Weight Loss Surgery Turkey Cost Aesthetic Travel

Pricing for Bariatric Surgery in Turkey / Antalya at Aesthetic Travel

5 Years of Helping 15,000+ People Change Their Lives
With Bridge Health Travel®, you are never alone. Our team in the Antalya / Turkey is with you every step of the way.

Gastric Sleeve Procedure Package Cost Turkey / Antalya £ 1450 | Gastric Balloon Procedure Package Cost Turkey / Antalya £ 2550 |  Mini Gastric Procedure Bypass Package Turkey £ 2900


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Aesthetic Travel Turkey, Gastric Balloon in Turkey


She went above and beyond
.., UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Husband had this surgery in September 2023. I was absolutely terrified with hearing stories of operations going wrong etc. But the Irem showed so much support. She went above and beyond. The hospital staff are amazing such good care overall our experience was excellent I would highly recommend to anyone. Thank you so much Irem
I was a solo traveller, but never ever felt alone there
Tracy, UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
I had a gastric sleeve 4 weeks ago today, the level of care I received was above and beyond from the moment I arrived until I was back at home. I was a solo traveller, but never ever felt alone there. Irem and Sasha went out of their way to make me feel at ease and my surgeon Dr Erdem came to visit me every day before and after surgery. If I decide to go back in the future for any plastics I won't hesitate to go back there . I am already over 2 stone lighter since starting my journey.
Overall really happy with my experience with the hospital and all the staff
Natasha, UK
Average: 4 (1 vote)
I was so nervous before arriving, but as soon as I arrived Irem was there and led me through every step of the way , the care I received from the staff was amazing … I was constantly being checked in on , changing my bedding and giving me medication, my mum who came with me for free received 3 hot meals a day. Overall really happy with my experience with the hospital and all the staff
My experience has been excellent
Kimberley B, UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
What can I say absolutely excellent care from enquiry to the aftercare and support. Irem the care co ordinator saw the whole process through from the very start . Arrived and was collected from the airport and met in person at the hospital by Irem pre operative tests very through bloods, ultrasound, X-ray, echocardiogram, only then cleared for surgery. Irem was there supporting at every step even escorting me to surgery and was there when I returned to my room. Hospital was spotless and medical staff very competent and skilled. Surgeon was available to answer questions and reassure. Nutrition support ongoing. My experience has been excellent.
Je suis maintenant à la maison sans douleur résiduelle, je m'habitue juste à mon nouveau régime alimentaire et à mon petit ventre.
Brooke B, Royaume-Uni
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Quelle expérience fantastique. À notre arrivée à Antalya, nous avons été accueillis par un chauffeur de transfert privé qui nous a conduits confortablement à l'hôpital (un véritable hôpital, pas une petite clinique). Là, j'ai rencontré Irem qui m'a accueilli chaleureusement, moi et mon mari, et parlait un anglais excellent. Elle a répondu à toutes les questions et a pu me calmer complètement. Irem était incroyablement compétente – avec sa propre expérience en soins infirmiers – nous savions donc que j'étais entre de bonnes mains. Deux heures après mon arrivée à l'hôpital (très propre), j'avais subi une multitude de tests de santé physique utilisant des équipements de haute technologie - ces tests auraient eu lieu pendant des mois au Royaume-Uni, donc j'ai été impressionné ! Les installations étaient propres, bien rangées et le personnel extrêmement sympathique. Nos chambres privées avec salle de bains privative étaient nettoyées régulièrement, avec des serviettes et des couvertures fraîches tous les jours, voire plus souvent. Mon mari qui voyageait avec moi s'est vu offrir 3 repas par jour à l'hôpital. J'ai rencontré le chirurgien - qui pratique uniquement la chirurgie bariatrique - qui s'est montré très sympathique et encouragé à poser des questions. Il m'a expliqué, avec l'aide d'Irem, ce qui allait se passer et combien de temps je serais en chirurgie, etc. Le jour où j'ai été emmené au bloc opératoire, tout s'est parfaitement bien passé. J'ai été suivie très régulièrement par les plus charmantes infirmières pour s'assurer que mon état postopératoire était bon. Rien n'était trop leur demander, ils sont très efficaces et toutes les procédures ont été effectuées absolument comme vous le verriez au Royaume-Uni (juste plus rapidement). J'ai eu une conversation en tête-à-tête avec un diététicien qui m'a expliqué mon parcours d'émaciation après l'opération. Je suis très détaillé. On m'a donné un sac géant contenant des vitamines, des poudres de protéines, de la documentation concernant mon opération chirurgicale - à quoi m'attendre, etc., ainsi qu'une copie complète de mes notes médicales. J'ai été emmené par transfert privé à l'hôtel, qui était charmant et situé dans un endroit fabuleux. Mon mari et moi étions très à l'aise. Je recommanderais cette entreprise de tout cœur. Je pense qu'il y a toujours l'inquiétude de « partir à l'étranger » pour une opération chirurgicale, mais j'ai été très impressionné par l'efficacité, la propreté, la gentillesse et les connaissances de l'équipe tout au long du processus. Je crois que vous obtenez plus que ce que vous payez et je suis très heureux de commencer mon nouveau parcours de perte de poids après l'opération. Je suis maintenant à la maison sans douleur résiduelle, je m'habitue juste à mon nouveau régime alimentaire et à mon petit ventre. Merci a tous! Je vous remercie vraiment x Traité par : Mme İrem GÜLER
Would definitely highly recommend
Nicole, UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Can not fault bridge health travel at all! Had my gastric sleeve on 10/1/2023 after irem being recommended to me and I'm so glad I did! I was anxious excited, nervous scared every emotion you can think of but was really kept at ease the whole time and after surgery the care was incredible, anything I needed was given! And now I'm home the aftercare hasn't stopped I can message any time if I have a query!
Tout a été expliqué en détail et les soins que j'ai reçus étaient vraiment un plus
Lisa, Royaume-Uni
No votes yet
Irem et son équipe sont absolument incroyables ! Tout mon parcours pour ma manche gastrique s’est déroulé extrêmement bien. Tout a été expliqué en détail et les soins que j'ai reçus étaient vraiment un plus. Depuis qu'il est à la maison, Irem est disponible pour répondre à toutes mes questions. Rien n'est trop pour l'équipe.
Das Krankenhauspersonal war freundlich und hilfsbereit
Rachel, Großbritannien
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Schlauchmagen. Bridge Health Travel hat die unglaublichste Dame Irem, die meiner Meinung nach das Herz und die Seele von Bridge Health Travel ist. Ihr Kundenservice übertrifft die Erwartungen. Jede Frage vom ersten Kontakt bis zur weiteren Unterstützung nach der Operation wird effektiv und schnell beantwortet. Der Chirurg war sachkundig und überprüfte mehrmals vor und nach der Operation. Das Krankenhauspersonal war freundlich und hilfsbereit. Insgesamt kann ich an meiner Erfahrung nichts auszusetzen haben. Ich bin erst etwas mehr als eine Woche nach der Operation und bereue nichts und bin froh, dass ich Bridge Health Travel als Teil meiner Reise genutzt habe.
Her şey çok detaylı bir şekilde anlatıldı ve gördüğüm ilgi gerçekten A artıydı
Lisa, İngiltere
Average: 5 (1 vote)
İrem ve ekibi kesinlikle harika! Tüp mide ameliyatım için tüm yolculuğum son derece sorunsuz geçti. Her şey çok detaylı bir şekilde anlatıldı ve gördüğüm ilgi gerçekten bir artıydı. İrem eve geldiğimden beri her türlü sorumu yanıtlamaya hazırdı. Takım için hiçbir şey çok fazla değil.
Je n'aurais pas pu rêver d'une meilleure expérience - Consultation de chirurgie bariatrique
Gary R, ??Royaume-Uni
Average: 5 (1 vote)
J'ai voyagé la semaine dernière pour une opération. Tout ce que je peux dire, c'est que si vous envisagez de faire cela, contactez les personnes qui l'ont déjà fait, car elles seront toujours prêtes à vous raconter leur histoire. En ce qui concerne Bridge Health, je n'aurais pas pu rêver d'une meilleure expérience. Serviable, solidaire, professionnel mais surtout attentionné. Toutes les questions ou conseils dont vous aviez besoin ont été proposés et sont restés en contact depuis mon retour à la maison pour s'assurer que tout est sur la bonne voie.
Insgesamt bin ich sehr zufrieden mit meiner Erfahrung mit dem Krankenhaus und dem gesamten Personal
Natasha, Großbritannien
No votes yet
Ich war so nervös, bevor ich ankam, aber als ich ankam, war Irem da und führte mich durch jeden Schritt des Weges. Die Betreuung, die ich vom Personal erhielt, war unglaublich … Ich wurde ständig überprüft, wechselte meine Bettwäsche und gab mir Medikamente, meine Mutter, die mich kostenlos begleitete, bekam 3 warme Mahlzeiten am Tag. Insgesamt bin ich sehr zufrieden mit meiner Erfahrung mit dem Krankenhaus und dem gesamten Personal
Ich konnte ihnen nichts vorwerfen
Katie, Großbritannien
No votes yet
Fantastisches Team! Ich konnte ihnen nichts vorwerfen. Die Betreuung war von der Ankunft bis zur Entlassung hervorragend. Würde sofort wiederkommen! Vielen Dank, dass du mein Leben verändert hast.
I would certainly return and recommend it
Terri, UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
I'm a few days back after having 12 12-month gastric balloon. I went by myself and that was fine as everything was planned very well, pick ups turned up on time each time and Irem took great care of me in the first-class hospital. My first couple of days I felt rough but then quickly got back to feeling like myself by following the eating plan and using the medication provided. I would certainly return and recommend it, now I'm looking forward to the new me.
Visited every day post op to check on me. I would fully recommend them and wouldn’t hesitate to use again if needed 5*
Jack MacDonald
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Had a fantastic experience with Bridge travel. Irem was a great support and my surgeon Op. Dr. Eden Can Yardimci was amazing. Visited every day post op to check on me. I would fully recommend them and wouldn’t hesitate to use again if needed 5*
Ich hätte nicht mehr verlangen können
Ryan, Großbritannien
No votes yet
Von der Buchung über die Ankunft bis zur Abreise hatte ich 5 Sterne. Ich hätte nicht mehr verlangen können. Der Preis war gut, die Betreuung war hervorragend. Fast drei Monate nach der Operation hat es mein Leben verändert. Die Ärmeloperation war für mich das Richtige und ich werde weiterhin langsam abnehmen, um langfristig mein Ziel zu erreichen.
Je suis vraiment reconnaissant pour le travail que vous faites, j'espère que vous aiderez beaucoup plus de personnes
MD, Royaume-Uni
No votes yet
J'ai vécu une expérience inoubliable, merci pour votre service. Ils rendent les traitements abordables par rapport aux autres. L'hôpital dans lequel j'ai été admis était extrêmement agréable, très propre et spacieux, le personnel s'occupera correctement de vous et prendra soin de vous. Tout a été réglé depuis la prise en charge à l'aéroport, les tests en laboratoire, les soins de suivi après l'opération et tout. Je suis vraiment reconnaissant pour le travail que vous faites, j'espère que vous aiderez beaucoup plus de personnes
Defo 5-star
Allison, UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
I would recommend the hospital and also the surgeon, but I couldn't do enough for myself Irem is lovely and will be available 24/7 if I get any more surgery. I would go by Bridge Health Travel as the best ***** defo 5-star.
Le personnel de l'hôpital était sympathique et serviable
Rachel, Royaume-Uni
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Manchon gastrique. Bridge Health Travel compte la dame la plus extraordinaire, Irem, qui, à mon avis, est le cœur et l'âme de Bridge Health Travel. Son service client est au-delà des niveaux attendus. Chaque question, du premier point de contact au soutien continu après l'opération, est traitée efficacement et rapidement. Le chirurgien était compétent et s'est enregistré plusieurs fois avant et après l'opération. Le personnel de l'hôpital était sympathique et serviable. Dans l'ensemble, je n'ai rien à reprocher à mon expérience. Je ne suis qu'à un peu plus d'une semaine après l'opération jusqu'à présent, je ne regrette rien et je suis heureux d'avoir utilisé Bridge Health Travel dans le cadre de mon voyage.
I couldn’t have asked for a better experience - Bariatric Surgery Consultation
Gary R, UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
I travelled last week for surgery. All I can say is if you are thinking of having this done, reach out to people who’ve already done it as they’ll always be willing to tell you their story. In relation to Bridge Health, I couldn’t have asked for a better experience. Helpful, supportive, professional but most importantly, caring. Any questions or guidance that you needed they offered and have stayed in touch since I came home to make sure everything is on track.
Everything was thoroughly explained at all points, tests were extremely thorough
Natalya, UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
I went to Turkey in September 2023 for gastric sleeve surgery. We were picked up at the airport in a private transfer and taken to the hospital and greeted by the wonderful Irem. The staff were amazing, the nurses and staff at the hospital, the cleaners, the surgeon were all brilliant. Irem took care of me and was there every step of the way, any questions were answered and I felt so at ease. Everything was thoroughly explained at all points, tests were extremely thorough. Thankyou Bridge Health Travel for giving me the best possible service and giving me a new lease of life! X
Ich hätte mir keine bessere Operation wünschen können
Afya, Großbritannien
No votes yet
Ich hatte am 16.01. einen Schlauchmagen und meine Erfahrung war großartig. Bisher habe ich 16 kg abgenommen, das Schwesternteam war großartig. Irem war bei der Übersetzung aller Fragen hervorragend, dass meine Nähte perfekt verheilen und ich mir keine bessere Operation hätte wünschen können.
Had a gastric balloon and everything was simple and straight forward.
Matt Tucker
Average: 5 (1 vote)
I would recommend this clinic Had a gastric balloon and everything was simple and straight forward.
Ich werde Sie ohne zu zögern in meinem Kreis weiterempfehlen
Jonathan, Großbritannien
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Danke, Irem. Ich lebe mit dem Traum von dem Körper, den du mir gegeben und gegeben hast. Ich hätte nicht erwartet, in so kurzer Zeit so weit zu kommen. Ich werde Sie ohne zu zögern in meinem Kreis weiterempfehlen. Wir sehen uns wieder
The next day I was taken down for surgery, everything went perfectly well no complications
Yvonne H, UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
What an amazing experience with the most kind, caring and professional team. When me and my son landing in Antalya we were met by a private transfer driver who gave us an ice-cold bottle of water and drove us in comfort to the hospital. On arrival I met Irem who welcomed me and my son, Irem spoke excellent English. She answered all questions, Irem is extremely knowledgeable in her field of work and with her own nursing experience, I knew I was just fine. The first day of arriving at the hospital, I had received all the test of physical health tests using high-tech equipment - these tests were all completed the same day one after another with excellent coordination. The facilities were clean, tidy and the staff extremely friendly, they all took the time to get to know you as a Person, I was never seen or never felt like I was just another one of their patients. The room was spacious and the private en-suite room was cleaned regularly 3-4 times a day, with fresh towels and blankets every day, a bed was provided for my son (who stated is was comfortable) he was also offered 3 meals per day from the hospital. But being a fussy eater Irem took the time out of her day/night to arrange a food delivery to be brought to the hotel for my son, some nights this could be around 8-9 0clock when Irem had already done a full days work! But nothing was to much of an effort for Irem, she didn’t only look after me amazingly she also looked after my 17yr old son. I met the surgeon Dr Belen who was very friendly and encouraged questions. He would then explain all questions and fully explained the full procedure with the help of Irem. Dr Belen is extremely knowledgeable and extremely professional, after meeting him I immediately know I was in good hands. The next day I was taken down for surgery, everything went perfectly well no complications. I was monitored by the most amazing, caring, professional nurses, my son only being 17yrs old got a little frighted whilst I was in recovery, he messaged Irem and Irem rang him and talked him through everything that was happening on the machines (bleeping) was all normal, Irem contacted the nurses on duty and arrange for them to spend a bit of time with my son for reassurance Nothing was too much trouble for them. A couple of days later I had a 1-2-1 with the dietician who explained all information to me in great depth. my wasting journey post-surgery I’m great detail. I was given a bag of aftercare materials, these included vitamins, protein powders, literature regarding my surgery and full copy of my medical notes along with a DVD of the surgery. Being in the medical profession myself and going through this experience. I would highly recommend this company. If you are looking for kind, caring, professional, dignified care then don’t hesitate you have found the right team with Irem and her team. there is always the worry about “going abroad” for surgery, I had them worries and doubt myself, but if there is one thing I can say is you really don’t need to worry, I spent so much time leading to the operation worrying when I didn’t need to. I am 10 days post-op, and couldn’t be happier than I am right now, iv had no complications at all, drinking fine, I’m currently on the thicker fluid stage so made homemade soups they are going down just fine. I haven’t had any pain relief since leaving the hospital, not because I wasn’t supples them , I was but I haven’t needed them.
Je le recommanderais certainement
Gemma F, Royaume-Uni
No votes yet
Je suis récemment revenu après avoir eu un ballon gastrique. Irem a été formidable depuis la toute première demande jusqu'au suivi après la procédure. Je le recommanderais certainement Merci
Profesyonel, saygılı ve yakışıklı bir insan
Rachel, İngiltere
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Başlangıçtan bitime. Olumlu sözler dışında hiçbir şeyim yok. İrem muhteşemdi. Bizimle hastanede buluşmaktan, otelde vedalaşmaya kadar. Stresli bir süreci çok kolaylaştırdı. Dr Belen muhteşemdi; profesyonel, saygılı ve cana yakın bir insandı. Bu operasyonu ve bunu sunan tüm firmaları uzun uzun araştırdım. Bridge Health kullanılacak şirkettir. Yeni yaşam tarzımı, yeni diyetimi ve birkaç ay içinde sabırsızlıkla bekliyorum. Yeni görünüşüm. Herşey için teşekkürler Bridge Health
Hastanedeki tüm personel çok iyiydi ve geri dönmeyi sabırsızlıkla bekliyorum
Sara W, İngiltere
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Mide balonu yolculuğuma başlamak için Bridge Health Travel'ı seçtiğim için çok mutluyum! İrem her bakımdan muhteşemdi, çok sakinleştirici, güven verici ve yolun her adımında yanınızdaydı?? O olmasaydı, sinir krizi geçirirdim. Hastanedeki tüm personel çok iyiydi ve geri dönmeyi sabırsızlıkla bekliyorum! Çok teşekkür ederim Köprü Sağlık Seyahat
Das Unternehmen hat mir in jedem Prozess geholfen
Lisa T, USA
No votes yet
Ich hatte eine Operation. Es war so gut. Das Unternehmen hat mir in jedem Prozess geholfen. Ich empfehle diese Firma
Five stars from the beginning to the end of our stay!
Susan, UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Brilliant stay with Bridge Health Travel from start to finish!!! Five stars ?????????? from the beginning to the end of our stay! I would highly recommend to anyone
Absolument génial du début à la fin
Gemma, Royaume-Uni
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Je ne saurais trop recommander Bridgehealth. Absolument génial du début à la fin. Irem est incroyable, des appels vidéo jusqu'à ce que vous vous sentiez si à l'aise même 3 mois après l'opération, pour me surveiller. J'avais tellement de nerfs mais Irem a rendu mon séjour si facile. Le suivi est également incroyable x
Bariatric Surgery Consultation - Nurses were lovely and polite
Chelsie, UK
Average: 4 (2 votes)
The hospital was lovely and clean. Tests were quick and efficient. Nurses were lovely and polite. The surgeon did a brilliant job, make sure you ask all your questions to put yourself at ease. Irem is on hand for you to call if you have any questions! Hotel was lovely too.
I'm a few days back after having 12 12-month gastric balloon.
Alexandra Lawrence
Average: 5 (1 vote)
I'm a few days back after having 12 12-month gastric balloon. I went by myself and that was fine as everything was planned very well, pick ups turned up on time each time and Irem took great care of me in the first-class hospital. My first couple of days I felt rough but then quickly got back to feeling like myself by following the eating plan and using the medication provided. I would certainly return and recommend it, now I'm looking forward to the new me.
В целом очень доволен своим опытом работы с больницей и всем персоналом.
Наташа, Великобритания
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Я так нервничала перед приездом, но как только я приехала, Ирем была рядом и вела меня на каждом этапе пути, забота, которую я получал от персонала, была потрясающей… Меня постоянно проверяли, меняли постельное белье и давали мне лекарства, моя мама, которая приехала со мной бесплатно, получала 3-х разовое горячее питание. В целом очень доволен своим опытом работы с больницей и всем персоналом.

Weight Loss Surgery Reviews in Turkey

I couldn't recommend them enough
Kinga, UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
I highly recommend this place to anyone who is wanting any work done. I genuinely couldn't explain how exceptional they were, from the very start to the very end. Super clean and friendly place, who treat you like VIP. Every single staff member genuinely cares for you and is always making sure you are OK. I even had cleaners coming to me all the time and making sure I'm OK or if I needed anything. Also, there was an Amazing lady called Irem who assisted me through everything, and she also kept in contact with my husband who was back home, to tell him everything was OK with me and assured him all the way whilst I was in recovery. But honestly, me explaining my experience is nothing compared to the actual experience. I couldn't recommend them enough
A professional, respectful and personable human being
Rachel, UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
From start to finish. I have nothing but positive words. Irem has been fantastic. From meeting us at the hospital to waving us goodbye at the hotel. She has made a stressful process so easy. Dr Belen was fantastic - a professional, respectful and personable human being. I researched long and hard regarding this operation, and from all the companies that offered this. Bridge Health is the company to use. I am looking forward to my new way of life - my new diet and within a few months. My new look. Thank you Bridge Health for everything
I did my own research and went to BHT and I am very pleased. They are definitely 10/10.
Zehra Şık
Average: 5 (1 vote)
I went to Turkey in September 2023. I had gastric sleeve surgery the day after my arrival, and my surgery went well. The staff was amazing; nurses, cleaners and even surgeons; We should not forget the wonderful coordinators. Irem took care of me from the first minute to the last minute. I did my own research and went to BHT and I am very pleased. They are definitely 10/10.
Overall really happy with my experience with the hospital and all the staff
Natasha, UK
Average: 4 (1 vote)
I was so nervous before arriving, but as soon as I arrived Irem was there and led me through every step of the way , the care I received from the staff was amazing … I was constantly being checked in on , changing my bedding and giving me medication, my mum who came with me for free received 3 hot meals a day. Overall really happy with my experience with the hospital and all the staff
She talked me through everything and explained everything I needed to know
Kayleigh B, UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
I couldn’t recommend this company enough, I was like any other patient scared and didn’t know what to expect but soon as I got off the plane I was welcomed straight away by a vip taxi that took us to the hospital where I met the amazing Iram, she talked me through everything and explained everything I needed to know. The hospital itself was so clean we had cleaners come in our room about 4 times a day, also they were amazing with our companion and give them meals 3 times a day. I had abit of complications after surgery where I needed 3 blood transfusions but yet again irem, the surgeon and her team made me feel so at ease and not worried. Day 4 we went to a hotel by vip transfers and the hotel was amazing. Since getting home irem messages me or could ring me anytime I need to ask a question. Honestly, I couldn’t recommend this company enough but most of all to irem for changing my life
Absolutely brilliant from start to finish
Gemma, UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
I can’t recommend Bridgehealth enough. Absolutely brilliant from start to finish. Irem is amazing from video calls to making you feel so at ease even 3 mths after surgery checking up on me. I had so many nerves but Irem made my stay so easy. The aftercare is also amazing x
I'm home now almost a week post op and I've lost 1 stone - I'm feeling fantastic
Chloe M, UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Wow, what can I say? I had the best experience thanks to bridge health travel (Irem) everything was discussed before I even got a on a plane. As soon as you get to the medstar hospital Irem will be waiting for you with a smile!! You are admitted straight away and the tests begin (they don't waste any time) after my surgery I was always checked on by the nurses/my surgeon and Irem. Going abroad for surgery scared the life out of me but now that I've experienced it I would 100% recommend and go back again! I'm home now almost a week post op and I've lost 1 stone - I'm feeling fantastic!! Thank you everyone at bridge health travel for helping me be a better and healthier me
Everything was explained in great detail and the care I received really was A plus
Lisa, UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Irem and her team are absolutely amazing! My whole journey for my gastric sleeve went extremely smooth. Everything was explained in great detail and the care I received really was A plus. Since being home Irem has been available to answer any questions I’ve had. Nothing is too much for the team.
She went above and beyond
.., UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Husband had this surgery in September 2023. I was absolutely terrified with hearing stories of operations going wrong etc. But the Irem showed so much support. She went above and beyond. The hospital staff are amazing such good care overall our experience was excellent I would highly recommend to anyone. Thank you so much Irem
Would highly recommend this clinic
Debra T, UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Would highly recommend this clinic. Had my gastric sleeve surgery on 18th April 2023 bit of a language barrier, but Irem translated so felt at ease.
The staff was amazing; nurses, cleaners and even surgeons
Leann W., Turkey
Average: 5 (1 vote)
I went to Turkey in September 2023. I had gastric sleeve surgery the day after my arrival, and my surgery went well. The staff was amazing; nurses, cleaners and even surgeons; We should not forget the wonderful coordinators. Irem took care of me from the first minute to the last minute. I did my own research and went to BHT and I am very pleased. They are definitely 10/10.
I was at ease I felt safe and I was taken through the procedure aftercare and life after surgery
Maya, UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Irem and the staff to the surgeon's were so good and accommodating. I was at ease I felt safe and I was taken through the procedure aftercare and life after surgery.
Would highly recommend and would most definitely go back in the future
Lisa, UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Travelled for surgery which took place on 16th January 2023, before, on arrival and throughout my stay I was well looked after. Irem was on hand through the whole process, answered any questions or concerns and really went above and beyond to make my experience a pleasant and stress free process. Would highly recommend and would most definitely go back in the future.
The hospital and staff were all amazing
David, UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
What can I say? Bridge Health Travel has been amazing from start to finish! I decided to have a gastric sleeve after a discussion with BHT! I was given all the information possible to make my choice along with tons of no-pressure advice! From the moment I landed in Turkey, I was met at the airport and driven in a private car to the airport where I was greeted by the amazing Iram! We met the surgeon and straight away were at ease! I 100% made the correct choice in Bridge Heath Travel! The hospital and staff were all amazing! The cost of my surgery I feel was extremely good value and would highly recommend Bridge Heath Travel and Iram to anyone thinking of having this type of surgery! I had my op on the 26th of Sept 23 and it’s now the 5th of December 23 and I’ve lost 5stone 5lbs and feel like a completely difference person! Amazing Bridge Heath Travel and Iram.
I would highly recommend this place
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Best service and care. I would highly recommend this place .and iram was excellent she helped me every step of the way
My overall experience was nothing short of amazing
Vanessa Lorenzo, UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Irem's support and care throughout my entire hospital stay, from the initial consultation to the post-operative phase, was nothing short of exceptional. She walked me through every aspect of the gastric sleeve surgery, ensuring I had a clear understanding of what to expect. Irem also oversaw a comprehensive examination of my body to ensure my organs and overall health were in good condition, leaving no room for uncertainty. Her reassuring presence made me feel incredibly safe and well-cared for throughout the entire process, which was immensely comforting. The post-operative phase was marked by a seamless experience, with everything going perfectly according to plan. Irem remained a constant source of guidance, always available to address any questions or concerns I had. She provided comprehensive and professional insights into the post-surgery diet and nutrition plan, covering all the necessary vitamins and nutrients I needed to maintain my health and well-being. My overall experience was nothing short of amazing. I wholeheartedly recommend Irem's services to anyone considering gastric sleeve surgery. Her expertise, support, and commitment to patient care made a significant difference in my journey, and I have full confidence that she can offer the same exceptional support to others seeking a similar transformation.
Irem and Sasha went out of their way to make me feel at ease and my surgeon Dr Erdem came to visit me every day before and after surgery.
Boris Dowd
Average: 5 (1 vote)
I had a gastric sleeve 4 weeks ago today, the level of care I received was above and beyond from the moment I arrived until I was back at home. I was a solo traveller, but never ever felt alone there. Irem and Sasha went out of their way to make me feel at ease and my surgeon Dr Erdem came to visit me every day before and after surgery. If I decide to go back in the future for any plastics I won't hesitate to go back there . I am already over 2 stone lighter since starting my journey.
Very helpful coordinator, always advises and helps when there are doubts
Doris, UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Bariatric Surgery Consultation At first I was very scared because it was my first surgery. Price was good, care was good. Lots of research before surgery. Very clean hospital (I think the only thing that could be improved are beds for the accompanying person). Very helpful coordinator, always advises and helps when there are doubts. She never hesitated to answer and was always loved. I rate it 5 stars.
Everyone at the hospital is lovely, and kind and can not do enough
Annie, UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
I spoke to Irem nearly a year before my surgery. She was the first person I had spoken to when I was doing my research that didn't just want to talk money with me. She asked how I was!!! Everyone at the hospital is lovely, and kind and can not do enough. I would advise anyone to use this hospital. Nothing is too much bother. I am 4 months in and 5 stone down. I have dropped from a size 22/24 to a size 12/14 and got my life back. I could not be more happy with the choice I made.
I like to thank all the staff from nurses, surgeon for making my experience amazing
Tina, UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
I went to Turkey in September 2023 for a Gastric sleeve. I like to thank all the staff from nurses, surgeon for making my experience amazing. Iram went above and beyond nothing was too much trouble for her, I would recommend Bridge Health Travel to anyone.
Had a gastric balloon and everything was simple and straight forward.
Matt Tucker
Average: 5 (1 vote)
I would recommend this clinic Had a gastric balloon and everything was simple and straight forward.
  • Gastric Sleeve Surgery in Turkey
  • Gastric Sleeve in Turkey with Dr. Murat Kağan Bilge | Bridge Health Travel
  • My weight loss trip to Turkey: “I couldn't wait for NHS help | Bridge Health Travel
Our Treatments:

Gastric Sleeve |  Gastric Bypass Gastric Balloon Mini Gastric Bypass Scarless Gastric Sleeve


Revisional Surgeries | Hotel Accommodation Nursing Care Services at Hotel Continued Dietitian Support After Surgery Consultation & Treatment Planning Preoperative Tests Continued Dietitian Support After Surgery Transfers (Airport-Hotel-Clinic)

FQ About Gastric Balloon Clinic in Antalya / Turkey

The average cost for gastric sleeve surgery in Turkey is €3.500,00 or 3000 £ (all-inclusive package), However, The cost may vary from one clinic to another, and there are a few more factors that can affect your average gastric surgery cost in Antalya - Turkey. Bariatric Surgery Turkey Price For more details in our article, How much does gastric sleeve cost in Antalya where you will find all the information about How much does gastric sleeve cost in Antalya please contact us. How much does gastric sleeve cost in... +More
Common gastrology symptoms include stomach pain, bloating, indigestion, nausea, vomiting, and changes in bowel habits. These symptoms may indicate a range of conditions from gastritis to more serious issues like ulcers or gastrointestinal cancers.
VSG recovery time (Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy) typically ranges from 2 to 6 weeks, depending on the individual’s health, adherence to recovery protocols, and the complexity of the surgery. Most patients return to normal activities within a few weeks, though full recovery, including dietary adjustment and weight loss stabilization, can take months.
Feeling sick in your stomach can indicate nausea, indigestion, or an underlying condition such as gastritis, food intolerance, or stress. If persistent, it’s essential to consult a healthcare provider for proper diagnosis and treatment.
Tummy / Belly Fat / Abdomen Liposuction Cost in Turkey 2022 - The average Abdominal liposuction cost in Turkey is $2000 – $7000. The lowest cost of belly fat removal cost in Turkey is €1,710, and the Average tummy liposuction Cost in Turkey is €1,900. Bariatric Surgery Turkey Price For more details in our article, How much is belly fat surgery in izmir where you will find all the information about How much is belly fat surgery in izmir please contact us. How much is belly fat surgery in izmir Tummy / Belly Fat /... +More
In the UK, slimming tablets are commonly prescribed or available over the counter to aid weight loss. Medications like Orlistat help block the absorption of fat, while appetite suppressants target hunger. These medications are often combined with lifestyle changes for better long-term results.
Diarrhoea associated with gastritis can occur due to inflammation in the stomach affecting the intestines. This symptom often accompanies nausea, bloating, and abdominal pain. Managing diarrhea involves treating the underlying gastritis, typically with acid-reducing medications and dietary adjustments.
Chronic gastritis is a long-lasting inflammation of the stomach lining that can lead to complications like ulcers or an increased risk of stomach cancer. Common causes include H. pylori infection or autoimmune disorders. Patients may need ongoing treatment with medications to reduce stomach acid and eradicate infections.
The prognosis for gastrointestinal (GI) cancer depends on the type and stage of cancer at diagnosis. Early-stage GI cancers, including stomach, colon, and esophageal cancers, have better survival rates when treated with surgery, chemotherapy, or radiation. Advanced-stage cancers are more difficult to treat and often require palliative care.
Scarless gastric sleeve surgery has gained popularity among patients seeking a minimally invasive option with little to no visible scarring. Antalya has become a top destination for this advanced technique, where surgeons use modern laparoscopic tools to perform the surgery through a single small incision, often hidden in the navel. Reviews from patients who underwent the procedure in Antalya are overwhelmingly positive. They praise the expertise of Turkish surgeons and the cutting-edge technology used in clinics... +More
The Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy is the most widely used, and safest, in the bariatric world. As with any major surgery, gastric bypass and other weight-loss surgeries pose potential health risks, both in the short term and long term. Bariatric Surgery Turkey Price For more details in our article, What is the safest bariatric surgery for weight loss in Antalya where you will find all the information about What is the safest bariatric surgery for weight loss in Antalya please contact us. What is the safest... +More


Bridge Health Travel Antalya

  • 1
    Welcome! From the moment you arrive at the airport, our private driver will pick you up and it takes you to the airport, hotel and the hospital.
  • 2
    Your medical trip is perfectly scheduled! Our interpreters will be with you at the airport,hotel and the hospital. We will do all the logistics for you in order to ensure your comfort.
  • 3
    Your accommodation is booked! Our consultants will provide you a variety of hotels to pick. You can stay at wherever you want!
  • 4
    Consulting is all free! Our medical team will be at your service for a lifetime and answer all your questions and requests! We are always with you!
What should I do for gastric balloon treatment in Turkey?Which hospital is best for gastric balloon in Turkey? How to prepare for gastric balloon?Before insertion of the gastric balloon, you must fast from food and drinks for 12 hours. When the gastric balloon is to be removed, you must start on a fluid-only diet 48 hours beforehand. This means no solid food at all.How do you qualify for gastric balloon?Patients may be eligible for a gastric balloon if they have a BMI between 30 and 40, and they haven't been able to lose weight and keep it off with other weight-loss plans.What to expect when you get a gastric balloon?Pain and nausea affect about one-third of people soon after insertion of an intragastric balloon. However, these... +More


  • £ 1580
    £ 1450

    Give a call to learn more about what’s included and to come up with a tailored plan if you need unique accommodations that are not listed below.

    • Airport
    • Hotel
    • Hospital transfer
    • The balloon is placed via endoscopy, the procedure takes 15-20 minutes and you are discharged after 2-3 hours.  It is enough to stay here for 1 night.
    • Blood samples & x-rays
    • 5 year follow up
  • £ 2750
    £ 2550


    Give a call to learn more about what’s included and to come up with a tailored plan if you need unique accommodations that are not listed below.
    • Airport
    • Hotel
    • Hospital transfer
    • 4 day stay at hospital
    • Blood samples & x-rays
    • 5 year follow up
  • £ 3100
    £ 2900


    Give a call to learn more about what’s included and to come up with a tailored plan if you need unique accommodations that are not listed below.
    • Airport
    • Hotel
    • Hospital transfer
    • 4 day stay at hospital
    • Blood samples & x-rays
    • 5 year follow up