Weight Loss Surgery Turkey Cost Aesthetic Travel

Pricing for Bariatric Surgery in Turkey / Antalya at Aesthetic Travel

5 Years of Helping 15,000+ People Change Their Lives
With Bridge Health Travel®, you are never alone. Our team in the Antalya / Turkey is with you every step of the way.

Gastric Sleeve Procedure Package Cost Turkey / Antalya £ 1450 | Gastric Balloon Procedure Package Cost Turkey / Antalya £ 2550 |  Mini Gastric Procedure Bypass Package Turkey £ 2900


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Aesthetic Travel Turkey, Gastric Balloon in Turkey


Le lendemain, j'ai été opéré, tout s'est parfaitement bien passé, aucune complication
Yvonne H, Royaume-Uni
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Quelle expérience incroyable avec une équipe des plus gentilles, attentionnées et professionnelles. Lorsque mon fils et moi avons atterri à Antalya, nous avons été accueillis par un chauffeur de transfert privé qui nous a donné une bouteille d'eau glacée et nous a conduits confortablement à l'hôpital. À mon arrivée, j'ai rencontré Irem qui m'a accueilli, moi et mon fils, Irem parlait un anglais excellent. Elle a répondu à toutes les questions, Irem est extrêmement compétente dans son domaine de travail et avec sa propre expérience en soins infirmiers, je savais que j'allais très bien. Le premier jour de mon arrivée à l'hôpital, j'avais passé tous les tests de santé physique à l'aide d'équipements de haute technologie - ces tests ont tous été effectués le même jour, les uns après les autres, avec une excellente coordination. Les installations étaient propres, bien rangées et le personnel extrêmement sympathique, ils ont tous pris le temps de vous connaître en tant que personne, je n'ai jamais été vu ou je n'ai jamais eu l'impression d'être juste un autre de leurs patients. La chambre était spacieuse et la chambre privée avec salle de bains était nettoyée régulièrement 3 à 4 fois par jour, avec des serviettes et des couvertures propres tous les jours, un lit était fourni pour mon fils (qui a déclaré qu'il était confortable), on lui a également proposé 3 repas par personne. jour de l'hôpital. Mais étant une mangeuse difficile, Irem a pris le temps de sa journée/nuit pour organiser une livraison de nourriture à apporter à l'hôtel pour mon fils, certaines nuits, cela pouvait être vers 8h-9h alors qu'Irem avait déjà fait une journée entière de travail ! Mais rien n'était trop difficile pour Irem, elle ne s'est pas seulement occupée de moi à merveille, elle s'est également occupée de mon fils de 17 ans. J'ai rencontré le chirurgien Dr Belen qui était très sympathique et encourageait les questions. Il expliquait ensuite toutes les questions et expliquait en détail la procédure complète avec l'aide d'Irem. Le Dr Belen est extrêmement compétent et extrêmement professionnel. Après l'avoir rencontré, j'ai immédiatement su que j'étais entre de bonnes mains. Le lendemain, j'ai été opéré, tout s'est parfaitement bien passé, aucune complication. J'ai été surveillé par les infirmières professionnelles les plus extraordinaires, les plus attentionnées, mon fils n'ayant que 17 ans a eu un peu peur pendant que j'étais en convalescence, il a envoyé un message à Irem et Irem l'a appelé et lui a parlé de tout ce qui se passait sur les machines (bip) Tout était normal, Irem a contacté les infirmières de garde et leur a demandé de passer un peu de temps avec mon fils pour les rassurer. Rien n'était trop leur demander. Quelques jours plus tard, j'ai eu un 1-2-1 avec la diététicienne qui m'a expliqué toutes les informations en profondeur. mon parcours de dépérissement après l'opération, je suis très attentif aux détails. On m'a donné un sac de matériel de suivi, comprenant des vitamines, des poudres de protéines, de la documentation concernant mon opération et une copie complète de mes notes médicales ainsi qu'un DVD de l'opération. Étant moi-même dans le corps médical et vivant cette expérience. Je recommande vivement cette entreprise. Si vous recherchez des soins bienveillants, attentionnés, professionnels et dignes alors n'hésitez pas vous avez trouvé la bonne équipe avec Irem et son équipe. il y a toujours l'inquiétude de « partir à l'étranger » pour une opération chirurgicale, j'avais ces inquiétudes et je doutais de moi-même, mais s'il y a une chose que je peux dire, c'est que vous n'avez vraiment pas besoin de vous inquiéter, j'ai passé tellement de temps à m'inquiéter avant l'opération alors que je n'en avais pas besoin. Je suis 10 jours après l'opération et je ne pourrais pas être plus heureux qu'en ce moment, je n'ai eu aucune complication, je bois bien, je suis actuellement au stade du liquide plus épais, donc j'ai fait des soupes maison, elles se passent très bien. Je n'ai ressenti aucun soulagement depuis que j'ai quitté l'hôpital, non pas parce que je n'en avais pas, mais je n'en avais pas besoin.
What a good experience
Alice, Turkey
Average: 5 (1 vote)
I’ve Been my plastic upper eyelid surgery with that clinic! What a good experience! Best surgical team, best after care !! Thank you so much for everything!
Baştan sona kesinlikle mükemmel
Gemma, Birleşik Krallık
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Bridgehealth'i yeterince tavsiye edemem. Başından sonuna kadar kesinlikle mükemmel. İrem, ameliyattan 3 ay sonra beni kontrol ederken bile görüntülü görüşmelerinden, kendinizi çok rahat hissetmenize kadar harika bir şey. Çok fazla sinirim vardı ama İrem kalışımı çok kolaylaştırdı. Bakım sonrası da muhteşem x
I couldn’t have asked for a better experience - Bariatric Surgery Consultation
Gary R, UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
I travelled last week for surgery. All I can say is if you are thinking of having this done, reach out to people who’ve already done it as they’ll always be willing to tell you their story. In relation to Bridge Health, I couldn’t have asked for a better experience. Helpful, supportive, professional but most importantly, caring. Any questions or guidance that you needed they offered and have stayed in touch since I came home to make sure everything is on track.
Daha iyi bir ameliyat isteyemezdim
Afya, İngiltere
Average: 5 (1 vote)
16/01'de tüp mide ameliyatı oldum ve deneyimim muhteşemdi, şu ana kadar 16 kilo verdim, hemşire ekibi muhteşemdi. İrem dikişlerimin mükemmel bir şekilde iyileştiğine ve daha iyi bir ameliyat isteyemeyeceğime dair her türlü soruyu tercüme etmede harikaydı.
Sizi çevreme tavsiye etmekten çekinmeyeceğim
Jonathan, Birleşik Krallık
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Teşekkür ederim İrem. Bana verdiğin ve verdiğin bedenin hayaliyle yaşıyorum. Bu kadar kısa sürede bu kadar ilerlemeyi beklemiyordum. Sizi çevreme tavsiye etmekten çekinmeyeceğim. Tekrar görüşürüz
Bridge Health Travel to anyone wanted to have this surgery. Thank you Irem!
Furkan Demiryürek
Average: 4 (1 vote)
The nurses were always attentive. I was encouraged to get up and walk soon after surgery to get things moving again and speed up recovery. Before choosing to have my surgery at this clinic I had read lots of great reviews and was very impressed. I can honestly say that choosing this clinic was the best choice for me and I would definitely recommend Bridge Health Travel to anyone wanted to have this surgery. Thank you Irem!
Highly recommend
P Howe, UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Had surgery 10th October was very nervous flying out to have it done but the experience was ?????? everyone was so kind and helpful from being picked up from airport to my return. So many checks bloods/scans ect. Iran was so lovely and is there for u at any time. Highly recommend
I'm so glad I went through with it
Melanie D., UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Highly recommend!!!! Went for a gastric sleeve, the staff are absolutely lovely, kind and caring. From the minute I arrived everything was amazing, wasn't waiting around everything moved along really fast the care from the staff is incredible. I'm so glad I went through with it.
Ich bin jetzt ohne Schmerzen zu Hause und gewöhne mich nur an meine neue Ernährung und meinen kleinen Bauch
Brooke B, Großbritannien
No votes yet
Was für ein fantastisches Erlebnis. Bei der Landung in Antalya wurden wir von einem privaten Transferfahrer abgeholt, der uns bequem zum Krankenhaus fuhr (echtes Krankenhaus, keine kleine Klinik). Dort traf ich Irem, der mich und meinen Mann herzlich begrüßte und ausgezeichnetes Englisch sprach. Sie beantwortete alle Fragen und konnte meine Nerven völlig beruhigen. Irem war unglaublich kompetent – ??mit ihrer eigenen Erfahrung in der Krankenpflege – wir wussten also, dass ich in guten Händen war. Innerhalb von zwei Stunden nach meiner Ankunft im (sehr sauberen) Krankenhaus wurde ich mit High-Tech-Geräten einer Vielzahl körperlicher Gesundheitstests unterzogen – diese Tests hätten in Großbritannien über Monate hinweg stattgefunden, also war ich beeindruckt! Die Einrichtungen waren sauber, ordentlich und das Personal äußerst freundlich. Unsere privaten Zimmer mit Bad wurden regelmäßig gereinigt und jeden Tag, wenn nicht sogar öfter, mit frischen Handtüchern und Decken versorgt. Meinem Mann, der mit mir reiste, wurden vom Krankenhaus drei Mahlzeiten pro Tag angeboten. Ich traf den Chirurgen, der ausschließlich bariatrische Operationen durchführt, der sehr freundlich war und Fragen stellte. Er erklärte mir mit Hilfe von Irem, was passieren würde und wie lange ich operiert werden würde usw. An dem Tag, an dem ich zur Operation gebracht wurde, lief alles perfekt. Ich wurde sehr regelmäßig von den liebenswürdigen Krankenschwestern überwacht, um sicherzustellen, dass mein Zustand nach der Operation gut war. Nichts war zu viel Mühe, sie sind so effizient und alle Verfahren wurden genau so durchgeführt, wie man es in Großbritannien sieht (nur schneller). Ich hatte ein persönliches Gespräch mit einer Ernährungsberaterin, die mir sehr detailliert meine Diät zum Abnehmen nach der Operation erklärte. Ich erhielt eine riesige Tüte Vitamine, Proteinpulver, Literatur zu meiner Operation – was mich erwartet usw. und eine umfassende Kopie meiner medizinischen Unterlagen. Ich wurde mit einem privaten Transfer zum Hotel gebracht, das wunderschön war und eine fabelhafte Lage hatte. Ich und mein Mann haben uns die ganze Zeit über sehr wohl gefühlt. Ich würde dieses Unternehmen uneingeschränkt weiterempfehlen. Ich denke, es besteht immer die Sorge, für eine Operation „ins Ausland zu gehen“, aber ich war durchweg von der Effizienz, Sauberkeit, Freundlichkeit und dem Wissen des Teams sehr beeindruckt. Ich glaube, dass Sie mehr bekommen, als Sie bezahlen, und ich freue mich sehr, nach der Operation meine neue Reise zur Gewichtsreduktion zu beginnen. Ich bin jetzt ohne Schmerzen zu Hause und gewöhne mich nur an meine neue Ernährung und meinen kleinen Bauch. Vielen Dank an alle! Ich schätze Sie wirklich x Behandelt von: Frau İrem GÜLER
I really couldn't fault them one bit - Gastric Sleeve
Lou, UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
I have recently been for my gastric sleeve over in Antalya with the Lovely Irem and her team. I really couldn't fault them one bit. everything was so smooth from arriving at the airport to the transfers to the hotel to be looked after by the lovely nurses. I had no problems Irem explained everything to me and put me at ease. Wouldn't recommend anybody else. Thank you so much again Irem for all that you did for me.
I would definitely recommend
Jess, UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
I had such an amazing experience with the team from the moment I was picked up from the airport until the day I left! Irem is honestly one of a kind and was so supportive from day one and throughout my gastric balloon procedure. I would definitely recommend.
I was at ease I felt safe and I was taken through the procedure aftercare and life after surgery
Maya, UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Irem and the staff to the surgeon's were so good and accommodating. I was at ease I felt safe and I was taken through the procedure aftercare and life after surgery.
Я не мог и мечтать о лучшей операции
Афья, Великобритания
Average: 5 (1 vote)
16/01 мне сделали рукавную резекцию желудка, и мой опыт был потрясающим: на данный момент я потерял 16 кг, команда медсестер была потрясающей. Ирем великолепно перевела любые вопросы о том, что мои швы заживают идеально, и я не мог и мечтать о лучшей операции.
Everyone at the hospital is lovely, and kind and can not do enough
Annie, UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
I spoke to Irem nearly a year before my surgery. She was the first person I had spoken to when I was doing my research that didn't just want to talk money with me. She asked how I was!!! Everyone at the hospital is lovely, and kind and can not do enough. I would advise anyone to use this hospital. Nothing is too much bother. I am 4 months in and 5 stone down. I have dropped from a size 22/24 to a size 12/14 and got my life back. I could not be more happy with the choice I made.
The company helped me in every process
Lisa T, US
Average: 5 (1 vote)
I had an operation. It was so good. The company helped me in every process. I suggest this company
Would highly recommend and would most definitely go back in the future
Lisa, UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Travelled for surgery which took place on 16th January 2023, before, on arrival and throughout my stay I was well looked after. Irem was on hand through the whole process, answered any questions or concerns and really went above and beyond to make my experience a pleasant and stress free process. Would highly recommend and would most definitely go back in the future.
Ich kann dieses Unternehmen und das Team nur wärmstens empfehlen. Ich wünschte wirklich, ich hätte es schon vor Jahren getan
Lauren, Großbritannien
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Ich bin am 28. April nach Antalya geflogen, um einen Magenballon machen zu lassen. Es war eine wirklich reibungslose und professionelle Erfahrung. Ich wurde am Flughafen von einem Chauffeur abgeholt, direkt ins Krankenhaus gebracht (sauber, funktionstüchtig) und nach Tests und Einweisungen durch die Krankenschwester Iram und den Chirurgen einige Stunden später zur Operation gebracht. Alles verlief reibungslos und sobald ich von den Krankenschwestern freigegeben worden war, wurde ich mit Iram (Krankenschwester/Übersetzer/Gott schenke) mit dem Taxi zum Hotel gebracht. Das Hotel war wunderschön, direkt am Meer mit herrlicher Aussicht und einem makellosen, sehr modernen Zimmer. Ich blieb eine Nacht und flog am nächsten Morgen nach Hause, nachdem Iram erneut ein privates Taxi zurück zum Flughafen organisiert hatte. Ich habe einen klaren Ernährungsplan erhalten und nach einigen Beschwerden und Übelkeit (alles normal und erwartet) geht es mir besser als je zuvor. In 10 Tagen habe ich 10 Pfund abgenommen und führe nun langsam wieder zu fester Nahrungsaufnahme und körperlicher Betätigung über. Ich kann dieses Unternehmen und das Team nur wärmstens empfehlen. Ich wünschte wirklich, ich hätte es schon vor Jahren getan. Vielen Dank euch allen x
В целом очень доволен своим опытом работы с больницей и всем персоналом.
Наташа, Великобритания
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Я так нервничала перед приездом, но как только я приехала, Ирем была рядом и вела меня на каждом этапе пути, забота, которую я получал от персонала, была потрясающей… Меня постоянно проверяли, меняли постельное белье и давали мне лекарства, моя мама, которая приехала со мной бесплатно, получала 3-х разовое горячее питание. В целом очень доволен своим опытом работы с больницей и всем персоналом.
Очень рекомендую и обязательно вернусь сюда в будущем.
Лиза, Великобритания
No votes yet
Ездил на операцию, которая состоялась 16 января 2023 года, до этого, по прибытии и на протяжении всего моего пребывания за мной хорошо ухаживали. Ирем присутствовала на протяжении всего процесса, отвечала на любые вопросы или проблемы и действительно делала все возможное, чтобы сделать мой опыт приятным и свободным от стресса. Очень рекомендую и определенно вернусь сюда в будущем.
I'm home now almost a week post op and I've lost 1 stone - I'm feeling fantastic
Chloe M, UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Wow, what can I say? I had the best experience thanks to bridge health travel (Irem) everything was discussed before I even got a on a plane. As soon as you get to the medstar hospital Irem will be waiting for you with a smile!! You are admitted straight away and the tests begin (they don't waste any time) after my surgery I was always checked on by the nurses/my surgeon and Irem. Going abroad for surgery scared the life out of me but now that I've experienced it I would 100% recommend and go back again! I'm home now almost a week post op and I've lost 1 stone - I'm feeling fantastic!! Thank you everyone at bridge health travel for helping me be a better and healthier me
Am nächsten Tag wurde ich zur Operation gebracht, alles verlief perfekt, keine Komplikationen
Yvonne H, Großbritannien
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Was für eine tolle Erfahrung mit dem freundlichsten, fürsorglichsten und professionellsten Team. Als mein Sohn und ich in Antalya landeten, wurden wir von einem privaten Transferfahrer abgeholt, der uns eine eiskalte Flasche Wasser gab und uns bequem ins Krankenhaus fuhr. Bei meiner Ankunft traf ich Irem, der mich und meinen Sohn willkommen hieß. Irem sprach ausgezeichnetes Englisch. Sie beantwortete alle Fragen, Irem kennt sich in ihrem Fachgebiet hervorragend aus und aufgrund ihrer eigenen Erfahrung in der Krankenpflege wusste ich, dass es mir gut ging. Am ersten Tag meiner Ankunft im Krankenhaus hatte ich alle körperlichen Gesundheitstests mit High-Tech-Geräten erhalten – diese Tests wurden alle am selben Tag nacheinander mit hervorragender Koordination abgeschlossen. Die Einrichtungen waren sauber, ordentlich und das Personal äußerst freundlich. Sie haben sich alle die Zeit genommen, Sie als Person kennenzulernen. Ich wurde nie gesehen oder hatte nie das Gefühl, nur einer ihrer Patienten zu sein. Das Zimmer war geräumig und das private Zimmer mit Bad wurde regelmäßig 3-4 Mal am Tag gereinigt, mit frischen Handtüchern und Decken jeden Tag, ein Bett wurde für meinen Sohn bereitgestellt (der sagte, es sei bequem), ihm wurden auch 3 Mahlzeiten pro Person angeboten Tag aus dem Krankenhaus. Aber da Irem eine wählerische Esserin ist, nahm sie sich Tag und Nacht die Zeit, eine Essenslieferung für meinen Sohn ins Hotel zu organisieren. An manchen Abenden konnte das zwischen 8 und 9 Uhr sein, wenn Irem bereits den ganzen Tag gearbeitet hatte! Aber nichts war für Irem zu viel Aufwand, sie hat sich nicht nur großartig um mich gekümmert, sondern auch um meinen 17-jährigen Sohn. Ich traf die Chirurgin Dr. Belen, die sehr freundlich war und Fragen stellte. Anschließend erläuterte er alle Fragen und erläuterte mit Hilfe von Irem den gesamten Ablauf ausführlich. Dr. Belen ist äußerst sachkundig und äußerst professionell. Nachdem ich ihn kennengelernt hatte, wusste ich sofort, dass ich in guten Händen war. Am nächsten Tag wurde ich zur Operation gebracht, alles verlief perfekt, keine Komplikationen. Ich wurde von den erstaunlichsten, fürsorglichsten und professionellsten Krankenschwestern überwacht. Mein Sohn, der erst 17 Jahre alt war, bekam ein wenig Angst, während ich mich erholte. Er schrieb Irem eine Nachricht, und Irem rief ihn an und erzählte ihm alles, was an den Maschinen passierte (Piepton). Es war alles normal, Irem kontaktierte die diensthabenden Krankenschwestern und arrangierte, dass sie zur Beruhigung ein wenig Zeit mit meinem Sohn verbringen konnten. Nichts war ihnen zu viel Mühe. Ein paar Tage später hatte ich ein Einzelgespräch mit der Ernährungsberaterin, die mir alle Informationen ausführlich erklärt hat. Meine verschwenderische Reise nach der Operation Ich bin sehr detailliert. Ich erhielt eine Tüte mit Nachsorgematerialien, darunter Vitamine, Proteinpulver, Literatur zu meiner Operation und eine vollständige Kopie meiner medizinischen Unterlagen sowie eine DVD der Operation. Ich bin selbst im medizinischen Beruf tätig und habe diese Erfahrung gemacht. Ich würde dieses Unternehmen wärmstens empfehlen. Wenn Sie eine freundliche, fürsorgliche, professionelle und würdevolle Pflege suchen, dann zögern Sie nicht, mit Irem und ihrem Team haben Sie das richtige Team gefunden. Es gibt immer die Sorge, für eine Operation „ins Ausland zu gehen“, ich hatte diese Sorgen und zweifelte an mir selbst, Aber eines kann ich sagen: Sie brauchen sich wirklich keine Sorgen zu machen. Ich habe so viel Zeit damit verbracht, mir vor der Operation Sorgen zu machen, obwohl ich es nicht brauchte. Ich bin 10 Tage nach der Operation und könnte nicht glücklicher sein als jetzt. Ich hatte überhaupt keine Komplikationen, trinke gut, ich befinde mich derzeit im Stadium der dickeren Flüssigkeit, also habe ich selbstgemachte Suppen gemacht, die mir gut schmecken. Seitdem ich das Krankenhaus verlassen habe, habe ich keine Schmerzlinderung erfahren, nicht weil ich sie nicht gelindert hätte, sondern weil ich sie nicht brauchte.
Je ne saurais trop les recommander
Kinga, Royaume-Uni
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Je recommande vivement cet endroit à tous ceux qui souhaitent réaliser des travaux. Je ne pouvais vraiment pas expliquer à quel point ils étaient exceptionnels, du tout début à la toute fin. Endroit super propre et convivial, qui vous traite comme un VIP. Chaque membre du personnel se soucie vraiment de vous et veille toujours à ce que vous allez bien. J'avais même des femmes de ménage qui venaient me voir tout le temps et s'assuraient que j'allais bien ou si j'avais besoin de quoi que ce soit. De plus, il y avait une dame extraordinaire appelée Irem qui m'a aidé à travers tout, et elle est également restée en contact avec mon mari qui était de retour à la maison, pour lui dire que tout allait bien pour moi et l'a assuré tout au long de ma convalescence. Mais honnêtement, expliquer mon expérience n’est rien comparé à l’expérience réelle. Je ne saurais trop les recommander
Я искренне благодарен за вашу работу, надеюсь, вы поможете гораздо большему количеству людей.
Мэриленд, Великобритания
Average: 5 (1 vote)
У меня были незабываемые впечатления, спасибо за ваше обслуживание. Они делают лечение доступным по сравнению с другими. Больница, в которую меня положили, была очень приятной, очень чистой и просторной, персонал позаботится о вас как следует и позаботится о вас. Все было организовано: встреча в аэропорту, проведение анализов в лаборатории, последующий уход после операции и все такое. Я искренне благодарен за вашу работу, надеюсь, вы поможете гораздо большему количеству людей.
Медсестра относилась ко мне как к VIP, с того момента, как я сказал: «ОК, я приду».
Тиффани, Турция
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Мой опыт работы с Bridge Health Travel был просто исключительным. Ирем была очень полезна, терпелива и рассказала мне о процессе принятия решений. Она относилась ко мне как к VIP, с того момента, как я сказал: «Хорошо, я приду». Вплоть до моего отъезда она была рядом на каждом этапе пути. Когда я путешествовал в одиночку, это меня обнадежило, потому что она позаботилась о том, чтобы мне всегда было комфортно. Я так счастлив, что решил начать свое путешествие по желудочному рукаву с Bridge Health Travel, и я определенно рекомендую его другим. С рукавами2023.
Je n'ai rien à reprocher à l'entreprise
Nikki, Royaume-Uni
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Ouah!! Que puis-je dire, quelle équipe fantastique. Je n'ai rien à reprocher à l'entreprise. Ils se sont tous si bien occupés de moi et m'ont aidé à partir du moment où j'ai demandé jusqu'à 9 semaines après l'opération. C’était une décision importante et effrayante, mais je ne me suis jamais senti aussi détendu et à l’aise tout au long du processus. Ils sont vraiment incroyables. Ils ont changé ma vie pour toujours et je ne pourrai jamais assez les remercier. Je recommanderais encore et encore. Merci
Bu şirketi ve ekibi şiddetle tavsiye ediyorum, keşke yıllar önce yapsaydım
Lauren, İngiltere
Average: 5 (1 vote)
28 Nisan'da mide balonu yaptırmak için Antalya'ya uçtum. Gerçekten sorunsuz ve profesyonel bir deneyimdi. Havaalanında bir şoför tarafından karşılandım, doğrudan hastaneye götürüldüm (temiz, çalışır durumda) ve hemşire Iram ve cerrah tarafından yapılan testler ve brifinglerden sonra birkaç saat sonra ameliyata alındım. Her şey yolunda gitti ve hemşireler tarafından izin alınır alınmaz, İram'la (hemşire/tercüman/Tanrı göndersin) taksiyle otele götürüldüm. Otel çok güzeldi, deniz kıyısında, muhteşem manzaralara ve tertemiz, çok modern bir odaya sahipti. Bir gece kaldım ve ertesi sabah Iram'ın özel bir taksiyle havaalanına dönüş ayarını yaptıktan sonra eve uçtum. Bana net bir beslenme planı verildi ve bazı rahatsızlık ve rahatsızlıklardan sonra (hepsi normal ve beklenen) kendimi her zamankinden daha iyi hissediyorum. 10 günde 10 kilo verdim ve şimdi yavaş yavaş katı gıdalara ve egzersize yeniden başlıyorum. Bu şirketi ve ekibi şiddetle tavsiye ediyorum, keşke bunu yıllar önce yapmış olsaydım. Hepinize çok teşekkür ederim x
Onları en ufak bir şekilde suçlayamadım
Katie, Birleşik Krallık
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Harika Takım! Onlara en ufak bir hata olamazdı. Varıştan taburculuğa kadar gösterilen ilgi mükemmeldi. Bir kalp atışıyla tekrar gelirdim! Hayatımı değiştirdiğin için çok teşekkür ederim.
Irem and Sasha went out of their way to make me feel at ease and my surgeon Dr Erdem came to visit me every day before and after surgery.
Boris Dowd
Average: 5 (1 vote)
I had a gastric sleeve 4 weeks ago today, the level of care I received was above and beyond from the moment I arrived until I was back at home. I was a solo traveller, but never ever felt alone there. Irem and Sasha went out of their way to make me feel at ease and my surgeon Dr Erdem came to visit me every day before and after surgery. If I decide to go back in the future for any plastics I won't hesitate to go back there . I am already over 2 stone lighter since starting my journey.
I cant recommend Bridge Heath Care enough if your considering bariatric surgery.
Laura Ferguson
Average: 5 (1 vote)
I underwent a gastric sleeve in November 2023 and can't thank Irem and the medical team enough for their excellent service and care. Everyone was friendly, professional and ensured I understood everything that was going to happen, asking if I had any questions at every step . The hospital was incredible in the care they delivered and they looked after my nervous husband too, making sure he felt included. Post op care was outstanding and has enabled me to return home feeling confident in my next steps towards a better me. I cant recommend Bridge Heath Care enough if your considering bariatric surgery.
С момента моего прибытия и до момента моего отъезда обо мне очень хорошо заботились.
Шарон Плант, Великобритания
Average: 5 (1 vote)
16 января 2023 года мне сделали операцию, и я могу честно сказать, что помощь, которую я получил, была 10/10. С момента моего прибытия в Турцию и до момента моего отъезда обо мне очень хорошо заботились. Ирем, мой переводчик, была потрясающей, она действительно сделала все возможное. Мне все объяснили относительно моей операции и после операции. Я настоятельно рекомендую мостовое оздоровительное путешествие.
Their services are comprehensive and well-coordinated, ensuring that patients receive the best poss
Vedat G, US
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Bridge Health Travel is an excellent option for individuals seeking medical treatment abroad. Their services are comprehensive and well-coordinated, ensuring that patients receive the best possible care. The team at Bridge Health Travel is highly professional and knowledgeable, and they go above and beyond to make sure their clients feel comfortable and informed throughout the entire process. I would highly recommend Bridge Health Travel to anyone looking for high-quality medical care in a foreign country
Profesyonel, saygılı ve yakışıklı bir insan
Rachel, İngiltere
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Başlangıçtan bitime. Olumlu sözler dışında hiçbir şeyim yok. İrem muhteşemdi. Bizimle hastanede buluşmaktan, otelde vedalaşmaya kadar. Stresli bir süreci çok kolaylaştırdı. Dr Belen muhteşemdi; profesyonel, saygılı ve cana yakın bir insandı. Bu operasyonu ve bunu sunan tüm firmaları uzun uzun araştırdım. Bridge Health kullanılacak şirkettir. Yeni yaşam tarzımı, yeni diyetimi ve birkaç ay içinde sabırsızlıkla bekliyorum. Yeni görünüşüm. Herşey için teşekkürler Bridge Health

Weight Loss Surgery Reviews in Turkey

The hospital is immaculate and the surgeon was very helpful with aftercare
Samantha W., UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
I would definitely recommend this service. The hospital is immaculate and the surgeon was very helpful with aftercare. Irem is a godsend.
Would definitely recommend
Gemma F, UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
I recently returned after having a gastric balloon. Irem was great from the very first enquiry to the aftercare after the procedure. Would definitely recommend Thanks
Irem and Sasha went out of their way to make me feel at ease and my surgeon Dr Erdem came to visit me every day before and after surgery.
Boris Dowd
Average: 5 (1 vote)
I had a gastric sleeve 4 weeks ago today, the level of care I received was above and beyond from the moment I arrived until I was back at home. I was a solo traveller, but never ever felt alone there. Irem and Sasha went out of their way to make me feel at ease and my surgeon Dr Erdem came to visit me every day before and after surgery. If I decide to go back in the future for any plastics I won't hesitate to go back there . I am already over 2 stone lighter since starting my journey.
I would certainly return and recommend it
Terri, UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
I'm a few days back after having 12 12-month gastric balloon. I went by myself and that was fine as everything was planned very well, pick ups turned up on time each time and Irem took great care of me in the first-class hospital. My first couple of days I felt rough but then quickly got back to feeling like myself by following the eating plan and using the medication provided. I would certainly return and recommend it, now I'm looking forward to the new me.
The next day I was taken down for surgery, everything went perfectly well no complications
Yvonne H, UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
What an amazing experience with the most kind, caring and professional team. When me and my son landing in Antalya we were met by a private transfer driver who gave us an ice-cold bottle of water and drove us in comfort to the hospital. On arrival I met Irem who welcomed me and my son, Irem spoke excellent English. She answered all questions, Irem is extremely knowledgeable in her field of work and with her own nursing experience, I knew I was just fine. The first day of arriving at the hospital, I had received all the test of physical health tests using high-tech equipment - these tests were all completed the same day one after another with excellent coordination. The facilities were clean, tidy and the staff extremely friendly, they all took the time to get to know you as a Person, I was never seen or never felt like I was just another one of their patients. The room was spacious and the private en-suite room was cleaned regularly 3-4 times a day, with fresh towels and blankets every day, a bed was provided for my son (who stated is was comfortable) he was also offered 3 meals per day from the hospital. But being a fussy eater Irem took the time out of her day/night to arrange a food delivery to be brought to the hotel for my son, some nights this could be around 8-9 0clock when Irem had already done a full days work! But nothing was to much of an effort for Irem, she didn’t only look after me amazingly she also looked after my 17yr old son. I met the surgeon Dr Belen who was very friendly and encouraged questions. He would then explain all questions and fully explained the full procedure with the help of Irem. Dr Belen is extremely knowledgeable and extremely professional, after meeting him I immediately know I was in good hands. The next day I was taken down for surgery, everything went perfectly well no complications. I was monitored by the most amazing, caring, professional nurses, my son only being 17yrs old got a little frighted whilst I was in recovery, he messaged Irem and Irem rang him and talked him through everything that was happening on the machines (bleeping) was all normal, Irem contacted the nurses on duty and arrange for them to spend a bit of time with my son for reassurance Nothing was too much trouble for them. A couple of days later I had a 1-2-1 with the dietician who explained all information to me in great depth. my wasting journey post-surgery I’m great detail. I was given a bag of aftercare materials, these included vitamins, protein powders, literature regarding my surgery and full copy of my medical notes along with a DVD of the surgery. Being in the medical profession myself and going through this experience. I would highly recommend this company. If you are looking for kind, caring, professional, dignified care then don’t hesitate you have found the right team with Irem and her team. there is always the worry about “going abroad” for surgery, I had them worries and doubt myself, but if there is one thing I can say is you really don’t need to worry, I spent so much time leading to the operation worrying when I didn’t need to. I am 10 days post-op, and couldn’t be happier than I am right now, iv had no complications at all, drinking fine, I’m currently on the thicker fluid stage so made homemade soups they are going down just fine. I haven’t had any pain relief since leaving the hospital, not because I wasn’t supples them , I was but I haven’t needed them.
Feel so much more confident and happier
Demi, UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
From start to finish and on going I’ve had a perfect surgery along with aftercare. I am from the UK and I was a nervous wreck even laying on the table prior to the surgery I was crying my eyes out, as I was so scared but all the staff and Dr Belen was so reassuring caring and overall lovely. Irem met me as soon as we landed and has been there throughout. I had slight gas pain after which is normal but they was on top of all pain relief, fluids everything! Couldn’t fault the clinic. I’m 10 weeks post-op and 2st 10b down and feel so much more confident and happier. Thank you for changing my life
I couldn’t have asked for more
Ryan, UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
From booking to arriving to leaving the experience I had was 5 stars. I couldn’t have asked for more. The price was good, the care given was outstanding. Nearly 3 months post op and it’s changed my life. Sleeve surgery was right for me and I am continuing to lose weight slowly to hit my goal long term.
Had a gastric balloon and everything was simple and straight forward.
Matt Tucker
Average: 5 (1 vote)
I would recommend this clinic Had a gastric balloon and everything was simple and straight forward.
Help me with everything
Michal F, UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Ok good people. Help me with everything. Recommend for everyone
The hospital and staff were all amazing
David, UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
What can I say? Bridge Health Travel has been amazing from start to finish! I decided to have a gastric sleeve after a discussion with BHT! I was given all the information possible to make my choice along with tons of no-pressure advice! From the moment I landed in Turkey, I was met at the airport and driven in a private car to the airport where I was greeted by the amazing Iram! We met the surgeon and straight away were at ease! I 100% made the correct choice in Bridge Heath Travel! The hospital and staff were all amazing! The cost of my surgery I feel was extremely good value and would highly recommend Bridge Heath Travel and Iram to anyone thinking of having this type of surgery! I had my op on the 26th of Sept 23 and it’s now the 5th of December 23 and I’ve lost 5stone 5lbs and feel like a completely difference person! Amazing Bridge Heath Travel and Iram.
The staff was amazing; nurses, cleaners and even surgeons
Leann W., Turkey
Average: 5 (1 vote)
I went to Turkey in September 2023. I had gastric sleeve surgery the day after my arrival, and my surgery went well. The staff was amazing; nurses, cleaners and even surgeons; We should not forget the wonderful coordinators. Irem took care of me from the first minute to the last minute. I did my own research and went to BHT and I am very pleased. They are definitely 10/10.
I couldn’t have asked for a better surgery
Afya, UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
I had the gastric sleeve the 16/01 and my experience has been amazing, so far I have lost 16kg, the nurses team were amazing. Irem was fantastic in translating any queries that I had my stitches are healing perfectly and I couldn’t have asked for a better surgery.
Would recommend 100%
Mandy R, UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Got the gastric balloon fitted October. I was more nervous about the process (going on my own) than the procedure. But I shouldn't have been it went very smoothly and everyone was very supportive. Would reccomend 100%
What a good experience
Alice, Turkey
Average: 5 (1 vote)
I’ve Been my plastic upper eyelid surgery with that clinic! What a good experience! Best surgical team, best after care !! Thank you so much for everything!
Everyone was extremely helpful
Satdeep, UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Amazed at the level of care and hospitality given by Irem and those at the hospital. Am shocked at how efficient everything was and no time was wasted between the procedures and seeing the Dr. Everyone was extremely helpful and Irem was with us every step of the way and took tremendous care of us. She took care of everything for us. From the endoscopy, colonoscopy, ultrasound, blood tests, and pharmacy visit she was with us every step of the way and even recommended shops near our hotel to purchase food and the diet needed for these procedures. She is a gem. The hospital was immaculate.
I can’t fault the company at all
Nikki, UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Wow!! What can I say, what a fantastic team. I can’t fault the company at all. They all looked after me so well and helped me from the moment I enquired to even now being 9 weeks post op. It was a big decision and a scary thing but I never felt so relaxed and at eased the whole way through. They really are amazing. They have changed my life forever and I can’t thank them enough. I would recommend over and over again. Thank you
Bariatric Surgery Consultation - Nurses were lovely and polite
Chelsie, UK
Average: 4 (2 votes)
The hospital was lovely and clean. Tests were quick and efficient. Nurses were lovely and polite. The surgeon did a brilliant job, make sure you ask all your questions to put yourself at ease. Irem is on hand for you to call if you have any questions! Hotel was lovely too.
The standard of care we received from the clinical team was fantastic
Lea J., Turkey
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Gastric Sleeve, my partner had the procedure, organised by the lovely Irem at Bridge Health Travel. We chose this clinic after a work colleague told me about her experience from procedure & high standard of care she got from making contact with Irem to travelling & transfer to hospital for the operation & ongoing aftercare. My colleague passed on my number to the host- Irem who made contact via WhatsApp- there was no hard-sell or endless messages- we were able to get back to Irem in our own time with no pressure which was great. Irem was keen to answer any questions we had over the procedure & would quickly reply, which helped us to make an informed choice in our own time. After considering the options of procedure in UK vs abroad, we decided to choose Bridge Health Travel. From when we made decision, Irem’s approach is professional & well organised-assisting with travel plans (best flight times for procedure) around our scheduled leave and recovery. Still many more questions to Irem who is fantastic & nothing a silly question. Our flights from the UK were delayed by over 4hrs & we kept Irem informed of our flight number & updated, and when we landed messaged her & our transfer was ready waiting for us by time we got through border-control. Polite, professional driver in luxurious van collected us & brought us straight to private clinic where Irem met us at foyer. Irem oversaw paperwork needed to check-in and straight to en-suite room, met nurses & bloods done. The clinic was clean, nurses were attentive- even with language barrier it was professional & well-organised. Irem was perfect host with excellent English skills between us & clinical team. Next morning, my partner met their surgeon- had full medical report completed with 3 different specialist consultants and was consulted by internal medical consultant (all with Irem supporting translation) before green light for surgery that afternoon. We met surgeon again prior to surgery, for any questions. I had many more questions for Irem while partner was in surgery & I was really anxious, she is so caring and has actually gone through this procedure herself that I was reassured by her. Post-surgery recovery was patient-focused with getting comfortable & pain relief, nurses were precise & knew exactly what they needed to get done. Alongside this Irem was there to support & reassure me when I was upset(I’d never experienced my partner in hospital before). Even after Irem left to go home (I kept her quite late) she messaged me & said to stay in touch if I needed to speak to her again. The standard of care we received from the clinical team was fantastic over the 5days/4nights, absolutely outstanding. The private UK option would have had my partner in only for one day then home. After the whole experience; the professionalism, teamwork & dedication of the clinical team my partner would not have got this level of care in UK which I feel was necessary for procedure & post-op recovery. House-keeping staff visited room 3x per day, cleaned room & en-suite & made-up/put away companion bed am & pm. Companion meals were provided but if you don’t like it then Irem can organise take-out. Dietician visited Irem for post-surgery nutrition instructions & supplies including powders & vitamins. Again lots of questions for dietician over food-groups & shift-patterns. Aftercare was available online for a further 12 months included in booking. To be fair I hadn’t expected the level & standard of care after reading & hearing stories of surgery abroad; how wrong we were - I’m so glad we chose to use Bridge Health Clinic. I would highly recommend Bridge Health clinic to family, friends & other people considering surgery abroad, contact Irem who genuinely cares about the people & family members in her care, she is an excellent host. Big thanks to the nursing staff on floor 5, you’re all awesomethank-you for your care
All the staff at the hospital were lovely and I’m looking forward to going back
Sara W, UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
I am so happy that I chose Bridge Health Travel to start my gastric balloon journey! Irem was amazing in every way, very calming reassuring and there with you every step of the way I would have been a nervous wreck without her. All the staff at the hospital were lovely and I’m looking forward to going back! Thank you so much Bridge Health Travel
Bariatric Surgery Consultation - Aftercare was amazing
Debbie dunlop, UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
What an amazing experience well looked after. Aftercare was amazing. I'm so grateful for everything you have done for me. Up walking 4 hours after surgery and still doing good 12 days post-op. I would highly recommend this surgeon and Iram.
The surgeon, the nurses, the staff are very craint - Bariatric Surgery Consultation
Aïcha, France
Average: 5 (1 vote)
You can go there with your eyes closed. Even before your arrival Irem is very available to answer ALL your questions! The surgeon, the nurses, the staff are very craint. I am more than happy to have taken the plunge because I was very well surrounded and even since my return to France Irem is still available and helpful
  • Gastric Sleeve Surgery in Turkey
  • Gastric Sleeve in Turkey with Dr. Murat Kağan Bilge | Bridge Health Travel
  • My weight loss trip to Turkey: “I couldn't wait for NHS help | Bridge Health Travel
Our Treatments:

Gastric Sleeve |  Gastric Bypass Gastric Balloon Mini Gastric Bypass Scarless Gastric Sleeve


Revisional Surgeries | Hotel Accommodation Nursing Care Services at Hotel Continued Dietitian Support After Surgery Consultation & Treatment Planning Preoperative Tests Continued Dietitian Support After Surgery Transfers (Airport-Hotel-Clinic)

FQ About Gastric Balloon Clinic in Antalya / Turkey

A diet clinic offers personalized services to help people manage their weight, often through nutritional counseling, meal planning, and fitness guidance. These clinics may also provide medical interventions such as appetite suppressants, weight-loss injections, or bariatric surgery evaluations. They cater to individuals looking for both medical and non-surgical weight-loss solutions.
Common VSG side effects include nausea, vomiting, acid reflux, and constipation due to the smaller stomach size. Nutrient deficiencies, like vitamin B12 and iron, may occur if patients don't follow their prescribed supplements. Long-term complications can include weight regain or the development of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).
5 liters/10 pounds is the maximum amount of fat that can be removed.
Medical equipment and standards simply aren't as highly regulated in Turkey as they are in the UK and EU countries. As Turkey isn't part of the EU, they do not comply with the strict guidelines that we see in countries like France and Germany. Bariatric Surgery Turkey Price For more details in our article, Why is gastric surgery so cheap in Antalya where you will find all the information about Why is gastric surgery so cheap in Antalya please contact us. Why is gastric surgery so cheap in Antalya Medical... +More
The average cost for gastric sleeve surgery in Turkey is €3.500,00 or 3000 £ (all-inclusive package), However, The cost may vary from one clinic to another, and there are a few more factors that can affect your average gastric surgery cost in Antalya - Turkey. Bariatric Surgery Turkey Price For more details in our article, How much does gastric sleeve cost in Antalya where you will find all the information about How much does gastric sleeve cost in Antalya please contact us. How much does gastric sleeve cost in... +More
In Turkey, abdominal surgeries that might require a hospital stay of 10 days include more invasive procedures like colon surgeries, cancer resections, or major hernia repairs. Extended hospital stays are often recommended to ensure proper healing and to monitor for any postoperative complications such as infections or digestive issues.
Seven British patients who travelled to Turkey for weight loss surgery died after operations there, a BBC investigation into the trend has found. Others have returned home with serious health issues after having had gastric sleeve operations, during which more than 70% of the stomach is removed. Bariatric Surgery Turkey Price For more details in our article, Is it safe to go to Turkey for bariatric surgery in Turkey where you will find all the information about Is it safe to go to Turkey for bariatric surgery in... +More
Bariatric relates to treatments aimed at weight reduction, especially in individuals with severe obesity. This includes medical, surgical, and behavioral interventions. Bariatric surgery, such as gastric sleeve or bypass, is often a last resort for those who have struggled with losing weight through traditional methods.
A gastro appointment is a consultation with a gastroenterologist. During this visit, the doctor assesses symptoms like stomach pain, acid reflux, or changes in bowel habits. The appointment might involve a physical exam, blood tests, or diagnostic procedures like an endoscopy or colonoscopy to identify the issue.
The Roux-en-Y procedure is a type of gastric bypass surgery where the stomach is divided into a small pouch, and part of the small intestine is rerouted to the new pouch. This reduces both food intake and nutrient absorption, leading to significant weight loss and improvements in obesity-related health conditions.
The gastric sleeve operation may be a reasonable option for patients with lower starting body mass index (BMI 30-34.9, generally 50-75 pounds over ideal weight) who have been unable to lose weight and maintain weight loss using nonoperative methods. Bariatric Surgery Turkey Price For more details in our article, Can I get VSG with a BMI of 32 in Istanbul where you will find all the information about Can I get VSG with a BMI of 32 in Istanbul please contact us. Can I get VSG with a BMI of 32 in Istanbul The... +More


Bridge Health Travel Antalya

  • 1
    Welcome! From the moment you arrive at the airport, our private driver will pick you up and it takes you to the airport, hotel and the hospital.
  • 2
    Your medical trip is perfectly scheduled! Our interpreters will be with you at the airport,hotel and the hospital. We will do all the logistics for you in order to ensure your comfort.
  • 3
    Your accommodation is booked! Our consultants will provide you a variety of hotels to pick. You can stay at wherever you want!
  • 4
    Consulting is all free! Our medical team will be at your service for a lifetime and answer all your questions and requests! We are always with you!
Gastric Bypass in TurkeyWhile endoscopic gastric balloon treatment has been successfully applied for many years, swallowable gastric balloon or elipse gastric balloon procedures have gained prominence as alternative methods due to the lack of sedation during the procedure and the absence of endoscopic assistance. In the swallowable gastric balloon procedure, the patient swallows a capsule-shaped balloon attached to a thin wire in an uninflated state with plenty of water. For patients who have difficulty swallowing the balloon, the doctor can assist the patient in swallowing the balloon using a thin guide wire. Once the balloon reaches the stomach, the doctor verifies its correct placement through imaging methods such as X-rays. An... +More


  • £ 1580
    £ 1450

    Give a call to learn more about what’s included and to come up with a tailored plan if you need unique accommodations that are not listed below.

    • Airport
    • Hotel
    • Hospital transfer
    • The balloon is placed via endoscopy, the procedure takes 15-20 minutes and you are discharged after 2-3 hours.  It is enough to stay here for 1 night.
    • Blood samples & x-rays
    • 5 year follow up
  • £ 2750
    £ 2550


    Give a call to learn more about what’s included and to come up with a tailored plan if you need unique accommodations that are not listed below.
    • Airport
    • Hotel
    • Hospital transfer
    • 4 day stay at hospital
    • Blood samples & x-rays
    • 5 year follow up
  • £ 3100
    £ 2900


    Give a call to learn more about what’s included and to come up with a tailored plan if you need unique accommodations that are not listed below.
    • Airport
    • Hotel
    • Hospital transfer
    • 4 day stay at hospital
    • Blood samples & x-rays
    • 5 year follow up