Weight Loss Surgery Turkey Cost Aesthetic Travel

Pricing for Bariatric Surgery in Turkey / Antalya at Aesthetic Travel

5 Years of Helping 15,000+ People Change Their Lives
With Bridge Health Travel®, you are never alone. Our team in the Antalya / Turkey is with you every step of the way.

Gastric Sleeve Procedure Package Cost Turkey / Antalya £ 1450 | Gastric Balloon Procedure Package Cost Turkey / Antalya £ 2550 |  Mini Gastric Procedure Bypass Package Turkey £ 2900


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Aesthetic Travel Turkey, Gastric Balloon in Turkey


Je n'hésiterai pas à vous recommander à mon entourage
Jonathan, Royaume-Uni
No votes yet
Merci Irem. Je vis avec le rêve du corps que tu m'as donné et que tu m'as donné. Je ne m'attendais pas à arriver aussi loin en si peu de temps. Je n'hésiterai pas à vous recommander à mon entourage. à la prochaine
What a good experience
Alice, Turkey
Average: 5 (1 vote)
I’ve Been my plastic upper eyelid surgery with that clinic! What a good experience! Best surgical team, best after care !! Thank you so much for everything!
Ameliyattan neredeyse bir hafta sonra evdeyim ve 1 taşı kaybettim - kendimi harika hissediyorum
Chloe M, İngiltere
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Vay be, ne diyebilirim? Köprü sağlık seyahati (İrem) sayesinde en iyi deneyimi yaşadım, daha uçağa binmeden her şey konuşuldu. Medstar hastanesine varır varmaz İrem sizi gülümseyerek bekliyor olacak!! Hemen kabul ediliyorsunuz ve tetkikler başlıyor (hiç vakit kaybetmiyorlar) ameliyatımdan sonra sürekli hemşireler/cerrahım ve İrem tarafından kontrol ediliyordum. Ameliyat için yurt dışına gitmek beni çok korkuttu ama artık bunu deneyimlediğime göre %100 tavsiye edip tekrar geri döneceğim! Ameliyattan neredeyse bir hafta sonra evdeyim ve 1 taşı kaybettim - kendimi harika hissediyorum!! Daha iyi ve sağlıklı bir ben olmama yardım ettiğiniz için Bridge Health Travel'daki herkese teşekkür ederim
Das gesamte Personal im Krankenhaus war sehr nett und ich freue mich darauf, wiederzukommen
Sara W, Großbritannien
No votes yet
Ich bin so froh, dass ich mich für Bridge Health Travel entschieden habe, um meine Reise mit dem Magenballon zu beginnen! Irem war in jeder Hinsicht großartig, sehr beruhigend und auf Schritt und Tritt an deiner Seite ?? Ohne sie wäre ich ein nervöses Wrack gewesen. Das gesamte Personal im Krankenhaus war sehr nett und ich freue mich darauf, wiederzukommen! Vielen Dank, Bridge Health Travel
Dans l'ensemble, je suis très satisfait de mon expérience avec l'hôpital et tout le personnel.
Natasha, Royaume-Uni
No votes yet
J'étais tellement nerveux avant d'arriver, mais dès mon arrivée, Irem était là et m'a guidé à chaque étape du processus, les soins que j'ai reçus du personnel étaient incroyables… J'étais constamment enregistré, changeant ma literie et me donnant médicaments, ma mère qui m'accompagnait gratuitement recevait 3 repas chauds par jour. Dans l'ensemble, je suis très satisfait de mon expérience avec l'hôpital et tout le personnel.
Would use it again if necessary.
Junifer John
No votes yet
Great care, Not the cheapest but an excellent result. Would use it again if necessary.
Un être humain professionnel, respectueux et aimable
Rachel, Royaume-Uni
No votes yet
Du début à la fin. Je n'ai que des mots positifs. Irem a été fantastique. De notre rencontre à l’hôpital à notre salut à l’hôtel. Elle a rendu un processus stressant si facile. Le Dr Belen était fantastique : un être humain professionnel, respectueux et aimable. J'ai fait des recherches longues et approfondies sur cette opération et auprès de toutes les entreprises qui la proposaient. Bridge Health est la société à utiliser. J'attends avec impatience mon nouveau mode de vie - mon nouveau régime alimentaire et d'ici quelques mois. Mon nouveau look. Merci Bridge Health pour tout
Das Krankenhauspersonal war freundlich und hilfsbereit
Rachel, Großbritannien
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Schlauchmagen. Bridge Health Travel hat die unglaublichste Dame Irem, die meiner Meinung nach das Herz und die Seele von Bridge Health Travel ist. Ihr Kundenservice übertrifft die Erwartungen. Jede Frage vom ersten Kontakt bis zur weiteren Unterstützung nach der Operation wird effektiv und schnell beantwortet. Der Chirurg war sachkundig und überprüfte mehrmals vor und nach der Operation. Das Krankenhauspersonal war freundlich und hilfsbereit. Insgesamt kann ich an meiner Erfahrung nichts auszusetzen haben. Ich bin erst etwas mehr als eine Woche nach der Operation und bereue nichts und bin froh, dass ich Bridge Health Travel als Teil meiner Reise genutzt habe.
Kann es auf jeden Fall wärmstens empfehlen
Nicole, Großbritannien
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Über Bridge Health Travel gibt es überhaupt nichts zu bemängeln! Habe am 01.10.2023 meinen Schlauchmagen bekommen, nachdem mir irem empfohlen wurde, und ich bin so froh, dass ich das gemacht habe! Ich war ängstlich, aufgeregt, nervös, hatte Angst vor allen Gefühlen, die man sich vorstellen kann, fühlte mich aber die ganze Zeit über sehr entspannt und nach der Operation war die Betreuung unglaublich, alles, was ich brauchte, wurde gegeben! Und jetzt, wo ich zu Hause bin, hat die Nachsorge nicht aufgehört. Ich kann jederzeit eine Nachricht senden, wenn ich eine Frage habe!
Я искренне благодарен за вашу работу, надеюсь, вы поможете гораздо большему количеству людей.
Мэриленд, Великобритания
Average: 5 (1 vote)
У меня были незабываемые впечатления, спасибо за ваше обслуживание. Они делают лечение доступным по сравнению с другими. Больница, в которую меня положили, была очень приятной, очень чистой и просторной, персонал позаботится о вас как следует и позаботится о вас. Все было организовано: встреча в аэропорту, проведение анализов в лаборатории, последующий уход после операции и все такое. Я искренне благодарен за вашу работу, надеюсь, вы поможете гораздо большему количеству людей.
Beratung zur bariatrischen Chirurgie – Die Krankenschwestern waren nett und höflich
Chelsie, Großbritannien
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Das Krankenhaus war schön und sauber. Die Tests verliefen schnell und effizient. Die Krankenschwestern waren nett und höflich. Der Chirurg hat hervorragende Arbeit geleistet. Stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie alle Ihre Fragen stellen, um sich zu beruhigen. Bei Fragen steht Ihnen Irem gerne telefonisch zur Verfügung! Das Hotel war auch sehr schön.
Je n'ai rien à reprocher à l'entreprise
Nikki, Royaume-Uni
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Ouah!! Que puis-je dire, quelle équipe fantastique. Je n'ai rien à reprocher à l'entreprise. Ils se sont tous si bien occupés de moi et m'ont aidé à partir du moment où j'ai demandé jusqu'à 9 semaines après l'opération. C’était une décision importante et effrayante, mais je ne me suis jamais senti aussi détendu et à l’aise tout au long du processus. Ils sont vraiment incroyables. Ils ont changé ma vie pour toujours et je ne pourrai jamais assez les remercier. Je recommanderais encore et encore. Merci
Ich kann dieses Unternehmen und das Team nur wärmstens empfehlen. Ich wünschte wirklich, ich hätte es schon vor Jahren getan
Lauren, Großbritannien
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Ich bin am 28. April nach Antalya geflogen, um einen Magenballon machen zu lassen. Es war eine wirklich reibungslose und professionelle Erfahrung. Ich wurde am Flughafen von einem Chauffeur abgeholt, direkt ins Krankenhaus gebracht (sauber, funktionstüchtig) und nach Tests und Einweisungen durch die Krankenschwester Iram und den Chirurgen einige Stunden später zur Operation gebracht. Alles verlief reibungslos und sobald ich von den Krankenschwestern freigegeben worden war, wurde ich mit Iram (Krankenschwester/Übersetzer/Gott schenke) mit dem Taxi zum Hotel gebracht. Das Hotel war wunderschön, direkt am Meer mit herrlicher Aussicht und einem makellosen, sehr modernen Zimmer. Ich blieb eine Nacht und flog am nächsten Morgen nach Hause, nachdem Iram erneut ein privates Taxi zurück zum Flughafen organisiert hatte. Ich habe einen klaren Ernährungsplan erhalten und nach einigen Beschwerden und Übelkeit (alles normal und erwartet) geht es mir besser als je zuvor. In 10 Tagen habe ich 10 Pfund abgenommen und führe nun langsam wieder zu fester Nahrungsaufnahme und körperlicher Betätigung über. Ich kann dieses Unternehmen und das Team nur wärmstens empfehlen. Ich wünschte wirklich, ich hätte es schon vor Jahren getan. Vielen Dank euch allen x
The surgeon who did my operation was brilliant
Hayley R, UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Iram was amazing she took good care off me an helped me with everything. Could contact her an time day/night an she would be there. The surgeon who did my operation was brilliant. Never thought I would be happy with my body an now thanks to him I feel like me again. Would 100% Recommend it. Thank you so much to iram and Dr bora yucel.
Ihre Dienstleistungen sind umfassend und gut aufeinander abgestimmt, so dass den Patienten die bestmöglichen Behandlungsmöglichkeiten geboten werden
Vedat G, USA
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Bridge Health Travel ist eine ausgezeichnete Option für Personen, die im Ausland eine medizinische Behandlung suchen. Ihre Dienstleistungen sind umfassend und gut aufeinander abgestimmt, sodass Patienten die bestmögliche Versorgung erhalten. Das Team von Bridge Health Travel ist äußerst professionell und kompetent und setzt alles daran, sicherzustellen, dass sich ihre Kunden während des gesamten Prozesses wohl und informiert fühlen. Ich würde Bridge Health Travel jedem wärmstens empfehlen, der in einem fremden Land eine hochwertige medizinische Versorgung sucht
Ich konnte ihnen wirklich nichts vorwerfen – Magenmanschette
Lou, Großbritannien
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Ich war kürzlich bei der Lovely Irem und ihrem Team für meine Magenmanschette in Antalya. Ich konnte ihnen wirklich nichts vorwerfen. Von der Ankunft am Flughafen bis zum Transfer zum Hotel und der Betreuung durch die netten Krankenschwestern verlief alles reibungslos. Ich hatte keine Probleme. Irem hat mir alles erklärt und mich beruhigt. Würde es niemandem empfehlen. Nochmals vielen Dank, Irem, für alles, was Sie für mich getan haben.
Tellement bon pour le rapport qualité/prix
Leesa, Royaume-Uni
No votes yet
Je suis actuellement à 2 semaines d'une opération après une manche gastrique et j'ai eu la meilleure expérience avec les voyages de santé en pont - j'ai été aidée tout au long par Irem et je lui dois vraiment beaucoup pour m'avoir aidé à changer ma vie ! Dès le début, elle a été très serviable, solidaire et attentionnée ! C'est l'une des principales raisons pour lesquelles j'ai choisi cette entreprise, car je l'avais harcelée pendant des mois et des mois avant de décider d'aller de l'avant et je suis content de l'avoir fait. Mon expérience pendant mon opération jusqu’à mon retour à la maison a également été très bonne. L'équipe et le chirurgien étaient très compétents et attentionnés, me surveillant tout au long de la journée et Irem est toujours là pour toute question ou si vous avez besoin de quoi que ce soit. Les chambres étaient très propres et modernes pendant mon séjour et c'était également très confortable. Si vous amenez un compagnon, ils ont également installé un lit à côté du lit d'hôpital et 3 repas par jour pour leur quotidien, ce qui était un très beau geste. Tellement bon pour le rapport qualité/prix ! Et l'équipe est vraiment la meilleure. Vous constatez déjà une perte de poids constante après 13 jours et Irem vous donne toutes les informations supplémentaires et les médicaments avec lesquels rentrer à la maison afin que vous soyez prêt à votre retour à la maison !
Bu şirketi ve ekibi şiddetle tavsiye ediyorum, keşke yıllar önce yapsaydım
Lauren, İngiltere
Average: 5 (1 vote)
28 Nisan'da mide balonu yaptırmak için Antalya'ya uçtum. Gerçekten sorunsuz ve profesyonel bir deneyimdi. Havaalanında bir şoför tarafından karşılandım, doğrudan hastaneye götürüldüm (temiz, çalışır durumda) ve hemşire Iram ve cerrah tarafından yapılan testler ve brifinglerden sonra birkaç saat sonra ameliyata alındım. Her şey yolunda gitti ve hemşireler tarafından izin alınır alınmaz, İram'la (hemşire/tercüman/Tanrı göndersin) taksiyle otele götürüldüm. Otel çok güzeldi, deniz kıyısında, muhteşem manzaralara ve tertemiz, çok modern bir odaya sahipti. Bir gece kaldım ve ertesi sabah Iram'ın özel bir taksiyle havaalanına dönüş ayarını yaptıktan sonra eve uçtum. Bana net bir beslenme planı verildi ve bazı rahatsızlık ve rahatsızlıklardan sonra (hepsi normal ve beklenen) kendimi her zamankinden daha iyi hissediyorum. 10 günde 10 kilo verdim ve şimdi yavaş yavaş katı gıdalara ve egzersize yeniden başlıyorum. Bu şirketi ve ekibi şiddetle tavsiye ediyorum, keşke bunu yıllar önce yapmış olsaydım. Hepinize çok teşekkür ederim x
Genel olarak hastane ve tüm personel ile olan deneyimimden gerçekten memnunum
Nataşa, Birleşik Krallık
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Gelmeden önce çok gergindim ama geldiğimde İrem oradaydı ve her adımda bana yol gösterdi, personelin bana gösterdiği ilgi muhteşemdi... Sürekli kontrol ediliyordum, yatağımı değiştiriyordum ve bana yardım ediyordum. İlaç tedavisinin ardından benimle ücretsiz gelen anneme günde 3 öğün sıcak yemek veriliyordu. Genel olarak hastane ve tüm personel ile olan deneyimimden gerçekten memnunum
Would recommend 100%
Mandy R, UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Got the gastric balloon fitted October. I was more nervous about the process (going on my own) than the procedure. But I shouldn't have been it went very smoothly and everyone was very supportive. Would reccomend 100%
Абсолютно блестяще от начала до конца
Джемма, Великобритания
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Я не могу не порекомендовать Bridgehealth. Абсолютно блестяще от начала до конца. Ирем великолепна, начиная с видеозвонков и заканчивая тем, что вы чувствуете себя непринужденно даже через 3 месяца после операции, навещая меня. У меня было так много нервов, но Ирем облегчила мне пребывание. Последующий уход тоже потрясающий х
Bu klinik baştan sona muhteşemdi, onlara en ufak bir hata yapamam
Kai, İngiltere
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Bu ameliyatı Üst Cerrahi (plastikle çift mastektomi) yaptırmak için kullandım. Bu klinik baştan sona harikaydı, onlara en ufak bir hata yapamam. Daha uçmadan önce tam desteğim vardı. Daha sonra orada bulunduğum her gün baştan sona elden ayaktan beklendi. Hastane çok misafirperverdi ve daha fazlasını isteyemezdi. Bana sağladıkları otel, kendimi toparlamak için mükemmeldi.
I like to thank all the staff from nurses, surgeon for making my experience amazing
Tina, UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
I went to Turkey in September 2023 for a Gastric sleeve. I like to thank all the staff from nurses, surgeon for making my experience amazing. Iram went above and beyond nothing was too much trouble for her, I would recommend Bridge Health Travel to anyone.
Bariatric Surgery Consultation - Aftercare was amazing
Debbie dunlop, UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
What an amazing experience well looked after. Aftercare was amazing. I'm so grateful for everything you have done for me. Up walking 4 hours after surgery and still doing good 12 days post-op. I would highly recommend this surgeon and Iram.
Recommend for everyone.
Austin Jones
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Ok good people. Help me with everything. Recommend for everyone.
This clinic was amazing from start to finish, I can’t fault them in the slightest
Kai, UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
I used this surgery to have Top Surgery (double mastectomy with plastics) This clinic was amazing from start to finish, I can’t fault them in the slightest. I had full support before I even flew out. Then was waited on hand and foot from start to finish every day I was there. The hospital was so accommodating and couldn’t have asked for more. The hotel they provided for me was nothing but perfect to recover in.
I would definitely recommend
Jess, UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
I had such an amazing experience with the team from the moment I was picked up from the airport until the day I left! Irem is honestly one of a kind and was so supportive from day one and throughout my gastric balloon procedure. I would definitely recommend.
Ertesi gün ameliyata alındım, her şey yolunda gitti, hiçbir komplikasyon olmadı
Yvonne H, İngiltere
Average: 5 (1 vote)
En nazik, özenli ve profesyonel ekiple ne muhteşem bir deneyim. Oğlumla birlikte Antalya'ya indiğimizde bizi buz gibi bir şişe su veren özel bir transfer şoförü karşıladı ve bizi rahat bir şekilde hastaneye götürdü. Varışta beni ve oğlumu karşılayan İrem'le tanıştım, İrem mükemmel İngilizce konuşuyordu. Tüm soruları yanıtladı, İrem kendi alanında son derece bilgili ve kendi hemşirelik tecrübesiyle iyi olduğumu biliyordum. Hastaneye geldiğim ilk gün, ileri teknoloji ekipmanlarla tüm fiziksel sağlık testlerini yaptırdım, bu testler mükemmel bir koordinasyonla, aynı gün üst üste tamamlandı. Tesisler temiz, düzenli ve personel son derece cana yakındı, hepsi sizi bir Kişi olarak tanımak için zaman ayırdı, hiç görülmedim ya da hastalarından biri olduğumu asla hissetmedim. Oda genişti ve özel banyolu oda düzenli olarak günde 3-4 kez temizlendi, her gün temiz havlu ve battaniyeler verildi, oğlum için bir yatak sağlandı (rahat olduğunu belirtti) ayrıca ona kişi başı 3 öğün yemek teklif edildi. hastaneden bir gün. Ama yemek konusunda seçici biri olan İrem, oğlum için otele getirilecek yemek teslimatını ayarlamak için gece/gündüz zamanını ayırdı; bazı geceler bu, İrem'in zaten tüm gün çalışmış olduğu saat 8-9 civarında olabiliyordu! Ama hiçbir şey İrem için fazla çaba gerektirmedi, sadece benimle harika bir şekilde ilgilenmedi, aynı zamanda 17 yaşındaki oğlumla da ilgilendi. Çok arkadaş canlısı ve soruları teşvik eden cerrah Dr. Belen ile tanıştım. Daha sonra tüm soruları açıklayacak ve İrem'in yardımıyla tüm prosedürü tam olarak anlatacaktı. Dr Belen son derece bilgili ve son derece profesyonel, onunla tanıştıktan sonra emin ellerde olduğumu hemen anladım. Ertesi gün ameliyata alındım, her şey gayet iyi gitti, hiçbir komplikasyon olmadı. En muhteşem, şefkatli, profesyonel hemşireler tarafından izlendim, oğlum henüz 17 yaşında olduğu için ben iyileşirken biraz korktu, İrem'e mesaj attı ve İrem onu ??aradı ve makinelerde olup biten her şeyi onunla anlattı (bip sesi) Her şey normaldi, İrem görevdeki hemşirelerle iletişime geçti ve güvence olsun diye oğlumla biraz zaman geçirmelerini sağladı. Hiçbir şey onlar için çok fazla sorun değildi. Birkaç gün sonra bana tüm bilgileri derinlemesine açıklayan diyetisyenle 1-2-1 görüştüm. ameliyat sonrası israf yolculuğumda çok detaylıyım. Bana bir çanta dolusu bakım malzemesi verildi; bunlar arasında vitaminler, protein tozları, ameliyatımla ilgili literatür ve tıbbi notlarımın tam kopyası ile ameliyatın DVD'si vardı. Ben de tıp mesleğinin içinde olmak ve bu deneyimi yaşamak. Ben kesinlikle bu şirketi önerirdim. Nazik, özenli, profesyonel, onurlu bir bakım arıyorsanız, o zaman İrem ve ekibiyle doğru ekibi bulduğunuzdan çekinmeyin. Ameliyat için yurt dışına gitme endişesi hep vardı, onları endişelendiriyordum, kendimden şüphe duyuyordum. ama söyleyebileceğim bir şey varsa, gerçekten endişelenmenize gerek yok, ameliyata kadar hiç ihtiyacım olmadığı halde endişelenerek o kadar çok zaman harcadım ki. Ameliyattan 10 gün sonrayım ve şu an olduğumdan daha mutlu olamazdım, hiçbir komplikasyon yaşamadım, gayet iyi içiyorum, şu anda daha yoğun sıvı aşamasındayım bu yüzden ev yapımı çorbalar yaptım gayet iyi gidiyorlar. Hastaneden ayrıldığımdan beri herhangi bir ağrım geçmedi, onları desteklemediğim için değil, öyleydim ama onlara ihtiyacım olmadı.
I can’t fault the company at all
Nikki, UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Wow!! What can I say, what a fantastic team. I can’t fault the company at all. They all looked after me so well and helped me from the moment I enquired to even now being 9 weeks post op. It was a big decision and a scary thing but I never felt so relaxed and at eased the whole way through. They really are amazing. They have changed my life forever and I can’t thank them enough. I would recommend over and over again. Thank you
The staff was amazing; nurses, cleaners and even surgeons
Leann W., Turkey
Average: 5 (1 vote)
I went to Turkey in September 2023. I had gastric sleeve surgery the day after my arrival, and my surgery went well. The staff was amazing; nurses, cleaners and even surgeons; We should not forget the wonderful coordinators. Irem took care of me from the first minute to the last minute. I did my own research and went to BHT and I am very pleased. They are definitely 10/10.
I will not hesitate to recommend you to my circle
Jonathan, UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Thank you Irem. I live with the dream of the body you gave me and gave me. I didn't expect to get this far in such a short time. I will not hesitate to recommend you to my circle. See you again
Hastanedeki tüm personel çok iyiydi ve geri dönmeyi sabırsızlıkla bekliyorum
Sara W, İngiltere
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Mide balonu yolculuğuma başlamak için Bridge Health Travel'ı seçtiğim için çok mutluyum! İrem her bakımdan muhteşemdi, çok sakinleştirici, güven verici ve yolun her adımında yanınızdaydı?? O olmasaydı, sinir krizi geçirirdim. Hastanedeki tüm personel çok iyiydi ve geri dönmeyi sabırsızlıkla bekliyorum! Çok teşekkür ederim Köprü Sağlık Seyahat
The whole process was awesome
Carly L, UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Irem is a wonderful kind lady who will go to any length to ensure you are happy and comfortable. I got a gastric balloon with Dr Belen and Bridge travel, and I also had dentistry work. The whole process was awesome, I did not want to leave Antalya as we were made so welcome, if you are unsure about surgery abroad don’t be, you are in excellent hands with bridge travel!

Weight Loss Surgery Reviews in Turkey

I was at ease I felt safe and I was taken through the procedure aftercare and life after surgery
Maya, UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Irem and the staff to the surgeon's were so good and accommodating. I was at ease I felt safe and I was taken through the procedure aftercare and life after surgery.
The staff was amazing; nurses, cleaners and even surgeons
Leann W., Turkey
Average: 5 (1 vote)
I went to Turkey in September 2023. I had gastric sleeve surgery the day after my arrival, and my surgery went well. The staff was amazing; nurses, cleaners and even surgeons; We should not forget the wonderful coordinators. Irem took care of me from the first minute to the last minute. I did my own research and went to BHT and I am very pleased. They are definitely 10/10.
Their services are comprehensive and well-coordinated, ensuring that patients receive the best poss
Vedat G, US
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Bridge Health Travel is an excellent option for individuals seeking medical treatment abroad. Their services are comprehensive and well-coordinated, ensuring that patients receive the best possible care. The team at Bridge Health Travel is highly professional and knowledgeable, and they go above and beyond to make sure their clients feel comfortable and informed throughout the entire process. I would highly recommend Bridge Health Travel to anyone looking for high-quality medical care in a foreign country
I am truly grateful for the work you do, hope you help a lot more people
M.D., UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
I had an unforgettable experience, thank you for your service. They make treatments affordable compared to others. The hospital I got admitted to was extremely pleasant, very clean and spacious, the staff will look after you properly and will care for you. Everything was sorted from airport pick up, doing tests in the lab, follow-up care after surgery and everything. I am truly grateful for the work you do, hope you help a lot more people
Fantastic and been very helpful in explaining everything
Donna D., UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
I’ve just returned in the last week from having gastric sleeve surgery. I originally planned to have a mini bypass but the surgeon was amazing and after looking at blood tests etc decided I didn’t need that and the sleeve would be fine. Irem has been fantastic and been very helpful in explaining everything, arranging the surgery and also my hotel for afterwards before going home. I ended up having the sleeve surgery and my gallbladder out as I had stones which were luckily picked up by scans at the hospital. Irem, the surgeon and all the nurses were so helpful and kind and truly looked after me as I were on my own. Thank you
Five stars from the beginning to the end of our stay!
Susan, UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Brilliant stay with Bridge Health Travel from start to finish!!! Five stars ?????????? from the beginning to the end of our stay! I would highly recommend to anyone
Bariatric Surgery Consultation - Nurses were lovely and polite
Chelsie, UK
Average: 4 (2 votes)
The hospital was lovely and clean. Tests were quick and efficient. Nurses were lovely and polite. The surgeon did a brilliant job, make sure you ask all your questions to put yourself at ease. Irem is on hand for you to call if you have any questions! Hotel was lovely too.
Defo 5-star
Allison, UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
I would recommend the hospital and also the surgeon, but I couldn't do enough for myself Irem is lovely and will be available 24/7 if I get any more surgery. I would go by Bridge Health Travel as the best ***** defo 5-star.
I couldn’t have asked for a better experience - Bariatric Surgery Consultation
Gary R, UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
I travelled last week for surgery. All I can say is if you are thinking of having this done, reach out to people who’ve already done it as they’ll always be willing to tell you their story. In relation to Bridge Health, I couldn’t have asked for a better experience. Helpful, supportive, professional but most importantly, caring. Any questions or guidance that you needed they offered and have stayed in touch since I came home to make sure everything is on track.
I have recently been for my gastric…
No votes yet
I have recently been for my gastric sleeve over in Antalya with the Lovely Irem and her team. I really couldn't fault them one bit. everything was so smooth from arriving at the airport to the transfers to the hotel to be looked after by the lovely nurses. I had no problems Irem explained everything to me and put me at ease. Wouldn't recommend anybody else. Thank you so much again Irem for all that you did for me.
Help me with everything
Michal F, UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Ok good people. Help me with everything. Recommend for everyone
Very helpful coordinator, always advises and helps when there are doubts
Doris, UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Bariatric Surgery Consultation At first I was very scared because it was my first surgery. Price was good, care was good. Lots of research before surgery. Very clean hospital (I think the only thing that could be improved are beds for the accompanying person). Very helpful coordinator, always advises and helps when there are doubts. She never hesitated to answer and was always loved. I rate it 5 stars.
Would highly recommend this clinic
Debra T, UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Would highly recommend this clinic. Had my gastric sleeve surgery on 18th April 2023 bit of a language barrier, but Irem translated so felt at ease.
All the staff at the hospital were lovely and I’m looking forward to going back
Sara W, UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
I am so happy that I chose Bridge Health Travel to start my gastric balloon journey! Irem was amazing in every way, very calming reassuring and there with you every step of the way I would have been a nervous wreck without her. All the staff at the hospital were lovely and I’m looking forward to going back! Thank you so much Bridge Health Travel
Bariatric Surgery Consultation - Aftercare was amazing
Debbie dunlop, UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
What an amazing experience well looked after. Aftercare was amazing. I'm so grateful for everything you have done for me. Up walking 4 hours after surgery and still doing good 12 days post-op. I would highly recommend this surgeon and Iram.
Would recommend using this company
Rosie C., UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
I had the gastric sleeve after have the balloon for a year. Highly recommend. Very thorough with pre and post operation care. Hotel is very clean and professional. Surgeon is English speaking and so is the health care coordinator, they keep in touch with you and help every step of the way. 2 months in and I’ve lost 3 stone
I couldn't recommend them enough
Kinga, UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
I highly recommend this place to anyone who is wanting any work done. I genuinely couldn't explain how exceptional they were, from the very start to the very end. Super clean and friendly place, who treat you like VIP. Every single staff member genuinely cares for you and is always making sure you are OK. I even had cleaners coming to me all the time and making sure I'm OK or if I needed anything. Also, there was an Amazing lady called Irem who assisted me through everything, and she also kept in contact with my husband who was back home, to tell him everything was OK with me and assured him all the way whilst I was in recovery. But honestly, me explaining my experience is nothing compared to the actual experience. I couldn't recommend them enough
The hospital is immaculate and the surgeon was very helpful with aftercare
Samantha W., UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
I would definitely recommend this service. The hospital is immaculate and the surgeon was very helpful with aftercare. Irem is a godsend.
The standard of care we received from the clinical team was fantastic
Lea J., Turkey
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Gastric Sleeve, my partner had the procedure, organised by the lovely Irem at Bridge Health Travel. We chose this clinic after a work colleague told me about her experience from procedure & high standard of care she got from making contact with Irem to travelling & transfer to hospital for the operation & ongoing aftercare. My colleague passed on my number to the host- Irem who made contact via WhatsApp- there was no hard-sell or endless messages- we were able to get back to Irem in our own time with no pressure which was great. Irem was keen to answer any questions we had over the procedure & would quickly reply, which helped us to make an informed choice in our own time. After considering the options of procedure in UK vs abroad, we decided to choose Bridge Health Travel. From when we made decision, Irem’s approach is professional & well organised-assisting with travel plans (best flight times for procedure) around our scheduled leave and recovery. Still many more questions to Irem who is fantastic & nothing a silly question. Our flights from the UK were delayed by over 4hrs & we kept Irem informed of our flight number & updated, and when we landed messaged her & our transfer was ready waiting for us by time we got through border-control. Polite, professional driver in luxurious van collected us & brought us straight to private clinic where Irem met us at foyer. Irem oversaw paperwork needed to check-in and straight to en-suite room, met nurses & bloods done. The clinic was clean, nurses were attentive- even with language barrier it was professional & well-organised. Irem was perfect host with excellent English skills between us & clinical team. Next morning, my partner met their surgeon- had full medical report completed with 3 different specialist consultants and was consulted by internal medical consultant (all with Irem supporting translation) before green light for surgery that afternoon. We met surgeon again prior to surgery, for any questions. I had many more questions for Irem while partner was in surgery & I was really anxious, she is so caring and has actually gone through this procedure herself that I was reassured by her. Post-surgery recovery was patient-focused with getting comfortable & pain relief, nurses were precise & knew exactly what they needed to get done. Alongside this Irem was there to support & reassure me when I was upset(I’d never experienced my partner in hospital before). Even after Irem left to go home (I kept her quite late) she messaged me & said to stay in touch if I needed to speak to her again. The standard of care we received from the clinical team was fantastic over the 5days/4nights, absolutely outstanding. The private UK option would have had my partner in only for one day then home. After the whole experience; the professionalism, teamwork & dedication of the clinical team my partner would not have got this level of care in UK which I feel was necessary for procedure & post-op recovery. House-keeping staff visited room 3x per day, cleaned room & en-suite & made-up/put away companion bed am & pm. Companion meals were provided but if you don’t like it then Irem can organise take-out. Dietician visited Irem for post-surgery nutrition instructions & supplies including powders & vitamins. Again lots of questions for dietician over food-groups & shift-patterns. Aftercare was available online for a further 12 months included in booking. To be fair I hadn’t expected the level & standard of care after reading & hearing stories of surgery abroad; how wrong we were - I’m so glad we chose to use Bridge Health Clinic. I would highly recommend Bridge Health clinic to family, friends & other people considering surgery abroad, contact Irem who genuinely cares about the people & family members in her care, she is an excellent host. Big thanks to the nursing staff on floor 5, you’re all awesomethank-you for your care
I'm grateful to them for all their services
Onur C, US
Average: 5 (1 vote)
They helped me with everything. They were very attentive and friendly. You definitely should visit them. I'm sure you will love this service. I'm grateful to them for all their services.
I'm a few days back after having 12 12-month gastric balloon.
Alexandra Lawrence
Average: 5 (1 vote)
I'm a few days back after having 12 12-month gastric balloon. I went by myself and that was fine as everything was planned very well, pick ups turned up on time each time and Irem took great care of me in the first-class hospital. My first couple of days I felt rough but then quickly got back to feeling like myself by following the eating plan and using the medication provided. I would certainly return and recommend it, now I'm looking forward to the new me.
  • Gastric Sleeve Surgery in Turkey
  • Gastric Sleeve in Turkey with Dr. Murat Kağan Bilge | Bridge Health Travel
  • My weight loss trip to Turkey: “I couldn't wait for NHS help | Bridge Health Travel
Our Treatments:

Gastric Sleeve |  Gastric Bypass Gastric Balloon Mini Gastric Bypass Scarless Gastric Sleeve


Revisional Surgeries | Hotel Accommodation Nursing Care Services at Hotel Continued Dietitian Support After Surgery Consultation & Treatment Planning Preoperative Tests Continued Dietitian Support After Surgery Transfers (Airport-Hotel-Clinic)

FQ About Gastric Balloon Clinic in Antalya / Turkey

The gastric sleeve operation may be a reasonable option for patients with lower starting body mass index (BMI 30-34.9, generally 50-75 pounds over ideal weight) who have been unable to lose weight and maintain weight loss using nonoperative methods. Bariatric Surgery Turkey Price For more details in our article, Can I get VSG with a BMI of 32 where you will find all the information about Can I get VSG with a BMI of 32 please contact us. Can I get VSG with a BMI of 32 The gastric sleeve operation may be a... +More
Full Body Lift Cost in TurkeyExcessive weight loss often leaves a patient with stubborn fat pockets and extra, saggy skin. Even with extreme diet, exercise, or surgery, a patient can never fully get rid of these unwanted flaps of skin. This can cause self-esteem and confidence issues among patients. In such cases, plastic surgery is the only way to achieve a fully sculpted and smoother body.  Body lift is one such cosmetic procedure that helps patients to get into their desired body shape. A body lift... +More
Antalya in Turkey has been famous for plastic surgery aesthetic and cosmetic treatments throughout the globe for many years. Bariatric Surgery Turkey Price For more details in our article, Which surgery is Turkey famous for in Istanbul where you will find all the information about Which surgery is Turkey famous for in Istanbul please contact us. Which surgery is Turkey famous for in Istanbul Antalya in Turkey has been famous for plastic surgery aesthetic and cosmetic treatments throughout the globe for many years... +More
Gastric sleeve results are typically impressive, with patients losing 50-60% of their excess body weight within the first year. The surgery also leads to improvements in obesity-related conditions like diabetes, hypertension, and sleep apnea. Long-term success depends on the patient’s ability to maintain a healthy lifestyle post-surgery.
Another term for the Roux-en-Y gastric bypass, the Roux bypass is highly regarded for its effectiveness in helping patients lose weight and improve health conditions related to obesity. Named after the French surgeon César Roux, this procedure is a combination of both restrictive and malabsorptive techniques. It requires a lifetime commitment to dietary changes, exercise, and regular follow-up with healthcare professionals.
After undergoing bariatric surgery, many patients experience some difficulties adjusting to their new lifestyle. This is to be expected. Life after bariatric surgery involves a lot of changes to your diet, your activity level, and your body. This can lead to mood swings, irritability, and even low moods
Semaglutide is a weight-loss medication that mimics a hormone regulating appetite and food intake. In the UK, it is marketed under the brand names Ozempic (for diabetes) and Wegovy (for obesity). It is prescribed to individuals struggling with weight management, often in conjunction with diet and exercise.
The gastric balloon pill is a new, non-invasive weight-loss method where a deflated balloon is swallowed in pill form and then inflated in the stomach. Known as the Allurion Balloon, this method reduces the amount of food the stomach can hold, promoting weight loss without surgery.
You should stay in Turkey for 7-8 days during your first recovery stage. Gastric sleeve is minimally invasive, yes. But you need to give your body some time to heal before traveling Bariatric Surgery Turkey Price For more details in our article, Who is eligible for gastric sleeve in Antalya where you will find all the information about Who is eligible for gastric sleeve in Antalya please contact us. Who is eligible for gastric sleeve in Antalya You should stay in Turkey for 7-8 days during your first recovery... +More
Swallowable Gastric Balloon Whatclinic Reviews in Antalya Swallowable Gastric Balloon Reviews in Antalya We tried to collect comments for you under the topic title Swallowable Gastric Balloon Reviews in Antalya The safety of gastric sleeve surgery, or any medical procedure, in Turkey or any other country depends on various factors, including the expertise of the medical professionals, the quality of healthcare facilities, and adherence to safety standards and protocols. While Turkey has gained recognition as a... +More
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and gastritis are two distinct conditions, though both cause abdominal discomfort. IBS is a chronic condition affecting the large intestine, while gastritis involves inflammation of the stomach lining. Both can be triggered by stress, poor diet, or infections, and treatment usually involves dietary adjustments and medications to manage symptoms.


Bridge Health Travel Antalya

  • 1
    Welcome! From the moment you arrive at the airport, our private driver will pick you up and it takes you to the airport, hotel and the hospital.
  • 2
    Your medical trip is perfectly scheduled! Our interpreters will be with you at the airport,hotel and the hospital. We will do all the logistics for you in order to ensure your comfort.
  • 3
    Your accommodation is booked! Our consultants will provide you a variety of hotels to pick. You can stay at wherever you want!
  • 4
    Consulting is all free! Our medical team will be at your service for a lifetime and answer all your questions and requests! We are always with you!
What should I do for gastric balloon treatment in Turkey?Which hospital is best for gastric balloon in Turkey? How to prepare for gastric balloon?Before insertion of the gastric balloon, you must fast from food and drinks for 12 hours. When the gastric balloon is to be removed, you must start on a fluid-only diet 48 hours beforehand. This means no solid food at all.How do you qualify for gastric balloon?Patients may be eligible for a gastric balloon if they have a BMI between 30 and 40, and they haven't been able to lose weight and keep it off with other weight-loss plans.What to expect when you get a gastric balloon?Pain and nausea affect about one-third of people soon after insertion of an intragastric balloon. However, these... +More


  • £ 1580
    £ 1450

    Give a call to learn more about what’s included and to come up with a tailored plan if you need unique accommodations that are not listed below.

    • Airport
    • Hotel
    • Hospital transfer
    • The balloon is placed via endoscopy, the procedure takes 15-20 minutes and you are discharged after 2-3 hours.  It is enough to stay here for 1 night.
    • Blood samples & x-rays
    • 5 year follow up
  • £ 2750
    £ 2550


    Give a call to learn more about what’s included and to come up with a tailored plan if you need unique accommodations that are not listed below.
    • Airport
    • Hotel
    • Hospital transfer
    • 4 day stay at hospital
    • Blood samples & x-rays
    • 5 year follow up
  • £ 3100
    £ 2900


    Give a call to learn more about what’s included and to come up with a tailored plan if you need unique accommodations that are not listed below.
    • Airport
    • Hotel
    • Hospital transfer
    • 4 day stay at hospital
    • Blood samples & x-rays
    • 5 year follow up