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FQ About Gastric Balloon Clinic in Antalya / Turkey
Stomach stapling is an older term for bariatric surgery procedures that reduce stomach size. It involves surgically creating a smaller stomach pouch using staples, which limits food intake. Modern techniques like gastric sleeve surgery have replaced traditional stomach stapling, but the principle remains the samerestricting food capacity.
Patients who undergo sleeve gastrectomy in Turkey often share impressive before-and-after photos that showcase significant weight loss. Most patients lose 60-70% of their excess body weight within the first year after surgery. Turkey is well-known for delivering high-quality results at a fraction of the cost found in the UK, US, or other Western countries, making it a popular choice for those considering the surgery.
As with any surgery, gastric bypass carries some risks. Complications of surgery include infection, blood clots, and internal bleeding. Another risk is an anastomosis. This is a new connection created in your intestines and stomach during the bypass surgery that will not fully heal and will leak. Bariatric Surgery Turkey Price For more details in our article, What is the bad side of bariatric surgery in Antalya where you will find all the information about What is the bad side of bariatric surgery in Antalya... +More
It is normal to see weight gain after bariatric surgery because patients still live in an obesogenic environment, and the individual's or surgery's ability to control all factors is limited. Body fat is also subject to metabolic pressures to regain lost weight Since salads are typically made of raw fruits and vegetables they can be more difficult to digest. And since you had bariatric surgery your ability to digest foods has changed and will take some time to adjust Over the first three months, patients... +More
Fat burner pills are supplements that claim to increase metabolism, enhance fat oxidation, and reduce appetite. These products often contain ingredients like caffeine, green tea extract, and capsaicin. While they can support weight loss, they are not a substitute for a healthy diet and exercise.
You can usually start eating regular foods about three months after surgery. At each stage of the gastric bypass diet, you must be careful to: Drink 64 ounces of fluid a day, to avoid dehydration. Sip liquids between meals, not with meals. Bariatric Surgery Turkey Price For more details in our article, Can you ever eat normally after gastric bypass in Istanbul where you will find all the information about Can you ever eat normally after gastric bypass in Istanbul please contact us. Can you ever eat normally after... +More
Gastritis is inflammation of the stomach lining, while Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) affects the intestines and causes chronic discomfort without inflammation. While both conditions involve digestive issues, gastritis typically causes nausea and upper abdominal pain, whereas IBS presents with bloating, diarrhea, or constipation.
Clinic Antalya Obesity Surgery Whatclinic Reviews in Turkey Clinic Antalya Obesity Surgery Reviews in Turkey We tried to collect comments for you under the topic title Clinic Antalya Obesity Surgery Reviews in Turkey The safety of gastric sleeve surgery, or any medical procedure, in Turkey or any other country depends on various factors, including the expertise of the medical professionals, the quality of healthcare facilities, and adherence to safety standards and protocols. While Turkey has gained recognition as... +More
Since salads are typically made of raw fruits and vegetables they can be more difficult to digest. And since you had bariatric surgery your ability to digest foods has changed and will take some time to adjust
Can you fly after gastric sleeve surgery? There is no reason why you should not fly as normal with a gastric sleeve. We do not recommend that sleeve patients fly short haul (e.g. Europe) within 7 days of their surgery and that they wait 21 days before flying medium to long haul. Always consume lean protein first, non-starchy vegetables second, and high-fiber carbs or a healthy fat source last. Try to consume at least 64 ounces of hydrating fluids. Avoid added-sugar drinks, carbonation, and excessive caffeine.... +More
The intragastric balloon is the first of the endoscopic techniques which have the potential to be important means of achieving weight loss without the need for surgery. This is the only endoscopic technique which currently we offer at CBS. But the field of endoscopic techniques for weight loss is a rapidly developing one and further techniques could be available in the not-too-distant future. The intragastric balloon is a day procedure. You are very lightly anaesthetised during the procedure as it can be... +More
Give a call to learn more about what’s included and to come up with a tailored plan if you need unique accommodations that are not listed below.
- Airport
- Hotel
- Hospital transfer
- The balloon is placed via endoscopy, the procedure takes 15-20 minutes and you are discharged after 2-3 hours. It is enough to stay here for 1 night.
- Blood samples & x-rays
- 5 year follow up
Give a call to learn more about what’s included and to come up with a tailored plan if you need unique accommodations that are not listed below.- Airport
- Hotel
- Hospital transfer
- 4 day stay at hospital
- Blood samples & x-rays
- 5 year follow up
Give a call to learn more about what’s included and to come up with a tailored plan if you need unique accommodations that are not listed below.- Airport
- Hotel
- Hospital transfer
- 4 day stay at hospital
- Blood samples & x-rays
- 5 year follow up