Weight Loss Surgery Turkey Cost Aesthetic Travel

Pricing for Bariatric Surgery in Turkey / Antalya at Aesthetic Travel

5 Years of Helping 15,000+ People Change Their Lives
With Bridge Health Travel®, you are never alone. Our team in the Antalya / Turkey is with you every step of the way.

Gastric Sleeve Procedure Package Cost Turkey / Antalya £ 1450 | Gastric Balloon Procedure Package Cost Turkey / Antalya £ 2550 |  Mini Gastric Procedure Bypass Package Turkey £ 2900


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Aesthetic Travel Turkey, Gastric Balloon in Turkey


Çok hoş bir deneyimdi ve her şey muhteşem gitti
Clarissa C., İngiltere
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Gerçekten dalmaya başlamadan önce iki yılı aşkın bir süredir tüp mide ameliyatı olmayı düşünüyordum. Hayatımın yarısı boyunca kilolarımla mücadele ettim ve büyüdüğünü görmek istediğim üç küçük çocuğum var. BHT aracılığıyla rezervasyon yaptıran bir kızı sosyal medyada takip etmiştim. Bana Iram adında bir bayanın iletişim bilgilerini verdi. Beni ameliyata alırken çok titiz davrandı ve prosedürle ilgili sorularım olduğunda her zaman oradaydı. Gün hızla yaklaştı ve ben havaalanında özel bir taksiyle karşılandım, Iram ise gece geç olmasına rağmen hastanedeydi! Hemen hastaneye kabul edildim ve kanlar alındı. Ertesi sabah tüm ameliyat öncesi testlerime götürüldüm ve yol boyunca her şey anlatıldı. Daha sonra o öğleden sonra ameliyata alındım ve çok iyi geçti. Birleşik Krallık'a dönmeden önce 2 gece daha hastanede ve bir gece de otelde geçirdim. Hemşirelerin hepsi çok tatlıydı, iletişim kurmak için ellerinden geleni yaptılar ve hatta yardım etmek için Google çeviriyi bile kullandılar. Hastane güzel ve temizdi, çarşaflar her gün değiştiriliyordu ve çöp kutuları günde 2/3 kez boşaltılıyordu. Çok hoş bir deneyimdi ve her şey muhteşem gitti. Yurt dışında ameliyat olmak isteyen herkese BHT'yi tavsiye ederim.
Je suis maintenant à la maison sans douleur résiduelle, je m'habitue juste à mon nouveau régime alimentaire et à mon petit ventre.
Brooke B, Royaume-Uni
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Quelle expérience fantastique. À notre arrivée à Antalya, nous avons été accueillis par un chauffeur de transfert privé qui nous a conduits confortablement à l'hôpital (un véritable hôpital, pas une petite clinique). Là, j'ai rencontré Irem qui m'a accueilli chaleureusement, moi et mon mari, et parlait un anglais excellent. Elle a répondu à toutes les questions et a pu me calmer complètement. Irem était incroyablement compétente – avec sa propre expérience en soins infirmiers – nous savions donc que j'étais entre de bonnes mains. Deux heures après mon arrivée à l'hôpital (très propre), j'avais subi une multitude de tests de santé physique utilisant des équipements de haute technologie - ces tests auraient eu lieu pendant des mois au Royaume-Uni, donc j'ai été impressionné ! Les installations étaient propres, bien rangées et le personnel extrêmement sympathique. Nos chambres privées avec salle de bains privative étaient nettoyées régulièrement, avec des serviettes et des couvertures fraîches tous les jours, voire plus souvent. Mon mari qui voyageait avec moi s'est vu offrir 3 repas par jour à l'hôpital. J'ai rencontré le chirurgien - qui pratique uniquement la chirurgie bariatrique - qui s'est montré très sympathique et encouragé à poser des questions. Il m'a expliqué, avec l'aide d'Irem, ce qui allait se passer et combien de temps je serais en chirurgie, etc. Le jour où j'ai été emmené au bloc opératoire, tout s'est parfaitement bien passé. J'ai été suivie très régulièrement par les plus charmantes infirmières pour s'assurer que mon état postopératoire était bon. Rien n'était trop leur demander, ils sont très efficaces et toutes les procédures ont été effectuées absolument comme vous le verriez au Royaume-Uni (juste plus rapidement). J'ai eu une conversation en tête-à-tête avec un diététicien qui m'a expliqué mon parcours d'émaciation après l'opération. Je suis très détaillé. On m'a donné un sac géant contenant des vitamines, des poudres de protéines, de la documentation concernant mon opération chirurgicale - à quoi m'attendre, etc., ainsi qu'une copie complète de mes notes médicales. J'ai été emmené par transfert privé à l'hôtel, qui était charmant et situé dans un endroit fabuleux. Mon mari et moi étions très à l'aise. Je recommanderais cette entreprise de tout cœur. Je pense qu'il y a toujours l'inquiétude de « partir à l'étranger » pour une opération chirurgicale, mais j'ai été très impressionné par l'efficacité, la propreté, la gentillesse et les connaissances de l'équipe tout au long du processus. Je crois que vous obtenez plus que ce que vous payez et je suis très heureux de commencer mon nouveau parcours de perte de poids après l'opération. Je suis maintenant à la maison sans douleur résiduelle, je m'habitue juste à mon nouveau régime alimentaire et à mon petit ventre. Merci a tous! Je vous remercie vraiment x Traité par : Mme İrem GÜLER
Kann es wärmstens empfehlen und würde auf jeden Fall in Zukunft wiederkommen
Lisa, Großbritannien
No votes yet
Ich reiste zu einer Operation, die am 16. Januar 2023 stattfand, und wurde bereits bei meiner Ankunft und während meines gesamten Aufenthalts gut betreut. Irem stand während des gesamten Prozesses zur Seite, beantwortete alle Fragen und Bedenken und tat wirklich sein Bestes, um meine Erfahrung zu einem angenehmen und stressfreien Prozess zu machen. Kann es wärmstens empfehlen und würde auf jeden Fall in Zukunft wiederkommen.
Tüm süreç muhteşemdi
Carly L, İngiltere
Average: 5 (1 vote)
İrem, mutlu ve rahat olmanızı sağlamak için her yolu deneyecek harika, nazik bir kadın. Dr Belen ve Bridge seyahatiyle mide balonu oldum, ayrıca diş hekimliği işim de vardı. Tüm süreç muhteşemdi, çok hoş karşılandığımız için Antalya'dan ayrılmak istemedim, yurt dışında ameliyat konusunda kararsızsanız, köprü seyahati ile mükemmel ellerdesiniz!
Was such a pleasant experience and everything went fab
Clarissa C., UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
I had been contemplating having a gastric sleeve for over two years before actually taking the plunge. I have struggled with my weight for half of my lifetime and I have three young children I want to see grow up. I had followed a girl on social media who had booked through BHT. She gave me the contact info for a lady named Iram. She was very thorough when booking me in for surgery and was always there when I had questions about the procedure. The day fast approached and I was met at the airport by a private taxi, and Iram at the hospital even with it being a late night! I was admitted straight away and bloods taken. The following morning I was taken for all my pre-op tests and everything was explained along the way. I was then booked in for surgery that afternoon, which went very well. I spent 2 more nights in the hospital and one night at a hotel before travelling back to the UK. All the nurses were lovely, they tried their hardest to communicate and even used google translate to help. The hospital was lovely & clean, bed sheets were changed daily, and bins emptied 2/3 times a day. Was such a pleasant experience and everything went fab. I would recommend BHT to anyone wanting surgery abroad.
Je n'ai rien à leur reprocher du tout
Katie, Royaume-Uni
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Équipe fantastique! Je n'ai rien à leur reprocher du tout. Les soins reçus ont été brillants de l'arrivée à la sortie. Je reviendrais sans hésiter ! Merci beaucoup d'avoir changé ma vie.
Je le recommande vivement et j'y retournerai très certainement à l'avenir
Lisa, Royaume-Uni
No votes yet
J'ai voyagé pour une opération chirurgicale qui a eu lieu le 16 janvier 2023, avant, à mon arrivée et tout au long de mon séjour, j'ai été bien soigné. Irem a été présent tout au long du processus, a répondu à toutes vos questions ou préoccupations et a fait de son mieux pour faire de mon expérience un processus agréable et sans stress. Je le recommande vivement et j'y retournerais très certainement à l'avenir.
Fantastic and been very helpful in explaining everything
Donna D., UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
I’ve just returned in the last week from having gastric sleeve surgery. I originally planned to have a mini bypass but the surgeon was amazing and after looking at blood tests etc decided I didn’t need that and the sleeve would be fine. Irem has been fantastic and been very helpful in explaining everything, arranging the surgery and also my hotel for afterwards before going home. I ended up having the sleeve surgery and my gallbladder out as I had stones which were luckily picked up by scans at the hospital. Irem, the surgeon and all the nurses were so helpful and kind and truly looked after me as I were on my own. Thank you
Absolument génial du début à la fin
Gemma, Royaume-Uni
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Je ne saurais trop recommander Bridgehealth. Absolument génial du début à la fin. Irem est incroyable, des appels vidéo jusqu'à ce que vous vous sentiez si à l'aise même 3 mois après l'opération, pour me surveiller. J'avais tellement de nerfs mais Irem a rendu mon séjour si facile. Le suivi est également incroyable x
Le personnel de l'hôpital était sympathique et serviable
Rachel, Royaume-Uni
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Manchon gastrique. Bridge Health Travel compte la dame la plus extraordinaire, Irem, qui, à mon avis, est le cœur et l'âme de Bridge Health Travel. Son service client est au-delà des niveaux attendus. Chaque question, du premier point de contact au soutien continu après l'opération, est traitée efficacement et rapidement. Le chirurgien était compétent et s'est enregistré plusieurs fois avant et après l'opération. Le personnel de l'hôpital était sympathique et serviable. Dans l'ensemble, je n'ai rien à reprocher à mon expérience. Je ne suis qu'à un peu plus d'une semaine après l'opération jusqu'à présent, je ne regrette rien et je suis heureux d'avoir utilisé Bridge Health Travel dans le cadre de mon voyage.
Everything was explained in great detail and the care I received really was A plus
Lisa, UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Irem and her team are absolutely amazing! My whole journey for my gastric sleeve went extremely smooth. Everything was explained in great detail and the care I received really was A plus. Since being home Irem has been available to answer any questions I’ve had. Nothing is too much for the team.
Would definitely highly recommend
Nicole, UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Can not fault bridge health travel at all! Had my gastric sleeve on 10/1/2023 after irem being recommended to me and I'm so glad I did! I was anxious excited, nervous scared every emotion you can think of but was really kept at ease the whole time and after surgery the care was incredible, anything I needed was given! And now I'm home the aftercare hasn't stopped I can message any time if I have a query!
Tout a été expliqué en détail et les soins que j'ai reçus étaient vraiment un plus
Lisa, Royaume-Uni
No votes yet
Irem et son équipe sont absolument incroyables ! Tout mon parcours pour ma manche gastrique s’est déroulé extrêmement bien. Tout a été expliqué en détail et les soins que j'ai reçus étaient vraiment un plus. Depuis qu'il est à la maison, Irem est disponible pour répondre à toutes mes questions. Rien n'est trop pour l'équipe.
Я вообще не могу винить компанию
Никки, Великобритания
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Ух ты!! Что я могу сказать, какая фантастическая команда. Я вообще не могу винить компанию. Они все так хорошо обо мне заботились и помогали мне с того момента, как я спросил, и до того, как прошло 9 недель после операции. Это было важное и пугающее решение, но я никогда не чувствовал себя таким расслабленным и непринужденным на протяжении всего пути. Они действительно потрясающие. Они навсегда изменили мою жизнь, и я не могу их отблагодарить. Я бы рекомендовал снова и снова. Спасибо
Couldn't fault them in the slightest
Katie, UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Fantastic Team! Couldn't fault them in the slightest. The care received was brilliant from arrival to discharge. Would come again in a heartbeat! Thank you so much for changing my life.
I couldn't do enough for myself Irem is lovely and will be available 24/7 if I get any more surgery.
Ramesh Gohel
Average: 5 (1 vote)
I would recommend the hospital and also the surgeon, but I couldn't do enough for myself Irem is lovely and will be available 24/7 if I get any more surgery.
Visited every day post op to check on me. I would fully recommend them and wouldn’t hesitate to use again if needed 5*
Jack MacDonald
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Had a fantastic experience with Bridge travel. Irem was a great support and my surgeon Op. Dr. Eden Can Yardimci was amazing. Visited every day post op to check on me. I would fully recommend them and wouldn’t hesitate to use again if needed 5*
I'm home now almost a week post op and I've lost 1 stone - I'm feeling fantastic
Chloe M, UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Wow, what can I say? I had the best experience thanks to bridge health travel (Irem) everything was discussed before I even got a on a plane. As soon as you get to the medstar hospital Irem will be waiting for you with a smile!! You are admitted straight away and the tests begin (they don't waste any time) after my surgery I was always checked on by the nurses/my surgeon and Irem. Going abroad for surgery scared the life out of me but now that I've experienced it I would 100% recommend and go back again! I'm home now almost a week post op and I've lost 1 stone - I'm feeling fantastic!! Thank you everyone at bridge health travel for helping me be a better and healthier me
Highly recommend this company and the team, I really wish I’d done it years ago
Lauren, UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
I flew to Antalya on the 28th April to have a gastric balloon. It was a really smooth and professional experience. I was met by a chauffeur at the airport, was taken straight to the hospital (clean, functional) and after tests and briefings by the nurse Iram and the surgeon , was taken down for the Op a few hours later. Everything went smoothly and as soon as I was cleared by the nurses I was taken by taxi to the hotel with Iram (nurse/translator/God send). The hotel was beautiful, right on the seafront with amazing views and a spotless, very modern room. I stayed one night and flew home the next morning, again after a private taxi back to the airport was sorted by Iram. I’ve been given a clear eating plan and after some discomfort and sickness (all normal and expected) I’m feeling better than ever. In 10 days I’ve lost 10 pound, and I’m now slowly reintroducing solids and exercise. Highly recommend this company and the team, I really wish I’d done it years ago. Thank you all so much x
Çok tecrübeli cerrahları var
Meagen, Türkiye
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Köprü sağlığı seyahatinin harika bir müşteri ilişkisi var. Ameliyatımın her aşamasında bana çok yardımcı oldular ve her şeyi benim için ayarladılar. Çok tecrübeli cerrahları var. Tüm ekip çok dost canlısı ve profesyonel
Sizi çevreme tavsiye etmekten çekinmeyeceğim
Jonathan, Birleşik Krallık
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Teşekkür ederim İrem. Bana verdiğin ve verdiğin bedenin hayaliyle yaşıyorum. Bu kadar kısa sürede bu kadar ilerlemeyi beklemiyordum. Sizi çevreme tavsiye etmekten çekinmeyeceğim. Tekrar görüşürüz
Das gesamte Personal im Krankenhaus war sehr nett und ich freue mich darauf, wiederzukommen
Sara W, Großbritannien
No votes yet
Ich bin so froh, dass ich mich für Bridge Health Travel entschieden habe, um meine Reise mit dem Magenballon zu beginnen! Irem war in jeder Hinsicht großartig, sehr beruhigend und auf Schritt und Tritt an deiner Seite ?? Ohne sie wäre ich ein nervöses Wrack gewesen. Das gesamte Personal im Krankenhaus war sehr nett und ich freue mich darauf, wiederzukommen! Vielen Dank, Bridge Health Travel
Her şey çok detaylı bir şekilde anlatıldı ve gördüğüm ilgi gerçekten A artıydı
Lisa, İngiltere
Average: 5 (1 vote)
İrem ve ekibi kesinlikle harika! Tüp mide ameliyatım için tüm yolculuğum son derece sorunsuz geçti. Her şey çok detaylı bir şekilde anlatıldı ve gördüğüm ilgi gerçekten bir artıydı. İrem eve geldiğimden beri her türlü sorumu yanıtlamaya hazırdı. Takım için hiçbir şey çok fazla değil.
I am truly grateful for the work you do, hope you help a lot more people
M.D., UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
I had an unforgettable experience, thank you for your service. They make treatments affordable compared to others. The hospital I got admitted to was extremely pleasant, very clean and spacious, the staff will look after you properly and will care for you. Everything was sorted from airport pick up, doing tests in the lab, follow-up care after surgery and everything. I am truly grateful for the work you do, hope you help a lot more people
After that, I was brought to the tidy and cozy motel. The driver also got me up in the morning and gave me to Irem
Ruth Rutherford
Average: 5 (1 vote)
After that, I was brought to the tidy and cozy motel. The driver also got me up in the morning and gave me to Irem, who was truly wonderful; she put me at ease and stayed with me the majority of the time to clarify what was being stated. The specialist visited me before the treatment, which gave me peace of mind, and the ward personnel was excellent. All I want is to be able to bring Irem into the theater with me until I fall asleep. I chose to return to the hotel instead of staying in the hospital until my departure that evening. Before I left, the nutritionist also gave me some suggestions, but regrettably
Je le recommande à tout le monde
Lisa T, États-Unis
No votes yet
Ils m’ont aidé dans tous les domaines et ils m’ont été d’une grande aide dans chaque processus. Je le recommande à tout le monde
I cant recommend Bridge Heath Care enough if your considering bariatric surgery.
Laura Ferguson
Average: 5 (1 vote)
I underwent a gastric sleeve in November 2023 and can't thank Irem and the medical team enough for their excellent service and care. Everyone was friendly, professional and ensured I understood everything that was going to happen, asking if I had any questions at every step . The hospital was incredible in the care they delivered and they looked after my nervous husband too, making sure he felt included. Post op care was outstanding and has enabled me to return home feeling confident in my next steps towards a better me. I cant recommend Bridge Heath Care enough if your considering bariatric surgery.
Onları en ufak bir şekilde suçlayamadım
Katie, Birleşik Krallık
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Harika Takım! Onlara en ufak bir hata olamazdı. Varıştan taburculuğa kadar gösterilen ilgi mükemmeldi. Bir kalp atışıyla tekrar gelirdim! Hayatımı değiştirdiğin için çok teşekkür ederim.
I'm grateful to them for all their services
Onur C, US
Average: 5 (1 vote)
They helped me with everything. They were very attentive and friendly. You definitely should visit them. I'm sure you will love this service. I'm grateful to them for all their services.
Tellement bon pour le rapport qualité/prix
Leesa, Royaume-Uni
No votes yet
Je suis actuellement à 2 semaines d'une opération après une manche gastrique et j'ai eu la meilleure expérience avec les voyages de santé en pont - j'ai été aidée tout au long par Irem et je lui dois vraiment beaucoup pour m'avoir aidé à changer ma vie ! Dès le début, elle a été très serviable, solidaire et attentionnée ! C'est l'une des principales raisons pour lesquelles j'ai choisi cette entreprise, car je l'avais harcelée pendant des mois et des mois avant de décider d'aller de l'avant et je suis content de l'avoir fait. Mon expérience pendant mon opération jusqu’à mon retour à la maison a également été très bonne. L'équipe et le chirurgien étaient très compétents et attentionnés, me surveillant tout au long de la journée et Irem est toujours là pour toute question ou si vous avez besoin de quoi que ce soit. Les chambres étaient très propres et modernes pendant mon séjour et c'était également très confortable. Si vous amenez un compagnon, ils ont également installé un lit à côté du lit d'hôpital et 3 repas par jour pour leur quotidien, ce qui était un très beau geste. Tellement bon pour le rapport qualité/prix ! Et l'équipe est vraiment la meilleure. Vous constatez déjà une perte de poids constante après 13 jours et Irem vous donne toutes les informations supplémentaires et les médicaments avec lesquels rentrer à la maison afin que vous soyez prêt à votre retour à la maison !
Je le recommande vivement
Nicole, Royaume-Uni
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Je n'ai rien à redire sur les voyages de santé! J'ai eu ma manche gastrique le 10/1/2023 après qu'Irem m'a été recommandé et je suis tellement content de l'avoir fait ! J'étais anxieux, excité, nerveux, effrayé par toutes les émotions auxquelles vous pouvez penser, mais je suis resté vraiment à l'aise tout le temps et après l'opération, les soins ont été incroyables, tout ce dont j'avais besoin a été donné ! Et maintenant, je suis à la maison, le suivi ne s'est pas arrêté. Je peux envoyer un message à tout moment si j'ai une question !
Je suis à la maison maintenant presque une semaine après l'opération et j'ai perdu 1 pierre - je me sens très bien.
Chloé M, Royaume-Uni
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Wow, que puis-je dire ? J'ai eu la meilleure expérience grâce à Bridge Health Travel (Irem), tout a été discuté avant même de monter dans l'avion. Dès votre arrivée à l'hôpital medstar Irem vous attendra avec le sourire !! Vous êtes admis tout de suite et les examens commencent (ils ne perdent pas de temps) après mon opération, j'ai toujours été surveillée par les infirmières/mon chirurgien et Irem. Partir à l'étranger pour me faire opérer m'a fait peur, mais maintenant que j'en ai fait l'expérience, je le recommande à 100 % et j'y retournerai ! Je suis à la maison maintenant presque une semaine après l'opération et j'ai perdu 1 pierre - je me sens fantastique !! Merci à tous chez Bridge Health Travel de m'avoir aidé à être meilleur et en meilleure santé.
Genel olarak hastane ve tüm personel ile olan deneyimimden gerçekten memnunum
Nataşa, Birleşik Krallık
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Gelmeden önce çok gergindim ama geldiğimde İrem oradaydı ve her adımda bana yol gösterdi, personelin bana gösterdiği ilgi muhteşemdi... Sürekli kontrol ediliyordum, yatağımı değiştiriyordum ve bana yardım ediyordum. İlaç tedavisinin ardından benimle ücretsiz gelen anneme günde 3 öğün sıcak yemek veriliyordu. Genel olarak hastane ve tüm personel ile olan deneyimimden gerçekten memnunum

Weight Loss Surgery Reviews in Turkey

I’m so happy I went through with this
Georgia F., UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
I am one week post-op, and honestly couldn’t have chosen a better company to go with. It made me feel so comfortable and welcome. I was soooo nervous, but they all made me feel so at ease. Irem was amazing, and I’m so happy I went through with this. I'm looking forward to my future with thanks to Bridge Health
Cannot recommend this hospital enough, I went alone for surgery and was absolutely fine
Chloe, UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Cannot recommend this hospital enough, I went alone for surgery and was absolutely fine. Irem and Sasha are fantastic, on hand whenever you need them day or night, the nurses were brilliant, all really friendly and gentle and the surgeon was fantastic too. Everything ran really smoothly, the hospital was really clean and the surgery itself went really well.
All the staff at the hospital were lovely and I’m looking forward to going back
Sara W, UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
I am so happy that I chose Bridge Health Travel to start my gastric balloon journey! Irem was amazing in every way, very calming reassuring and there with you every step of the way I would have been a nervous wreck without her. All the staff at the hospital were lovely and I’m looking forward to going back! Thank you so much Bridge Health Travel
irem and the staff to the surgeon's
Nicolo Whittle
Average: 5 (1 vote)
irem and the staff to the surgeon's were so good and accommodating I was at ease I felt safe and I was taken through the procedure aftercare and life after surgery.
If I could give my experience of this surgery 10 stars I would.
Paula, UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
I couldn’t have asked for any better- from the VIP transfers to the hospital .. the actual surgery .. the care I received from everyone including the nurses. The surgeon checks up on the before and after surgery. Irem was with me the whole way if I needed her - she is a wee gem! The hotel was lovely…. If I could give my experience of this surgery 10 stars I would. I’m back home 6 weeks tomorrow and feeling fine!! I didn’t even have the gas pain afterwards! I could go on and on about my treatment but honestly, if you’re in doubt - do it! Just wish I had sooner.
I couldn’t have asked for a better experience - Bariatric Surgery Consultation
Gary R, UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
I travelled last week for surgery. All I can say is if you are thinking of having this done, reach out to people who’ve already done it as they’ll always be willing to tell you their story. In relation to Bridge Health, I couldn’t have asked for a better experience. Helpful, supportive, professional but most importantly, caring. Any questions or guidance that you needed they offered and have stayed in touch since I came home to make sure everything is on track.
My overall experience was nothing short of amazing
Vanessa Lorenzo, UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Irem's support and care throughout my entire hospital stay, from the initial consultation to the post-operative phase, was nothing short of exceptional. She walked me through every aspect of the gastric sleeve surgery, ensuring I had a clear understanding of what to expect. Irem also oversaw a comprehensive examination of my body to ensure my organs and overall health were in good condition, leaving no room for uncertainty. Her reassuring presence made me feel incredibly safe and well-cared for throughout the entire process, which was immensely comforting. The post-operative phase was marked by a seamless experience, with everything going perfectly according to plan. Irem remained a constant source of guidance, always available to address any questions or concerns I had. She provided comprehensive and professional insights into the post-surgery diet and nutrition plan, covering all the necessary vitamins and nutrients I needed to maintain my health and well-being. My overall experience was nothing short of amazing. I wholeheartedly recommend Irem's services to anyone considering gastric sleeve surgery. Her expertise, support, and commitment to patient care made a significant difference in my journey, and I have full confidence that she can offer the same exceptional support to others seeking a similar transformation.
The nurse treated me like VIP, from the moment I said okay I’ll come
Tiffany, Turkey
Average: 5 (1 vote)
My experience with Bridge Health Travel was nothing short of exceptional. Irem was very helpful, and patient and educated me about the process during the decision making. She treated me like VIP, from the moment I said okay I’ll come. All the way to my departure she has been there every step of the way. As a solo traveller it was reassuring because she made certain I was always comfortable. I am so happy that I chose to jumpstart my gastric sleeve journey with Bridge Health Travel and I’d most definitely recommend it to others. Sleeved2023.
I couldn’t have asked for a better surgery
Afya, UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
I had the gastric sleeve the 16/01 and my experience has been amazing, so far I have lost 16kg, the nurses team were amazing. Irem was fantastic in translating any queries that I had my stitches are healing perfectly and I couldn’t have asked for a better surgery.
Couldn’t fault my experience there at all
Nicole U., UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Absolutely phenomenal experience.. staff was lovely and very helpful.. everything explained and very thorough! Irem and the team there are all lovely! Couldn’t fault my experience there at all! I had the gastric sleeve to loose weight too have a child of my own 5 stone lost soo far! And no complications all gone swimmingly
I couldn't do enough for myself Irem is lovely and will be available 24/7 if I get any more surgery.
Ramesh Gohel
Average: 5 (1 vote)
I would recommend the hospital and also the surgeon, but I couldn't do enough for myself Irem is lovely and will be available 24/7 if I get any more surgery.
So good for value
Leesa, UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
I’m currently 2 weeks post op from a gastric sleeve and had the best experience with bridge health travel - I was helped the whole way through by Irem and really owe her so much for helping change my life! From the very start she was so helpful, supportive and caring! It was a massive reason why I picked this company as I had been whatsapping her for months and months before deciding to go ahead and I’m glad I did. My experience during my surgery all the way to going home was also very good. The team and surgeon were very skilled and caring, checking on me throughout the day and Irem is always there for any questions or if you need anything. The rooms were so clean and modern during my stay and it was also very comfortable. If you bring a companion, they also set up a bed next to the hospital bed and 3 meals a day for their everyday which was a very nice gesture. So good for value! And the team really are the best. Already seeing a steady weight loss 13 days out and Irem gives you all the extra information and medications to go home with so you’re prepared when you get home!
Everyone was extremely helpful
Satdeep, UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Amazed at the level of care and hospitality given by Irem and those at the hospital. Am shocked at how efficient everything was and no time was wasted between the procedures and seeing the Dr. Everyone was extremely helpful and Irem was with us every step of the way and took tremendous care of us. She took care of everything for us. From the endoscopy, colonoscopy, ultrasound, blood tests, and pharmacy visit she was with us every step of the way and even recommended shops near our hotel to purchase food and the diet needed for these procedures. She is a gem. The hospital was immaculate.
The surgeon is very keen to please and so helpful if you want to know anything
Jordan H, UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
I had the most amazing experience with Bridge health travel. Irem was incredible and helpful. The nurses had little English however the most amazing effort. I loved them. The surgeon is very keen to please and so helpful if you want to know anything. I can not wait to go back and visit again! Just amazing.. xxxx
I love the place is so beautiful and nice
Jose, UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
The staff is so professional and the experience is amazing I recommend it. I love the place is so beautiful and nice.
They have well-experienced surgeons
Meagen, Turkey
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Bridge health travel has an amazing customer relationship. They helped me a lot at every step of my surgery and arrange everything for me. They have well-experienced surgeons. The entire team is very friendly and professional
This clinic was amazing from start to finish, I can’t fault them in the slightest
Kai, UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
I used this surgery to have Top Surgery (double mastectomy with plastics) This clinic was amazing from start to finish, I can’t fault them in the slightest. I had full support before I even flew out. Then was waited on hand and foot from start to finish every day I was there. The hospital was so accommodating and couldn’t have asked for more. The hotel they provided for me was nothing but perfect to recover in.
I couldn't recommend them enough
Kinga, UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
I highly recommend this place to anyone who is wanting any work done. I genuinely couldn't explain how exceptional they were, from the very start to the very end. Super clean and friendly place, who treat you like VIP. Every single staff member genuinely cares for you and is always making sure you are OK. I even had cleaners coming to me all the time and making sure I'm OK or if I needed anything. Also, there was an Amazing lady called Irem who assisted me through everything, and she also kept in contact with my husband who was back home, to tell him everything was OK with me and assured him all the way whilst I was in recovery. But honestly, me explaining my experience is nothing compared to the actual experience. I couldn't recommend them enough
The hospital is immaculate and the surgeon was very helpful with aftercare
Samantha W., UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
I would definitely recommend this service. The hospital is immaculate and the surgeon was very helpful with aftercare. Irem is a godsend.
The surgeon who did my operation was brilliant
Hayley R, UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Iram was amazing she took good care off me an helped me with everything. Could contact her an time day/night an she would be there. The surgeon who did my operation was brilliant. Never thought I would be happy with my body an now thanks to him I feel like me again. Would 100% Recommend it. Thank you so much to iram and Dr bora yucel.
Recommend for everyone.
Austin Jones
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Ok good people. Help me with everything. Recommend for everyone.
  • Gastric Sleeve Surgery in Turkey
  • Gastric Sleeve in Turkey with Dr. Murat Kağan Bilge | Bridge Health Travel
  • My weight loss trip to Turkey: “I couldn't wait for NHS help | Bridge Health Travel
Our Treatments:

Gastric Sleeve |  Gastric Bypass Gastric Balloon Mini Gastric Bypass Scarless Gastric Sleeve


Revisional Surgeries | Hotel Accommodation Nursing Care Services at Hotel Continued Dietitian Support After Surgery Consultation & Treatment Planning Preoperative Tests Continued Dietitian Support After Surgery Transfers (Airport-Hotel-Clinic)

FQ About Gastric Balloon Clinic in Antalya / Turkey

What is the procedure of a full-body lift in Turkey?Before the surgery in Antalya - TurkeyThe journey to undergo a full-body lift in Turkey begins with a comprehensive consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon. The initial consultation helps the patient to understand their eligibility, risks, complications, and anticipated results with the surgery. If the surgeon deems the patient to be fit for the procedure, the date of the surgery is scheduled. Depending on the patient’s condition, the... +More
In addition, avoid the ancillary foods that can be even worse than the fast-food entrée itself. Sodas, french fries, other fried sides and even salad dressings can all contain tons of fat, sugar and ultimately calories Caffeine can be a stomach irritant, causing discomfort in the abdominal area which can, in turn, complicate early recovery after bariatric surgery. Caffeinated food and drinks can cause weight regain. Can you fly after gastric sleeve surgery? There is no reason why you should not fly as normal with... +More
The cost of a gastric sleeve in Antalya generally ranges from £2,500 to £4,500, depending on the clinic and any additional services included. This price is considerably lower than in the UK, US, or Europe, making Antalya a top choice for medical tourists.
those complexities in mind, a common definition of failure is loss of less than half of a person’s excess weight (%EWL is excess weight carried above a Body Mass Index of 25kg/m2).  Most of my patients express disappointment if they’ve only had 50% excess weight loss, but the reality is that even surgery has limited power to assist a person to manage their weight.Additionally, all surgeries are most effective in the first five years, and less effective after that.  And obtaining reliable data... +More
It's very safe to get cosmetic procedures in Antalya Turkey. Since medical tourism is a large portion of their tourism, they have developed a world-renowned healthcare system that provides high-quality care to patients.Bariatric Surgery Antalya Price For more details in our article,How safe is surgery in Antalya where you will find all the information aboutHow safe is surgery in Antalya please contact us.How safe is surgery in Antalya It's very safe to get cosmetic procedures... +More
Bikini sleeve is a colloquial term referring to a gastric sleeve surgery performed through small, hidden incisions around the bikini line to minimize visible scarring. This technique is designed for patients who are concerned about the cosmetic appearance of their body post-surgery while achieving the same weight loss benefits as traditional Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy (VSG).
Obesity surgery encompasses various procedures designed to help patients lose weight and manage obesity-related health conditions. These include gastric sleeve, bypass, and non-surgical options like the intragastric balloon. Turkey is one of the most popular destinations for these surgeries, attracting patients from all over the world.
Many patients who have undergone bariatric surgery in Turkey return for post-bariatric plastic surgery to remove excess skin and contour their bodies. Reviews of post-bariatric plastic surgery in Turkey are largely positive, with patients praising the expertise of Turkish plastic surgeons and the comprehensive care provided by clinics. Patients often mention their satisfaction with the results, such as improved body shape and increased confidence. The affordability of these procedures in Turkey is another... +More
A gastro appointment is a consultation with a gastroenterologist. During this visit, the doctor assesses symptoms like stomach pain, acid reflux, or changes in bowel habits. The appointment might involve a physical exam, blood tests, or diagnostic procedures like an endoscopy or colonoscopy to identify the issue.
Mini Gastric Bypass Procedure: Also known as Single Anastamosis or Omega Loop gastric bypass. The procedure takes 1 – 1.5 hours under a general anaesthetic. Clients usually spend two nights in hospital although occasionally clients do go home after one day. Weight loss begins immediately as your metabolism is improved. You'll eat a soft diet between weeks three and four after surgery. During this phase, you'll continue to prioritize protein, but you'll be able to get the nutrient from foods including scrambled... +More
Gastric sleeve surgery in Turkey consistently receives high praise from international patients, with many sharing their positive experiences online. Reviews highlight the significant weight loss achieved, the professionalism of Turkish surgeons, and the quality of care provided by the clinics. Patients appreciate the comprehensive packages offered by many Turkish clinics, which often include accommodation, transportation, and post-operative care, making the entire process seamless. Turkey’s combination of... +More


Bridge Health Travel Antalya

  • 1
    Welcome! From the moment you arrive at the airport, our private driver will pick you up and it takes you to the airport, hotel and the hospital.
  • 2
    Your medical trip is perfectly scheduled! Our interpreters will be with you at the airport,hotel and the hospital. We will do all the logistics for you in order to ensure your comfort.
  • 3
    Your accommodation is booked! Our consultants will provide you a variety of hotels to pick. You can stay at wherever you want!
  • 4
    Consulting is all free! Our medical team will be at your service for a lifetime and answer all your questions and requests! We are always with you!
Breast implants in TurkeyWhile endoscopic gastric balloon treatment has been successfully applied for many years, swallowable gastric balloon or elipse gastric balloon procedures have gained prominence as alternative methods due to the lack of sedation during the procedure and the absence of endoscopic assistance. In the swallowable gastric balloon procedure, the patient swallows a capsule-shaped balloon attached to a thin wire in an uninflated state with plenty of water. For patients who have difficulty swallowing the balloon, the doctor can assist the patient in swallowing the balloon using a thin guide wire. Once the balloon reaches the stomach, the doctor verifies its correct placement through imaging methods such as X-rays. An... +More


  • £ 1580
    £ 1450

    Give a call to learn more about what’s included and to come up with a tailored plan if you need unique accommodations that are not listed below.

    • Airport
    • Hotel
    • Hospital transfer
    • The balloon is placed via endoscopy, the procedure takes 15-20 minutes and you are discharged after 2-3 hours.  It is enough to stay here for 1 night.
    • Blood samples & x-rays
    • 5 year follow up
  • £ 2750
    £ 2550


    Give a call to learn more about what’s included and to come up with a tailored plan if you need unique accommodations that are not listed below.
    • Airport
    • Hotel
    • Hospital transfer
    • 4 day stay at hospital
    • Blood samples & x-rays
    • 5 year follow up
  • £ 3100
    £ 2900


    Give a call to learn more about what’s included and to come up with a tailored plan if you need unique accommodations that are not listed below.
    • Airport
    • Hotel
    • Hospital transfer
    • 4 day stay at hospital
    • Blood samples & x-rays
    • 5 year follow up