ein professioneller, respektvoller und sympathischer Mensch. Ich habe mich lange und intensiv über diesen Vorgang und alle Unternehmen informiert, die dies angeboten haben. Bridge Health ist das Unternehmen, das Sie nutzen sollten. Ich freue mich auf meine neue Lebensweise – meine neue Ernährung und das in ein paar Monaten. Mein neuer Look. Vielen Dank an Bridge Health für alles
Absolument génial du début à la fin
Gemma, Royaume-Uni
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Je ne saurais trop recommander Bridgehealth. Absolument génial du début à la fin. Irem est incroyable, des appels vidéo jusqu'à ce que vous vous sentiez si à l'aise même 3 mois après l'opération, pour me surveiller. J'avais tellement de nerfs mais Irem a rendu mon séjour si facile. Le suivi est également incroyable x
Very helpful coordinator, always advises and helps when there are doubts
Doris, UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Bariatric Surgery Consultation At first I was very scared because it was my first surgery. Price was good, care was good. Lots of research before surgery. Very clean hospital (I think the only thing that could be improved are beds for the accompanying person). Very helpful coordinator, always advises and helps when there are doubts. She never hesitated to answer and was always loved. I rate it 5 stars.
Obezite Cerrahisi Konsültasyonu - Hemşireler sevimli ve kibardı
Chelsea, İngiltere
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Hastane çok güzel ve temizdi. Testler hızlı ve etkiliydi. Hemşireler sevimli ve kibardı. Cerrah harika bir iş çıkardı; kendinizi rahatlatmak için tüm sorularınızı sorduğunuzdan emin olun. Sorularınız olursa İrem arayabilirsiniz! Otel de güzeldi.
Cette clinique a été incroyable du début à la fin, je n'ai rien à leur reprocher du tout
Kai, Royaume-Uni
No votes yet
J'ai utilisé cette chirurgie pour subir une Top Surgery (double mastectomie avec plastiques). Cette clinique a été incroyable du début à la fin, je n'ai rien à leur reprocher. J’ai bénéficié d’un soutien total avant même de prendre l’avion. Ensuite, j'ai été attendu du début à la fin chaque jour où j'étais là-bas. L'hôpital était très accommodant et n'aurait pas pu demander mieux. L’hôtel qu’ils m’ont proposé était tout simplement parfait pour récupérer.
What a good experience
Alice, Turkey
Average: 5 (1 vote)
I’ve Been my plastic upper eyelid surgery with that clinic! What a good experience! Best surgical team, best after care !! Thank you so much for everything!
Определенно очень рекомендую
Николь, Великобритания
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Ни в коем случае нельзя винить мост в медицинском путешествии! 01.10.2023 мне сделали желудочный рукав после того, как мне порекомендовали ирем, и я так рада, что сделала это! Я был взволнован, нервничал, боялся всех эмоций, о которых только можно подумать, но все время чувствовал себя спокойно, и после операции уход был невероятным, все, что мне было нужно, было предоставлено! И теперь я дома, уход не прекратился, я могу написать в любое время, если у меня возникнут вопросы!
Das Unternehmen hat mir in jedem Prozess geholfen
Lisa T, USA
No votes yet
Ich hatte eine Operation. Es war so gut. Das Unternehmen hat mir in jedem Prozess geholfen. Ich empfehle diese Firma
A professional, respectful and personable human being
Rachel, UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
From start to finish. I have nothing but positive words. Irem has been fantastic. From meeting us at the hospital to waving us goodbye at the hotel. She has made a stressful process so easy. Dr Belen was fantastic - a professional, respectful and personable human being. I researched long and hard regarding this operation, and from all the companies that offered this. Bridge Health is the company to use. I am looking forward to my new way of life - my new diet and within a few months. My new look. Thank you Bridge Health for everything
If I could give my experience of this surgery 10 stars I would.
Paula, UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
I couldn’t have asked for any better- from the VIP transfers to the hospital .. the actual surgery .. the care I received from everyone including the nurses. The surgeon checks up on the before and after surgery. Irem was with me the whole way if I needed her - she is a wee gem! The hotel was lovely…. If I could give my experience of this surgery 10 stars I would. I’m back home 6 weeks tomorrow and feeling fine!! I didn’t even have the gas pain afterwards! I could go on and on about my treatment but honestly, if you’re in doubt - do it! Just wish I had sooner.
L'ensemble du processus était génial
Carly L, Royaume-Uni
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Irem est une femme merveilleuse et gentille qui fera tout son possible pour s'assurer que vous soyez heureux et à l'aise. J'ai reçu un ballon gastrique avec le Dr Belen et Bridge Travel, et j'ai également travaillé en dentisterie. L'ensemble du processus était génial, je ne voulais pas quitter Antalya car nous avons été si bien accueillis, si vous n'êtes pas sûr de la chirurgie à l'étranger, ne le soyez pas, vous êtes entre d'excellentes mains avec les voyages en pont !

Weight Loss Surgery Reviews in Turkey

My experience has been excellent
Kimberley B, UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
What can I say absolutely excellent care from enquiry to the aftercare and support. Irem the care co ordinator saw the whole process through from the very start . Arrived and was collected from the airport and met in person at the hospital by Irem pre operative tests very through bloods, ultrasound, X-ray, echocardiogram, only then cleared for surgery. Irem was there supporting at every step even escorting me to surgery and was there when I returned to my room. Hospital was spotless and medical staff very competent and skilled. Surgeon was available to answer questions and reassure. Nutrition support ongoing. My experience has been excellent.
Couldn’t fault my experience there at all
Nicole U., UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Absolutely phenomenal experience.. staff was lovely and very helpful.. everything explained and very thorough! Irem and the team there are all lovely! Couldn’t fault my experience there at all! I had the gastric sleeve to loose weight too have a child of my own 5 stone lost soo far! And no complications all gone swimmingly
My overall experience was nothing short of amazing
Vanessa Lorenzo, UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Irem's support and care throughout my entire hospital stay, from the initial consultation to the post-operative phase, was nothing short of exceptional. She walked me through every aspect of the gastric sleeve surgery, ensuring I had a clear understanding of what to expect. Irem also oversaw a comprehensive examination of my body to ensure my organs and overall health were in good condition, leaving no room for uncertainty. Her reassuring presence made me feel incredibly safe and well-cared for throughout the entire process, which was immensely comforting. The post-operative phase was marked by a seamless experience, with everything going perfectly according to plan. Irem remained a constant source of guidance, always available to address any questions or concerns I had. She provided comprehensive and professional insights into the post-surgery diet and nutrition plan, covering all the necessary vitamins and nutrients I needed to maintain my health and well-being. My overall experience was nothing short of amazing. I wholeheartedly recommend Irem's services to anyone considering gastric sleeve surgery. Her expertise, support, and commitment to patient care made a significant difference in my journey, and I have full confidence that she can offer the same exceptional support to others seeking a similar transformation.
From the minute I arrived to the minute I left I was looked after extremely well
Sharon Plant, UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
I had my surgery on January 16th 2023 and I can honestly say the care I received was 10/10. From the minute I arrived in Turkey to the minute I left I was looked after extremely well. Irem my interpreter was amazing she really did go above and beyond. Everything was explained to me regarding my operation and for after my operation. I highly recommend bridge health travel.
The hospital is immaculate and the surgeon was very helpful with aftercare
Samantha W., UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
I would definitely recommend this service. The hospital is immaculate and the surgeon was very helpful with aftercare. Irem is a godsend.
I’m so happy I went through with this
Georgia F., UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
I am one week post-op, and honestly couldn’t have chosen a better company to go with. It made me feel so comfortable and welcome. I was soooo nervous, but they all made me feel so at ease. Irem was amazing, and I’m so happy I went through with this. I'm looking forward to my future with thanks to Bridge Health
Would recommend using this company
Rosie C., UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
I had the gastric sleeve after have the balloon for a year. Highly recommend. Very thorough with pre and post operation care. Hotel is very clean and professional. Surgeon is English speaking and so is the health care coordinator, they keep in touch with you and help every step of the way. 2 months in and I’ve lost 3 stone
I'm a few days back after having 12 12-month gastric balloon.
Alexandra Lawrence
Average: 5 (1 vote)
I'm a few days back after having 12 12-month gastric balloon. I went by myself and that was fine as everything was planned very well, pick ups turned up on time each time and Irem took great care of me in the first-class hospital. My first couple of days I felt rough but then quickly got back to feeling like myself by following the eating plan and using the medication provided. I would certainly return and recommend it, now I'm looking forward to the new me.
The whole process was awesome
Carly L, UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Irem is a wonderful kind lady who will go to any length to ensure you are happy and comfortable. I got a gastric balloon with Dr Belen and Bridge travel, and I also had dentistry work. The whole process was awesome, I did not want to leave Antalya as we were made so welcome, if you are unsure about surgery abroad don’t be, you are in excellent hands with bridge travel!
Overall really happy with my experience with the hospital and all the staff
Natasha, UK
Average: 4 (1 vote)
I was so nervous before arriving, but as soon as I arrived Irem was there and led me through every step of the way , the care I received from the staff was amazing … I was constantly being checked in on , changing my bedding and giving me medication, my mum who came with me for free received 3 hot meals a day. Overall really happy with my experience with the hospital and all the staff
I'm grateful to them for all their services
Onur C, US
Average: 5 (1 vote)
They helped me with everything. They were very attentive and friendly. You definitely should visit them. I'm sure you will love this service. I'm grateful to them for all their services.
Was such a pleasant experience and everything went fab
Clarissa C., UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
I had been contemplating having a gastric sleeve for over two years before actually taking the plunge. I have struggled with my weight for half of my lifetime and I have three young children I want to see grow up. I had followed a girl on social media who had booked through BHT. She gave me the contact info for a lady named Iram. She was very thorough when booking me in for surgery and was always there when I had questions about the procedure. The day fast approached and I was met at the airport by a private taxi, and Iram at the hospital even with it being a late night! I was admitted straight away and bloods taken. The following morning I was taken for all my pre-op tests and everything was explained along the way. I was then booked in for surgery that afternoon, which went very well. I spent 2 more nights in the hospital and one night at a hotel before travelling back to the UK. All the nurses were lovely, they tried their hardest to communicate and even used google translate to help. The hospital was lovely & clean, bed sheets were changed daily, and bins emptied 2/3 times a day. Was such a pleasant experience and everything went fab. I would recommend BHT to anyone wanting surgery abroad.
After that, I was brought to the tidy and cozy motel. The driver also got me up in the morning and gave me to Irem
Ruth Rutherford
Average: 5 (1 vote)
After that, I was brought to the tidy and cozy motel. The driver also got me up in the morning and gave me to Irem, who was truly wonderful; she put me at ease and stayed with me the majority of the time to clarify what was being stated. The specialist visited me before the treatment, which gave me peace of mind, and the ward personnel was excellent. All I want is to be able to bring Irem into the theater with me until I fall asleep. I chose to return to the hotel instead of staying in the hospital until my departure that evening. Before I left, the nutritionist also gave me some suggestions, but regrettably
Feel so much more confident and happier
Demi, UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
From start to finish and on going I’ve had a perfect surgery along with aftercare. I am from the UK and I was a nervous wreck even laying on the table prior to the surgery I was crying my eyes out, as I was so scared but all the staff and Dr Belen was so reassuring caring and overall lovely. Irem met me as soon as we landed and has been there throughout. I had slight gas pain after which is normal but they was on top of all pain relief, fluids everything! Couldn’t fault the clinic. I’m 10 weeks post-op and 2st 10b down and feel so much more confident and happier. Thank you for changing my life
She talked me through everything and explained everything I needed to know
Kayleigh B, UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
I couldn’t recommend this company enough, I was like any other patient scared and didn’t know what to expect but soon as I got off the plane I was welcomed straight away by a vip taxi that took us to the hospital where I met the amazing Iram, she talked me through everything and explained everything I needed to know. The hospital itself was so clean we had cleaners come in our room about 4 times a day, also they were amazing with our companion and give them meals 3 times a day. I had abit of complications after surgery where I needed 3 blood transfusions but yet again irem, the surgeon and her team made me feel so at ease and not worried. Day 4 we went to a hotel by vip transfers and the hotel was amazing. Since getting home irem messages me or could ring me anytime I need to ask a question. Honestly, I couldn’t recommend this company enough but most of all to irem for changing my life
Would use it again if necessary.
Junifer John
No votes yet
Great care, Not the cheapest but an excellent result. Would use it again if necessary.
I couldn't recommend them enough
Kinga, UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
I highly recommend this place to anyone who is wanting any work done. I genuinely couldn't explain how exceptional they were, from the very start to the very end. Super clean and friendly place, who treat you like VIP. Every single staff member genuinely cares for you and is always making sure you are OK. I even had cleaners coming to me all the time and making sure I'm OK or if I needed anything. Also, there was an Amazing lady called Irem who assisted me through everything, and she also kept in contact with my husband who was back home, to tell him everything was OK with me and assured him all the way whilst I was in recovery. But honestly, me explaining my experience is nothing compared to the actual experience. I couldn't recommend them enough
Very nice and professional staff
Cora, UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Very nice and professional staff. I 100% recommend this place if you are looking to get any procedure done.
I'm sure you will love this service. I'm grateful to them for all their services.
Lily Taylor
Average: 5 (1 vote)
They helped me with everything. They were very attentive and friendly. You definitely should visit them. I'm sure you will love this service. I'm grateful to them for all their services.
I recommend it to everyone
Lisa T, US
Average: 5 (1 vote)
They helped me in all matters, and they were of great help in every process. I recommend it to everyone
The surgeon, the nurses, the staff are very craint - Bariatric Surgery Consultation
Aïcha, France
Average: 5 (1 vote)
You can go there with your eyes closed. Even before your arrival Irem is very available to answer ALL your questions! The surgeon, the nurses, the staff are very craint. I am more than happy to have taken the plunge because I was very well surrounded and even since my return to France Irem is still available and helpful
  • Gastric Sleeve in Turkey with Dr. Murat Kağan Bilge | Bridge Health Travel
  • My weight loss trip to Turkey: “I couldn't wait for NHS help | Bridge Health Travel
  • Our Luxury Beach Hotel in Antalya
Our Treatments:

Gastric Sleeve |  Gastric Bypass Gastric Balloon Mini Gastric Bypass Scarless Gastric Sleeve


Revisional Surgeries | Hotel Accommodation Nursing Care Services at Hotel Continued Dietitian Support After Surgery Consultation & Treatment Planning Preoperative Tests Continued Dietitian Support After Surgery Transfers (Airport-Hotel-Clinic)

FQ About Gastric Balloon Clinic in Antalya / Turkey

Endoscopic Sleeve Gastroplasty (ESG) is a non-surgical weight-loss procedure where a gastroenterologist uses an endoscope to stitch the stomach into a smaller size, reducing its capacity. Unlike traditional bariatric surgery, ESG is performed through the mouth and doesn’t involve cutting or removing any part of the stomach. Recovery is quicker, and the procedure is reversible, but the weight loss achieved is typically less significant than with RNY or gastric sleeve surgery.
Fat burning pills aim to increase the body's ability to burn fat by boosting metabolism or energy expenditure. Common ingredients include caffeine, green tea extract, and other thermogenic substances. However, the effectiveness and safety of these supplements can vary, and they should be used cautiously.
The primary difference between mini gastric bypass surgery and a full gastric bypass is that the mini version of the surgery is performed in a modified manner that involves less intestinal rerouting and a shorter overall surgery time. After surgery, you should avoid nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as aspirin, ibuprofen (Motrin, Advil) and naproxen (Aleve). NSAIDs increase the risk of stomach ulcers. Patients who had gastric bypass surgery should avoid these medications indefinitely. Bread, Rice... +More
A private gastric band surgery offers shorter waiting times compared to the NHS, but it comes at a cost. In the UK, private clinics charge between £1,450 and £8,000 for the surgery, with additional fees for follow-up appointments and band adjustments.
The gastric sleeve procedure in Turkey is generally safe, with complication rates similar to global standards. The death rate for gastric sleeve surgery is extremely low, typically less than 1%. Most hospitals in Turkey follow international safety standards and use modern techniques to reduce the risk of complications. However, like any surgery, it does carry risks such as infection, bleeding, or complications from anesthesia. Patients are encouraged to research the qualifications of the surgeon and the clinic to... +More
The average cost for gastric sleeve surgery in Turkey is €3.500,00 or 3000 £ (all-inclusive package), However, The cost may vary from one clinic to another, and there are a few more factors that can affect your average gastric surgery cost in Antalya - Turkey. Bariatric Surgery Turkey Price For more details in our article, How much does gastric sleeve cost in Antalya where you will find all the information about How much does gastric sleeve cost in Antalya please contact us. How much does gastric sleeve cost in... +More
For individuals struggling with obesity, there are many options for weight-loss help, including bariatric surgery, medication, lifestyle changes, and behavioral therapies. Consulting with a healthcare provider can help determine the best course of action based on individual needs and health conditions.
Gastro consultants are specialists in diagnosing and treating conditions related to the digestive system, including the stomach, intestines, liver, and pancreas. They help manage conditions like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), acid reflux, ulcers, and gastrointestinal cancers. Regular consultations are key for patients with chronic digestive issues or those undergoing treatments like bariatric surgery.
Gastric sleeve surgery in Turkey is one of the most popular weight loss surgery treatments. This bariatric surgery treatment is popular as it is one of the more effective treatments for weight loss.
After a gastric bypass, the volume the new, smaller stomach can hold is reduced from about 1 quart to about 1 ounce, or 2 tablespoons. Over time, the stomach pouch will stretch until it can hold 4 to 8 ounces, or about 1/2 to 1 cup, at a time.
Following gastric sleeve surgery, patients adhere to a post-op diet that gradually transitions from liquids to pureed foods, soft foods, and eventually solid meals. High-protein, low-carb meals are recommended to promote healing and support long-term weight loss while avoiding nutrient deficiencies.


Bridge Health Travel Antalya

  • 1
    Welcome! From the moment you arrive at the airport, our private driver will pick you up and it takes you to the airport, hotel and the hospital.
  • 2
    Your medical trip is perfectly scheduled! Our interpreters will be with you at the airport,hotel and the hospital. We will do all the logistics for you in order to ensure your comfort.
  • 3
    Your accommodation is booked! Our consultants will provide you a variety of hotels to pick. You can stay at wherever you want!
  • 4
    Consulting is all free! Our medical team will be at your service for a lifetime and answer all your questions and requests! We are always with you!
Gastric Bypass and Mini Gastric Bypass Procedure in AntalyaWhy do people consider Turkey?People consider Turkey for several reasons:Historical and Cultural Significance: Turkey is known for its rich history and cultural heritage. It has been home to various civilizations, including the Byzantine Empire and the Ottoman Empire, which have left a lasting impact on the country. Turkey boasts numerous historical sites and landmarks, such as the ancient city of Ephesus, the Hagia Sophia, and the Topkapi Palace, which attract tourists and history enthusiasts.Geographical Location: Turkey is located at the crossroads of Europe and Asia, making it a unique destination with a blend of Eastern and Western influences. Its strategic location has played... +More


  • £ 1580
    £ 1450

    Give a call to learn more about what’s included and to come up with a tailored plan if you need unique accommodations that are not listed below.

    • Airport
    • Hotel
    • Hospital transfer
    • The balloon is placed via endoscopy, the procedure takes 15-20 minutes and you are discharged after 2-3 hours.  It is enough to stay here for 1 night.
    • Blood samples & x-rays
    • 5 year follow up
  • £ 2750
    £ 2550


    Give a call to learn more about what’s included and to come up with a tailored plan if you need unique accommodations that are not listed below.
    • Airport
    • Hotel
    • Hospital transfer
    • 4 day stay at hospital
    • Blood samples & x-rays
    • 5 year follow up
  • £ 3100
    £ 2900


    Give a call to learn more about what’s included and to come up with a tailored plan if you need unique accommodations that are not listed below.
    • Airport
    • Hotel
    • Hospital transfer
    • 4 day stay at hospital
    • Blood samples & x-rays
    • 5 year follow up