Weight Loss Surgery Turkey Cost Aesthetic Travel

Pricing for Bariatric Surgery in Turkey / Antalya at Aesthetic Travel

5 Years of Helping 15,000+ People Change Their Lives
With Bridge Health Travel®, you are never alone. Our team in the Antalya / Turkey is with you every step of the way.

Gastric Sleeve Procedure Package Cost Turkey / Antalya £ 1450 | Gastric Balloon Procedure Package Cost Turkey / Antalya £ 2550 |  Mini Gastric Procedure Bypass Package Turkey £ 2900


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Aesthetic Travel Turkey, Gastric Balloon in Turkey


What a good experience
Alice, Turkey
Average: 5 (1 vote)
I’ve Been my plastic upper eyelid surgery with that clinic! What a good experience! Best surgical team, best after care !! Thank you so much for everything!
Cette clinique a été incroyable du début à la fin, je n'ai rien à leur reprocher du tout
Kai, Royaume-Uni
No votes yet
J'ai utilisé cette chirurgie pour subir une Top Surgery (double mastectomie avec plastiques). Cette clinique a été incroyable du début à la fin, je n'ai rien à leur reprocher. J’ai bénéficié d’un soutien total avant même de prendre l’avion. Ensuite, j'ai été attendu du début à la fin chaque jour où j'étais là-bas. L'hôpital était très accommodant et n'aurait pas pu demander mieux. L’hôtel qu’ils m’ont proposé était tout simplement parfait pour récupérer.
Tüm süreç muhteşemdi
Carly L, İngiltere
Average: 5 (1 vote)
İrem, mutlu ve rahat olmanızı sağlamak için her yolu deneyecek harika, nazik bir kadın. Dr Belen ve Bridge seyahatiyle mide balonu oldum, ayrıca diş hekimliği işim de vardı. Tüm süreç muhteşemdi, çok hoş karşılandığımız için Antalya'dan ayrılmak istemedim, yurt dışında ameliyat konusunda kararsızsanız, köprü seyahati ile mükemmel ellerdesiniz!
Le lendemain, j'ai été opéré, tout s'est parfaitement bien passé, aucune complication
Yvonne H, Royaume-Uni
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Quelle expérience incroyable avec une équipe des plus gentilles, attentionnées et professionnelles. Lorsque mon fils et moi avons atterri à Antalya, nous avons été accueillis par un chauffeur de transfert privé qui nous a donné une bouteille d'eau glacée et nous a conduits confortablement à l'hôpital. À mon arrivée, j'ai rencontré Irem qui m'a accueilli, moi et mon fils, Irem parlait un anglais excellent. Elle a répondu à toutes les questions, Irem est extrêmement compétente dans son domaine de travail et avec sa propre expérience en soins infirmiers, je savais que j'allais très bien. Le premier jour de mon arrivée à l'hôpital, j'avais passé tous les tests de santé physique à l'aide d'équipements de haute technologie - ces tests ont tous été effectués le même jour, les uns après les autres, avec une excellente coordination. Les installations étaient propres, bien rangées et le personnel extrêmement sympathique, ils ont tous pris le temps de vous connaître en tant que personne, je n'ai jamais été vu ou je n'ai jamais eu l'impression d'être juste un autre de leurs patients. La chambre était spacieuse et la chambre privée avec salle de bains était nettoyée régulièrement 3 à 4 fois par jour, avec des serviettes et des couvertures propres tous les jours, un lit était fourni pour mon fils (qui a déclaré qu'il était confortable), on lui a également proposé 3 repas par personne. jour de l'hôpital. Mais étant une mangeuse difficile, Irem a pris le temps de sa journée/nuit pour organiser une livraison de nourriture à apporter à l'hôtel pour mon fils, certaines nuits, cela pouvait être vers 8h-9h alors qu'Irem avait déjà fait une journée entière de travail ! Mais rien n'était trop difficile pour Irem, elle ne s'est pas seulement occupée de moi à merveille, elle s'est également occupée de mon fils de 17 ans. J'ai rencontré le chirurgien Dr Belen qui était très sympathique et encourageait les questions. Il expliquait ensuite toutes les questions et expliquait en détail la procédure complète avec l'aide d'Irem. Le Dr Belen est extrêmement compétent et extrêmement professionnel. Après l'avoir rencontré, j'ai immédiatement su que j'étais entre de bonnes mains. Le lendemain, j'ai été opéré, tout s'est parfaitement bien passé, aucune complication. J'ai été surveillé par les infirmières professionnelles les plus extraordinaires, les plus attentionnées, mon fils n'ayant que 17 ans a eu un peu peur pendant que j'étais en convalescence, il a envoyé un message à Irem et Irem l'a appelé et lui a parlé de tout ce qui se passait sur les machines (bip) Tout était normal, Irem a contacté les infirmières de garde et leur a demandé de passer un peu de temps avec mon fils pour les rassurer. Rien n'était trop leur demander. Quelques jours plus tard, j'ai eu un 1-2-1 avec la diététicienne qui m'a expliqué toutes les informations en profondeur. mon parcours de dépérissement après l'opération, je suis très attentif aux détails. On m'a donné un sac de matériel de suivi, comprenant des vitamines, des poudres de protéines, de la documentation concernant mon opération et une copie complète de mes notes médicales ainsi qu'un DVD de l'opération. Étant moi-même dans le corps médical et vivant cette expérience. Je recommande vivement cette entreprise. Si vous recherchez des soins bienveillants, attentionnés, professionnels et dignes alors n'hésitez pas vous avez trouvé la bonne équipe avec Irem et son équipe. il y a toujours l'inquiétude de « partir à l'étranger » pour une opération chirurgicale, j'avais ces inquiétudes et je doutais de moi-même, mais s'il y a une chose que je peux dire, c'est que vous n'avez vraiment pas besoin de vous inquiéter, j'ai passé tellement de temps à m'inquiéter avant l'opération alors que je n'en avais pas besoin. Je suis 10 jours après l'opération et je ne pourrais pas être plus heureux qu'en ce moment, je n'ai eu aucune complication, je bois bien, je suis actuellement au stade du liquide plus épais, donc j'ai fait des soupes maison, elles se passent très bien. Je n'ai ressenti aucun soulagement depuis que j'ai quitté l'hôpital, non pas parce que je n'en avais pas, mais je n'en avais pas besoin.
I really couldn't fault them one bit - Gastric Sleeve
Lou, UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
I have recently been for my gastric sleeve over in Antalya with the Lovely Irem and her team. I really couldn't fault them one bit. everything was so smooth from arriving at the airport to the transfers to the hotel to be looked after by the lovely nurses. I had no problems Irem explained everything to me and put me at ease. Wouldn't recommend anybody else. Thank you so much again Irem for all that you did for me.
If I could give my experience of this surgery 10 stars I would.
Paula, UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
I couldn’t have asked for any better- from the VIP transfers to the hospital .. the actual surgery .. the care I received from everyone including the nurses. The surgeon checks up on the before and after surgery. Irem was with me the whole way if I needed her - she is a wee gem! The hotel was lovely…. If I could give my experience of this surgery 10 stars I would. I’m back home 6 weeks tomorrow and feeling fine!! I didn’t even have the gas pain afterwards! I could go on and on about my treatment but honestly, if you’re in doubt - do it! Just wish I had sooner.
Also gutes Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis
Leesa, Großbritannien
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Ich bin derzeit 2 Wochen nach der Operation wegen einer Schlauchmagen-Operation und hatte die beste Erfahrung mit der Bridge-Gesundheitsreise – Irem hat mir die ganze Zeit geholfen und bin ihr wirklich so viel zu verdanken, dass sie mir dabei geholfen hat, mein Leben zu verändern! Von Anfang an war sie so hilfsbereit, unterstützend und fürsorglich! Das war einer der Hauptgründe, warum ich mich für diese Firma entschieden habe, da ich ihr monatelang gequatscht hatte, bevor ich mich entschied, weiterzumachen, und ich bin froh, dass ich das getan habe. Auch meine Erfahrung während der Operation bis hin zur Heimreise war sehr gut. Das Team und der Chirurg waren sehr kompetent und fürsorglich und haben den ganzen Tag über nach mir gesucht und Irem ist immer da, wenn Sie Fragen haben oder etwas brauchen. Die Zimmer waren während meines Aufenthalts sehr sauber und modern und es war auch sehr komfortabel. Wenn Sie eine Begleitperson mitbringen, stellen diese auch ein Bett neben dem Krankenhausbett und drei Mahlzeiten pro Tag für ihren Alltag auf, was eine sehr nette Geste war. Also gutes Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis! Und das Team ist wirklich das Beste. Ich sehe bereits nach 13 Tagen einen stetigen Gewichtsverlust und Irem gibt Ihnen alle zusätzlichen Informationen und Medikamente, die Sie mit nach Hause nehmen können, damit Sie vorbereitet sind, wenn Sie nach Hause kommen!
I did my own research and went to BHT and I am very pleased. They are definitely 10/10.
Zehra Şık
Average: 5 (1 vote)
I went to Turkey in September 2023. I had gastric sleeve surgery the day after my arrival, and my surgery went well. The staff was amazing; nurses, cleaners and even surgeons; We should not forget the wonderful coordinators. Irem took care of me from the first minute to the last minute. I did my own research and went to BHT and I am very pleased. They are definitely 10/10.
Absolutely brilliant from start to finish
Gemma, UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
I can’t recommend Bridgehealth enough. Absolutely brilliant from start to finish. Irem is amazing from video calls to making you feel so at ease even 3 mths after surgery checking up on me. I had so many nerves but Irem made my stay so easy. The aftercare is also amazing x
Ich bin ihnen für all ihre Dienste dankbar
Onur C, USA
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Sie haben mir bei allem geholfen. Sie waren sehr aufmerksam und freundlich. Sie sollten sie unbedingt besuchen. Ich bin sicher, dass Sie diesen Service lieben werden. Ich bin ihnen für all ihre Dienste dankbar.
Consultation de chirurgie bariatrique - Les infirmières étaient charmantes et polies
Chelsie, Royaume-Uni
No votes yet
L'hôpital était charmant et propre. Les tests ont été rapides et efficaces. Les infirmières étaient adorables et polies. Le chirurgien a fait un travail brillant, assurez-vous de poser toutes vos questions pour vous mettre à l'aise. Irem est à votre disposition pour vous appeler si vous avez des questions ! L'hôtel était charmant aussi.
My experience has been excellent
Kimberley B, UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
What can I say absolutely excellent care from enquiry to the aftercare and support. Irem the care co ordinator saw the whole process through from the very start . Arrived and was collected from the airport and met in person at the hospital by Irem pre operative tests very through bloods, ultrasound, X-ray, echocardiogram, only then cleared for surgery. Irem was there supporting at every step even escorting me to surgery and was there when I returned to my room. Hospital was spotless and medical staff very competent and skilled. Surgeon was available to answer questions and reassure. Nutrition support ongoing. My experience has been excellent.
She went above and beyond
.., UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Husband had this surgery in September 2023. I was absolutely terrified with hearing stories of operations going wrong etc. But the Irem showed so much support. She went above and beyond. The hospital staff are amazing such good care overall our experience was excellent I would highly recommend to anyone. Thank you so much Irem
Le personnel de l'hôpital était sympathique et serviable
Rachel, Royaume-Uni
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Manchon gastrique. Bridge Health Travel compte la dame la plus extraordinaire, Irem, qui, à mon avis, est le cœur et l'âme de Bridge Health Travel. Son service client est au-delà des niveaux attendus. Chaque question, du premier point de contact au soutien continu après l'opération, est traitée efficacement et rapidement. Le chirurgien était compétent et s'est enregistré plusieurs fois avant et après l'opération. Le personnel de l'hôpital était sympathique et serviable. Dans l'ensemble, je n'ai rien à reprocher à mon expérience. Je ne suis qu'à un peu plus d'une semaine après l'opération jusqu'à présent, je ne regrette rien et je suis heureux d'avoir utilisé Bridge Health Travel dans le cadre de mon voyage.
Beratung zur bariatrischen Chirurgie – Die Krankenschwestern waren nett und höflich
Chelsie, Großbritannien
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Das Krankenhaus war schön und sauber. Die Tests verliefen schnell und effizient. Die Krankenschwestern waren nett und höflich. Der Chirurg hat hervorragende Arbeit geleistet. Stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie alle Ihre Fragen stellen, um sich zu beruhigen. Bei Fragen steht Ihnen Irem gerne telefonisch zur Verfügung! Das Hotel war auch sehr schön.
Ich bin wirklich dankbar für die Arbeit, die Sie leisten, und hoffe, dass Sie noch viel mehr Menschen helfen
MD, Großbritannien
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Ich hatte ein unvergessliches Erlebnis, vielen Dank für Ihren Service. Sie machen Behandlungen im Vergleich zu anderen erschwinglich. Das Krankenhaus, in das ich eingeliefert wurde, war äußerst angenehm, sehr sauber und geräumig, das Personal kümmert sich gut um Sie und kümmert sich um Sie. Von der Abholung vom Flughafen über die Durchführung von Tests im Labor bis hin zur Nachsorge nach der Operation und allem war alles erledigt. Ich bin wirklich dankbar für die Arbeit, die Sie leisten, und hoffe, dass Sie noch viel mehr Menschen helfen
Ihre Dienstleistungen sind umfassend und gut aufeinander abgestimmt, so dass den Patienten die bestmöglichen Behandlungsmöglichkeiten geboten werden
Vedat G, USA
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Bridge Health Travel ist eine ausgezeichnete Option für Personen, die im Ausland eine medizinische Behandlung suchen. Ihre Dienstleistungen sind umfassend und gut aufeinander abgestimmt, sodass Patienten die bestmögliche Versorgung erhalten. Das Team von Bridge Health Travel ist äußerst professionell und kompetent und setzt alles daran, sicherzustellen, dass sich ihre Kunden während des gesamten Prozesses wohl und informiert fühlen. Ich würde Bridge Health Travel jedem wärmstens empfehlen, der in einem fremden Land eine hochwertige medizinische Versorgung sucht
Would recommend 100%
Mandy R, UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Got the gastric balloon fitted October. I was more nervous about the process (going on my own) than the procedure. But I shouldn't have been it went very smoothly and everyone was very supportive. Would reccomend 100%
Was such a pleasant experience and everything went fab
Clarissa C., UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
I had been contemplating having a gastric sleeve for over two years before actually taking the plunge. I have struggled with my weight for half of my lifetime and I have three young children I want to see grow up. I had followed a girl on social media who had booked through BHT. She gave me the contact info for a lady named Iram. She was very thorough when booking me in for surgery and was always there when I had questions about the procedure. The day fast approached and I was met at the airport by a private taxi, and Iram at the hospital even with it being a late night! I was admitted straight away and bloods taken. The following morning I was taken for all my pre-op tests and everything was explained along the way. I was then booked in for surgery that afternoon, which went very well. I spent 2 more nights in the hospital and one night at a hotel before travelling back to the UK. All the nurses were lovely, they tried their hardest to communicate and even used google translate to help. The hospital was lovely & clean, bed sheets were changed daily, and bins emptied 2/3 times a day. Was such a pleasant experience and everything went fab. I would recommend BHT to anyone wanting surgery abroad.
Ich hätte nicht mehr verlangen können
Ryan, Großbritannien
No votes yet
Von der Buchung über die Ankunft bis zur Abreise hatte ich 5 Sterne. Ich hätte nicht mehr verlangen können. Der Preis war gut, die Betreuung war hervorragend. Fast drei Monate nach der Operation hat es mein Leben verändert. Die Ärmeloperation war für mich das Richtige und ich werde weiterhin langsam abnehmen, um langfristig mein Ziel zu erreichen.
Would highly recommend and would most definitely go back in the future
Lisa, UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Travelled for surgery which took place on 16th January 2023, before, on arrival and throughout my stay I was well looked after. Irem was on hand through the whole process, answered any questions or concerns and really went above and beyond to make my experience a pleasant and stress free process. Would highly recommend and would most definitely go back in the future.
Obezite Cerrahisi Konsültasyonu - Hemşireler sevimli ve kibardı
Chelsea, İngiltere
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Hastane çok güzel ve temizdi. Testler hızlı ve etkiliydi. Hemşireler sevimli ve kibardı. Cerrah harika bir iş çıkardı; kendinizi rahatlatmak için tüm sorularınızı sorduğunuzdan emin olun. Sorularınız olursa İrem arayabilirsiniz! Otel de güzeldi.
Я без колебаний порекомендую вас своему кругу
Джонатан, Великобритания
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Спасибо, Ирем. Я живу мечтой о теле, которое ты мне дал и дал. Я не ожидал, что смогу зайти так далеко за такое короткое время. Я без колебаний порекомендую вас своему кругу. Еще увидимся
I’m so happy I went through with this
Georgia F., UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
I am one week post-op, and honestly couldn’t have chosen a better company to go with. It made me feel so comfortable and welcome. I was soooo nervous, but they all made me feel so at ease. Irem was amazing, and I’m so happy I went through with this. I'm looking forward to my future with thanks to Bridge Health
Alles wurde sehr ausführlich erklärt und die Betreuung, die ich erhielt, war wirklich ein Plus
Lisa, Großbritannien
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Irem und ihr Team sind absolut großartig! Mein gesamter Weg zur Magenmanschette verlief äußerst reibungslos. Alles wurde sehr ausführlich erklärt und die Betreuung, die ich erhielt, war wirklich ein Plus. Seitdem ich zu Hause bin, steht Irem für alle Fragen zur Verfügung, die ich hatte. Nichts ist zu viel für das Team.
Ich kann dem Unternehmen überhaupt nichts vorwerfen
Nikki, Großbritannien
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Wow!! Was soll ich sagen, was für ein fantastisches Team. Ich kann dem Unternehmen überhaupt nichts vorwerfen. Sie haben sich alle so gut um mich gekümmert und mir von dem Moment an, als ich mich erkundigte, bis jetzt, 9 Wochen nach der Operation, geholfen. Es war eine große Entscheidung und eine beängstigende Sache, aber ich habe mich die ganze Zeit über noch nie so entspannt und entspannt gefühlt. Sie sind wirklich erstaunlich. Sie haben mein Leben für immer verändert und ich kann ihnen nicht genug danken. Ich würde es immer wieder empfehlen. Danke
Kesinlikle tavsiye ederim
Gemma F, İngiltere
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Yakın zamanda mide balonu yaptırdıktan sonra geri döndüm. İrem ilk muayeneden işlem sonrası bakıma kadar harikaydı. Kesinlikle tavsiye ederim Teşekkürler
Kesinlikle şiddetle tavsiye ederim
Nicole, Birleşik Krallık
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Köprü sağlık seyahatinde hiçbir hata olamaz! İrem'in bana önerilmesinin ardından 10/1/2023 tarihinde tüp mide ameliyatı yaptırdım ve bunu yaptığıma çok sevindim! Endişeliydim, heyecanlıydım, gergindim, aklınıza gelebilecek her duygudan korktum ama tüm bu süre boyunca gerçekten rahattım ve ameliyattan sonra ilgi inanılmazdı, ihtiyacım olan her şey verildi! Ve şimdi evdeyim, bakım durmadı, bir sorum olursa her zaman mesaj gönderebilirim!
Je n'ai vraiment rien à leur reprocher - Gastric Sleeve
Lou, Royaume-Uni
No votes yet
Je suis récemment allée chercher ma manche gastrique à Antalya avec la Lovely Irem et son équipe. Je n'ai vraiment rien à leur reprocher. tout s'est très bien passé depuis l'arrivée à l'aéroport jusqu'aux transferts à l'hôtel pour être pris en charge par les charmantes infirmières. Je n'ai eu aucun problème. Irem m'a tout expliqué et m'a mis à l'aise. Je ne recommanderais personne d'autre. Merci encore Irem pour tout ce que tu as fait pour moi.
The company helped me in every process
Lisa T, US
Average: 5 (1 vote)
I had an operation. It was so good. The company helped me in every process. I suggest this company
С момента моего прибытия и до момента моего отъезда обо мне очень хорошо заботились.
Шарон Плант, Великобритания
Average: 5 (1 vote)
16 января 2023 года мне сделали операцию, и я могу честно сказать, что помощь, которую я получил, была 10/10. С момента моего прибытия в Турцию и до момента моего отъезда обо мне очень хорошо заботились. Ирем, мой переводчик, была потрясающей, она действительно сделала все возможное. Мне все объяснили относительно моей операции и после операции. Я настоятельно рекомендую мостовое оздоровительное путешествие.
Şirketi hiçbir şekilde suçlayamam
Nikki, Birleşik Krallık
No votes yet
Vay!! Ne diyebilirim ki, ne harika bir ekip. Şirketi hiçbir şekilde suçlayamam. Hepsi benimle çok iyi ilgilendiler ve sorduğum andan ameliyat sonrası 9. haftaya kadar bana yardımcı oldular. Bu büyük bir karardı ve korkutucuydu ama tüm süreç boyunca hiç bu kadar rahatlamış ve rahatlamış hissetmemiştim. Gerçekten muhteşemler. Hayatımı sonsuza kadar değiştirdiler ve onlara ne kadar teşekkür etsem azdır. Tekrar tekrar tavsiye ederim. Teşekkür ederim
Help me with everything
Michal F, UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Ok good people. Help me with everything. Recommend for everyone

Weight Loss Surgery Reviews in Turkey

Highly recommend this company and the team, I really wish I’d done it years ago
Lauren, UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
I flew to Antalya on the 28th April to have a gastric balloon. It was a really smooth and professional experience. I was met by a chauffeur at the airport, was taken straight to the hospital (clean, functional) and after tests and briefings by the nurse Iram and the surgeon , was taken down for the Op a few hours later. Everything went smoothly and as soon as I was cleared by the nurses I was taken by taxi to the hotel with Iram (nurse/translator/God send). The hotel was beautiful, right on the seafront with amazing views and a spotless, very modern room. I stayed one night and flew home the next morning, again after a private taxi back to the airport was sorted by Iram. I’ve been given a clear eating plan and after some discomfort and sickness (all normal and expected) I’m feeling better than ever. In 10 days I’ve lost 10 pound, and I’m now slowly reintroducing solids and exercise. Highly recommend this company and the team, I really wish I’d done it years ago. Thank you all so much x
What a good experience
Alice, Turkey
Average: 5 (1 vote)
I’ve Been my plastic upper eyelid surgery with that clinic! What a good experience! Best surgical team, best after care !! Thank you so much for everything!
Absolutely brilliant from start to finish
Gemma, UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
I can’t recommend Bridgehealth enough. Absolutely brilliant from start to finish. Irem is amazing from video calls to making you feel so at ease even 3 mths after surgery checking up on me. I had so many nerves but Irem made my stay so easy. The aftercare is also amazing x
I couldn’t have asked for a better surgery
Afya, UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
I had the gastric sleeve the 16/01 and my experience has been amazing, so far I have lost 16kg, the nurses team were amazing. Irem was fantastic in translating any queries that I had my stitches are healing perfectly and I couldn’t have asked for a better surgery.
Couldn’t fault my experience there at all
Nicole U., UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Absolutely phenomenal experience.. staff was lovely and very helpful.. everything explained and very thorough! Irem and the team there are all lovely! Couldn’t fault my experience there at all! I had the gastric sleeve to loose weight too have a child of my own 5 stone lost soo far! And no complications all gone swimmingly
I couldn't recommend them enough
Kinga, UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
I highly recommend this place to anyone who is wanting any work done. I genuinely couldn't explain how exceptional they were, from the very start to the very end. Super clean and friendly place, who treat you like VIP. Every single staff member genuinely cares for you and is always making sure you are OK. I even had cleaners coming to me all the time and making sure I'm OK or if I needed anything. Also, there was an Amazing lady called Irem who assisted me through everything, and she also kept in contact with my husband who was back home, to tell him everything was OK with me and assured him all the way whilst I was in recovery. But honestly, me explaining my experience is nothing compared to the actual experience. I couldn't recommend them enough
I couldn’t have asked for more
Ryan, UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
From booking to arriving to leaving the experience I had was 5 stars. I couldn’t have asked for more. The price was good, the care given was outstanding. Nearly 3 months post op and it’s changed my life. Sleeve surgery was right for me and I am continuing to lose weight slowly to hit my goal long term.
Fantastic and been very helpful in explaining everything
Donna D., UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
I’ve just returned in the last week from having gastric sleeve surgery. I originally planned to have a mini bypass but the surgeon was amazing and after looking at blood tests etc decided I didn’t need that and the sleeve would be fine. Irem has been fantastic and been very helpful in explaining everything, arranging the surgery and also my hotel for afterwards before going home. I ended up having the sleeve surgery and my gallbladder out as I had stones which were luckily picked up by scans at the hospital. Irem, the surgeon and all the nurses were so helpful and kind and truly looked after me as I were on my own. Thank you
Would highly recommend this clinic
Debra T, UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Would highly recommend this clinic. Had my gastric sleeve surgery on 18th April 2023 bit of a language barrier, but Irem translated so felt at ease.
I’m so happy I went through with this
Georgia F., UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
I am one week post-op, and honestly couldn’t have chosen a better company to go with. It made me feel so comfortable and welcome. I was soooo nervous, but they all made me feel so at ease. Irem was amazing, and I’m so happy I went through with this. I'm looking forward to my future with thanks to Bridge Health
The company helped me in every process
Lisa T, US
Average: 5 (1 vote)
I had an operation. It was so good. The company helped me in every process. I suggest this company
They helped me with everything
Natasha Watson
No votes yet
They helped me with everything. They were very attentive and friendly. You definitely should visit them. I'm sure you will love this service. I'm grateful to them for all their services.They helped me with everything. They were very attentive and friendly. You definitely should visit them. I'm sure you will love this service. I'm grateful to them for all their services.
Cannot recommend this hospital enough, I went alone for surgery and was absolutely fine
Chloe, UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Cannot recommend this hospital enough, I went alone for surgery and was absolutely fine. Irem and Sasha are fantastic, on hand whenever you need them day or night, the nurses were brilliant, all really friendly and gentle and the surgeon was fantastic too. Everything ran really smoothly, the hospital was really clean and the surgery itself went really well.
The nurse treated me like VIP, from the moment I said okay I’ll come
Tiffany, Turkey
Average: 5 (1 vote)
My experience with Bridge Health Travel was nothing short of exceptional. Irem was very helpful, and patient and educated me about the process during the decision making. She treated me like VIP, from the moment I said okay I’ll come. All the way to my departure she has been there every step of the way. As a solo traveller it was reassuring because she made certain I was always comfortable. I am so happy that I chose to jumpstart my gastric sleeve journey with Bridge Health Travel and I’d most definitely recommend it to others. Sleeved2023.
I was a solo traveller, but never ever felt alone there
Tracy, UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
I had a gastric sleeve 4 weeks ago today, the level of care I received was above and beyond from the moment I arrived until I was back at home. I was a solo traveller, but never ever felt alone there. Irem and Sasha went out of their way to make me feel at ease and my surgeon Dr Erdem came to visit me every day before and after surgery. If I decide to go back in the future for any plastics I won't hesitate to go back there . I am already over 2 stone lighter since starting my journey.
The standard of care we received from the clinical team was fantastic
Lea J., Turkey
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Gastric Sleeve, my partner had the procedure, organised by the lovely Irem at Bridge Health Travel. We chose this clinic after a work colleague told me about her experience from procedure & high standard of care she got from making contact with Irem to travelling & transfer to hospital for the operation & ongoing aftercare. My colleague passed on my number to the host- Irem who made contact via WhatsApp- there was no hard-sell or endless messages- we were able to get back to Irem in our own time with no pressure which was great. Irem was keen to answer any questions we had over the procedure & would quickly reply, which helped us to make an informed choice in our own time. After considering the options of procedure in UK vs abroad, we decided to choose Bridge Health Travel. From when we made decision, Irem’s approach is professional & well organised-assisting with travel plans (best flight times for procedure) around our scheduled leave and recovery. Still many more questions to Irem who is fantastic & nothing a silly question. Our flights from the UK were delayed by over 4hrs & we kept Irem informed of our flight number & updated, and when we landed messaged her & our transfer was ready waiting for us by time we got through border-control. Polite, professional driver in luxurious van collected us & brought us straight to private clinic where Irem met us at foyer. Irem oversaw paperwork needed to check-in and straight to en-suite room, met nurses & bloods done. The clinic was clean, nurses were attentive- even with language barrier it was professional & well-organised. Irem was perfect host with excellent English skills between us & clinical team. Next morning, my partner met their surgeon- had full medical report completed with 3 different specialist consultants and was consulted by internal medical consultant (all with Irem supporting translation) before green light for surgery that afternoon. We met surgeon again prior to surgery, for any questions. I had many more questions for Irem while partner was in surgery & I was really anxious, she is so caring and has actually gone through this procedure herself that I was reassured by her. Post-surgery recovery was patient-focused with getting comfortable & pain relief, nurses were precise & knew exactly what they needed to get done. Alongside this Irem was there to support & reassure me when I was upset(I’d never experienced my partner in hospital before). Even after Irem left to go home (I kept her quite late) she messaged me & said to stay in touch if I needed to speak to her again. The standard of care we received from the clinical team was fantastic over the 5days/4nights, absolutely outstanding. The private UK option would have had my partner in only for one day then home. After the whole experience; the professionalism, teamwork & dedication of the clinical team my partner would not have got this level of care in UK which I feel was necessary for procedure & post-op recovery. House-keeping staff visited room 3x per day, cleaned room & en-suite & made-up/put away companion bed am & pm. Companion meals were provided but if you don’t like it then Irem can organise take-out. Dietician visited Irem for post-surgery nutrition instructions & supplies including powders & vitamins. Again lots of questions for dietician over food-groups & shift-patterns. Aftercare was available online for a further 12 months included in booking. To be fair I hadn’t expected the level & standard of care after reading & hearing stories of surgery abroad; how wrong we were - I’m so glad we chose to use Bridge Health Clinic. I would highly recommend Bridge Health clinic to family, friends & other people considering surgery abroad, contact Irem who genuinely cares about the people & family members in her care, she is an excellent host. Big thanks to the nursing staff on floor 5, you’re all awesomethank-you for your care
The staff was amazing; nurses, cleaners and even surgeons
Leann W., Turkey
Average: 5 (1 vote)
I went to Turkey in September 2023. I had gastric sleeve surgery the day after my arrival, and my surgery went well. The staff was amazing; nurses, cleaners and even surgeons; We should not forget the wonderful coordinators. Irem took care of me from the first minute to the last minute. I did my own research and went to BHT and I am very pleased. They are definitely 10/10.
I am truly grateful for the work you do, hope you help a lot more people
M.D., UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
I had an unforgettable experience, thank you for your service. They make treatments affordable compared to others. The hospital I got admitted to was extremely pleasant, very clean and spacious, the staff will look after you properly and will care for you. Everything was sorted from airport pick up, doing tests in the lab, follow-up care after surgery and everything. I am truly grateful for the work you do, hope you help a lot more people
My experience has been excellent
Kimberley B, UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
What can I say absolutely excellent care from enquiry to the aftercare and support. Irem the care co ordinator saw the whole process through from the very start . Arrived and was collected from the airport and met in person at the hospital by Irem pre operative tests very through bloods, ultrasound, X-ray, echocardiogram, only then cleared for surgery. Irem was there supporting at every step even escorting me to surgery and was there when I returned to my room. Hospital was spotless and medical staff very competent and skilled. Surgeon was available to answer questions and reassure. Nutrition support ongoing. My experience has been excellent.
I really couldn't fault them one bit - Gastric Sleeve
Lou, UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
I have recently been for my gastric sleeve over in Antalya with the Lovely Irem and her team. I really couldn't fault them one bit. everything was so smooth from arriving at the airport to the transfers to the hotel to be looked after by the lovely nurses. I had no problems Irem explained everything to me and put me at ease. Wouldn't recommend anybody else. Thank you so much again Irem for all that you did for me.
Everything was thoroughly explained at all points, tests were extremely thorough
Natalya, UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
I went to Turkey in September 2023 for gastric sleeve surgery. We were picked up at the airport in a private transfer and taken to the hospital and greeted by the wonderful Irem. The staff were amazing, the nurses and staff at the hospital, the cleaners, the surgeon were all brilliant. Irem took care of me and was there every step of the way, any questions were answered and I felt so at ease. Everything was thoroughly explained at all points, tests were extremely thorough. Thankyou Bridge Health Travel for giving me the best possible service and giving me a new lease of life! X
  • Gastric Sleeve Surgery in Turkey
  • Gastric Sleeve in Turkey with Dr. Murat Kağan Bilge | Bridge Health Travel
  • My weight loss trip to Turkey: “I couldn't wait for NHS help | Bridge Health Travel
Our Treatments:

Gastric Sleeve |  Gastric Bypass Gastric Balloon Mini Gastric Bypass Scarless Gastric Sleeve


Revisional Surgeries | Hotel Accommodation Nursing Care Services at Hotel Continued Dietitian Support After Surgery Consultation & Treatment Planning Preoperative Tests Continued Dietitian Support After Surgery Transfers (Airport-Hotel-Clinic)

FQ About Gastric Balloon Clinic in Antalya / Turkey

Before undergoing bariatric surgery like RNY, patients are required to follow a pre-op diet to reduce liver size and fat around the stomach. This makes the surgery safer and easier for the surgeon to perform. The pre-op diet typically consists of high-protein, low-carbohydrate shakes, and liquids for 1-2 weeks before surgery. It’s an important step in preparing the body for surgery and ensuring optimal recovery post-op.
Gastric bypass surgery in Turkey continues to attract international patients seeking effective weight-loss solutions at an affordable price. Reviews from those who have undergone the procedure in Turkey are largely positive, with many patients reporting significant weight loss and improvements in conditions such as diabetes and sleep apnea. Turkish surgeons are praised for their expertise, and the medical facilities in Turkey are often described as modern and well-equipped. The lower cost of gastric bypass surgery... +More
Common gastritis symptoms include stomach pain, bloating, nausea, vomiting, and indigestion. Chronic gastritis may cause long-term discomfort, while acute cases can result in sharp pain. Treatment often involves antacids, antibiotics (for bacterial infections), and lifestyle modifications like dietary changes.
Diarrhoea associated with gastritis can occur due to inflammation in the stomach affecting the intestines. This symptom often accompanies nausea, bloating, and abdominal pain. Managing diarrhea involves treating the underlying gastritis, typically with acid-reducing medications and dietary adjustments.
Swallowable Gastric Balloon Whatclinic Reviews in Turkey Swallowable Gastric Balloon Reviews in Turkey We tried to collect comments for you under the topic title Swallowable Gastric Balloon Reviews in Turkey The safety of gastric sleeve surgery, or any medical procedure, in Turkey or any other country depends on various factors, including the expertise of the medical professionals, the quality of healthcare facilities, and adherence to safety standards and protocols. While Turkey has gained recognition as a... +More
Before and after photos from patients who have undergone the 6-month gastric balloon procedure often show significant weight loss. Many patients report losing 20-30% of their excess body weight within six months. The procedure’s success, however, depends on the patient’s ability to follow a healthy diet and exercise regimen after the balloon is removed.
The average cost of gastric bypass in Turkey is $3,500, Because of fewer complications, gastric bypass surgery costs less in Turkey than in other countries. That is because surgeons in Turkey have more experience performing these procedures than those in North America or Europe. Bariatric Surgery Turkey Price For more details in our article, How much does obesity surgery cost in Antalya where you will find all the information about How much does obesity surgery cost in Antalya please contact us. How much does... +More
You'll likely not be able to have surgery if you have these conditions: Blood-clotting disorders. Severe heart disease that prohibits the safe use of anesthesia. Other conditions that increase the risk of using anesthesia. Bariatric Surgery Turkey Price For more details in our article, Who shouldn't get bariatric surgery in Istanbul where you will find all the information about Who shouldn't get bariatric surgery in Istanbul please contact us. Who shouldn't get bariatric surgery in Istanbul You'll likely not be... +More
The death rate for gastric sleeve surgery in Antalya is extremely low, with rates similar to those in Western countries. With advancements in laparoscopic surgery and highly trained bariatric surgeons, the mortality rate is estimated to be less than 0.1%. Most complications are manageable and arise from issues such as leaks or infections.
The intragastric balloon is the first of the endoscopic techniques which have the potential to be important means of achieving weight loss without the need for surgery. This is the only endoscopic technique which currently we offer at CBS. But the field of endoscopic techniques for weight loss is a rapidly developing one and further techniques could be available in the not-too-distant future. The intragastric balloon is a day procedure. You are very lightly anaesthetised during the procedure as it can be... +More
The cost of a stomach band (also known as a gastric band) surgery varies depending on the country and clinic. In the UK, private clinics charge between £5,000 and £8,000 for the procedure. In the U.S., the cost can range from $9,000 to $15,000. Insurance may cover the surgery if it’s deemed medically necessary.


Bridge Health Travel Antalya

  • 1
    Welcome! From the moment you arrive at the airport, our private driver will pick you up and it takes you to the airport, hotel and the hospital.
  • 2
    Your medical trip is perfectly scheduled! Our interpreters will be with you at the airport,hotel and the hospital. We will do all the logistics for you in order to ensure your comfort.
  • 3
    Your accommodation is booked! Our consultants will provide you a variety of hotels to pick. You can stay at wherever you want!
  • 4
    Consulting is all free! Our medical team will be at your service for a lifetime and answer all your questions and requests! We are always with you!
Gastric Balloon Prices in Antalya / TurkeyGastric balloons are made of materials that can remain in the body for 6 to 12 months. Gastric balloon prices vary depending on factors such as the type of balloon used in the procedure and the duration it remains in the body.Who Can Undergo Gastric Balloon Treatment in Antalya / Turkey?Not every overweight or obese patient is suitable for a gastric balloon. So, who can undergo gastric balloon treatment? The body mass index of the patient is crucial for gastric balloon treatment. For individuals with a body mass index below 30 or above 40, alternative treatment options may need to be considered. Additionally, individuals who do not meet these criteria but need to lose weight quickly due to health... +More


  • £ 1580
    £ 1450

    Give a call to learn more about what’s included and to come up with a tailored plan if you need unique accommodations that are not listed below.

    • Airport
    • Hotel
    • Hospital transfer
    • The balloon is placed via endoscopy, the procedure takes 15-20 minutes and you are discharged after 2-3 hours.  It is enough to stay here for 1 night.
    • Blood samples & x-rays
    • 5 year follow up
  • £ 2750
    £ 2550


    Give a call to learn more about what’s included and to come up with a tailored plan if you need unique accommodations that are not listed below.
    • Airport
    • Hotel
    • Hospital transfer
    • 4 day stay at hospital
    • Blood samples & x-rays
    • 5 year follow up
  • £ 3100
    £ 2900


    Give a call to learn more about what’s included and to come up with a tailored plan if you need unique accommodations that are not listed below.
    • Airport
    • Hotel
    • Hospital transfer
    • 4 day stay at hospital
    • Blood samples & x-rays
    • 5 year follow up