Weight Loss Surgery Turkey Cost Aesthetic Travel

Pricing for Bariatric Surgery in Turkey / Antalya at Aesthetic Travel

5 Years of Helping 15,000+ People Change Their Lives
With Bridge Health Travel®, you are never alone. Our team in the Antalya / Turkey is with you every step of the way.

Gastric Sleeve Procedure Package Cost Turkey / Antalya £ 1450 | Gastric Balloon Procedure Package Cost Turkey / Antalya £ 2550 |  Mini Gastric Procedure Bypass Package Turkey £ 2900


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Aesthetic Travel Turkey, Gastric Balloon in Turkey


Elle m'a parlé de tout et m'a expliqué tout ce que j'avais besoin de savoir
Kayleigh B, Royaume-Uni
No votes yet
Je ne saurais trop recommander cette entreprise, j'avais comme tout autre patient peur et je ne savais pas à quoi m'attendre mais dès que je suis descendu de l'avion, j'ai été immédiatement accueilli par un taxi VIP qui nous a emmenés à l'hôpital où j'ai rencontré. l'incroyable Iram, elle m'a tout expliqué et m'a expliqué tout ce que j'avais besoin de savoir. L'hôpital lui-même était si propre que des femmes de ménage venaient dans notre chambre environ 4 fois par jour. Elles étaient également formidables avec notre compagnon et leur donnaient des repas 3 fois par jour. J'ai eu quelques complications après l'opération où j'ai eu besoin de 3 transfusions sanguines mais encore une fois, la chirurgienne et son équipe m'ont mis à l'aise et pas inquiète. Le jour 4, nous sommes allés dans un hôtel par transfert VIP et l'hôtel était incroyable. Depuis que je suis rentré à la maison, Irem m'envoie un message ou peut m'appeler chaque fois que j'ai besoin de poser une question. Honnêtement, je ne saurais trop recommander cette entreprise, mais je la remercie surtout d'avoir changé ma vie.
Die Krankenschwester behandelte mich wie einen VIP, von dem Moment an, als ich sagte, okay, ich komme
Tiffany, Türkei
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Meine Erfahrung mit Bridge Health Travel war einfach außergewöhnlich. Irem war sehr hilfsbereit und geduldig und klärte mich über den Prozess während der Entscheidungsfindung auf. Sie hat mich wie einen VIP behandelt, von dem Moment an, als ich gesagt habe, dass ich komme. Bis zu meiner Abreise war sie bei jedem Schritt dabei. Als Alleinreisender war es beruhigend, weil sie dafür sorgte, dass ich mich immer wohl fühlte. Ich bin so froh, dass ich mich entschieden habe, meine Schlauchmagen-Reise mit Bridge Health Travel zu beginnen, und ich würde es auf jeden Fall anderen empfehlen. Sleeved2023.
From start to finish and on going I’ve had a perfect surgery along with aftercare.
Maria Robertson
Average: 5 (1 vote)
From start to finish and on going I’ve had a perfect surgery along with aftercare. I am from the UK and I was a nervous wreck even laying on the table prior to the surgery I was crying my eyes out, as I was so scared but all the staff and Dr Belen was so reassuring caring and overall lovely. Irem met me as soon as we landed and has been there throughout. I had slight gas pain after which is normal but they was on top of all pain relief, fluids everything! Couldn’t fault the clinic. I’m 10 weeks post-op and 2st 10b down and feel so much more confident and happier. Thank you for changing my life
I'm home now almost a week post op and I've lost 1 stone - I'm feeling fantastic
Chloe M, UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Wow, what can I say? I had the best experience thanks to bridge health travel (Irem) everything was discussed before I even got a on a plane. As soon as you get to the medstar hospital Irem will be waiting for you with a smile!! You are admitted straight away and the tests begin (they don't waste any time) after my surgery I was always checked on by the nurses/my surgeon and Irem. Going abroad for surgery scared the life out of me but now that I've experienced it I would 100% recommend and go back again! I'm home now almost a week post op and I've lost 1 stone - I'm feeling fantastic!! Thank you everyone at bridge health travel for helping me be a better and healthier me
Ich werde Sie ohne zu zögern in meinem Kreis weiterempfehlen
Jonathan, Großbritannien
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Danke, Irem. Ich lebe mit dem Traum von dem Körper, den du mir gegeben und gegeben hast. Ich hätte nicht erwartet, in so kurzer Zeit so weit zu kommen. Ich werde Sie ohne zu zögern in meinem Kreis weiterempfehlen. Wir sehen uns wieder
Hastanedeki tüm personel çok iyiydi ve geri dönmeyi sabırsızlıkla bekliyorum
Sara W, İngiltere
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Mide balonu yolculuğuma başlamak için Bridge Health Travel'ı seçtiğim için çok mutluyum! İrem her bakımdan muhteşemdi, çok sakinleştirici, güven verici ve yolun her adımında yanınızdaydı?? O olmasaydı, sinir krizi geçirirdim. Hastanedeki tüm personel çok iyiydi ve geri dönmeyi sabırsızlıkla bekliyorum! Çok teşekkür ederim Köprü Sağlık Seyahat
Очень рекомендую и обязательно вернусь сюда в будущем.
Лиза, Великобритания
No votes yet
Ездил на операцию, которая состоялась 16 января 2023 года, до этого, по прибытии и на протяжении всего моего пребывания за мной хорошо ухаживали. Ирем присутствовала на протяжении всего процесса, отвечала на любые вопросы или проблемы и действительно делала все возможное, чтобы сделать мой опыт приятным и свободным от стресса. Очень рекомендую и определенно вернусь сюда в будущем.
Ich kann dem Unternehmen überhaupt nichts vorwerfen
Nikki, Großbritannien
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Wow!! Was soll ich sagen, was für ein fantastisches Team. Ich kann dem Unternehmen überhaupt nichts vorwerfen. Sie haben sich alle so gut um mich gekümmert und mir von dem Moment an, als ich mich erkundigte, bis jetzt, 9 Wochen nach der Operation, geholfen. Es war eine große Entscheidung und eine beängstigende Sache, aber ich habe mich die ganze Zeit über noch nie so entspannt und entspannt gefühlt. Sie sind wirklich erstaunlich. Sie haben mein Leben für immer verändert und ich kann ihnen nicht genug danken. Ich würde es immer wieder empfehlen. Danke
Bridge Health Travel to anyone wanted to have this surgery. Thank you Irem!
Furkan Demiryürek
Average: 4 (1 vote)
The nurses were always attentive. I was encouraged to get up and walk soon after surgery to get things moving again and speed up recovery. Before choosing to have my surgery at this clinic I had read lots of great reviews and was very impressed. I can honestly say that choosing this clinic was the best choice for me and I would definitely recommend Bridge Health Travel to anyone wanted to have this surgery. Thank you Irem!
Firma bana her süreçte yardımcı oldu
Lisa T, ABD
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Ameliyat oldum. Çok iyiydi. Firma bana her süreçte yardımcı oldu. Bu şirketi öneriyorum
Tout a été expliqué en détail et les soins que j'ai reçus étaient vraiment un plus
Lisa, Royaume-Uni
No votes yet
Irem et son équipe sont absolument incroyables ! Tout mon parcours pour ma manche gastrique s’est déroulé extrêmement bien. Tout a été expliqué en détail et les soins que j'ai reçus étaient vraiment un plus. Depuis qu'il est à la maison, Irem est disponible pour répondre à toutes mes questions. Rien n'est trop pour l'équipe.
Değer açısından çok iyi
Leesa, İngiltere
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Şu anda tüp mide ameliyatından 2 hafta sonrayım ve köprü sağlığı yolculuğunda en iyi deneyimi yaşadım - İrem bana tüm süreç boyunca yardımcı oldu ve hayatımı değiştirmeye yardım ettiği için ona gerçekten çok şey borçluyum! En başından beri çok yardımsever, destekleyici ve şefkatliydi! Devam etmeye karar vermeden önce aylarca ve aylardır onunla whatsapp'ta konuştuğum için bu şirketi seçmemin çok büyük bir nedeni vardı ve bunu yaptığım için mutluyum. Ameliyatım sırasında evime gidene kadarki deneyimim de çok iyiydi. Ekip ve cerrah çok yetenekli ve ilgiliydi, gün boyunca beni kontrol ediyorlardı ve İrem herhangi bir sorunuz olursa veya bir şeye ihtiyacınız olursa her zaman oradaydı. Kaldığım süre boyunca odalar çok temiz ve moderndi ve ayrıca çok rahattı. Refakatçi getirirseniz hastane yatağının yanına da bir yatak hazırlıyorlar ve her gün 3 öğün yemek yiyorlar ki bu çok hoş bir jestti. Değer açısından çok iyi! Ve takım gerçekten en iyisi. Zaten 13 gün sonra istikrarlı bir kilo kaybı görüyorsunuz ve İrem size eve giderken hazırlıklı olmanız için tüm ekstra bilgileri ve ilaçları veriyor!
Was für eine gute Erfahrung
Alice, Türkei
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Ich habe meine plastische Oberlidoperation in dieser Klinik durchführen lassen! Was für eine gute Erfahrung! Bestes OP-Team, beste Nachsorge!! Herzlichen Dank für alles!
Insgesamt bin ich sehr zufrieden mit meiner Erfahrung mit dem Krankenhaus und dem gesamten Personal
Natasha, Großbritannien
No votes yet
Ich war so nervös, bevor ich ankam, aber als ich ankam, war Irem da und führte mich durch jeden Schritt des Weges. Die Betreuung, die ich vom Personal erhielt, war unglaublich … Ich wurde ständig überprüft, wechselte meine Bettwäsche und gab mir Medikamente, meine Mutter, die mich kostenlos begleitete, bekam 3 warme Mahlzeiten am Tag. Insgesamt bin ich sehr zufrieden mit meiner Erfahrung mit dem Krankenhaus und dem gesamten Personal
Bu kliniği şiddetle tavsiye ederim
Debra T, İngiltere
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Bu kliniği şiddetle tavsiye ederim. 18 Nisan 2023'te tüp mide ameliyatım oldu, biraz dil engeli vardı ama İrem çeviri yaptı ve kendini çok rahat hissetti.
She talked me through everything and explained everything I needed to know
Kayleigh B, UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
I couldn’t recommend this company enough, I was like any other patient scared and didn’t know what to expect but soon as I got off the plane I was welcomed straight away by a vip taxi that took us to the hospital where I met the amazing Iram, she talked me through everything and explained everything I needed to know. The hospital itself was so clean we had cleaners come in our room about 4 times a day, also they were amazing with our companion and give them meals 3 times a day. I had abit of complications after surgery where I needed 3 blood transfusions but yet again irem, the surgeon and her team made me feel so at ease and not worried. Day 4 we went to a hotel by vip transfers and the hotel was amazing. Since getting home irem messages me or could ring me anytime I need to ask a question. Honestly, I couldn’t recommend this company enough but most of all to irem for changing my life
Der Chirurg, die Krankenschwestern und das Personal sind sehr engagiert – Beratung für bariatrische Chirurgie
Aïcha, Frankreich
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Sie können mit geschlossenen Augen dorthin gehen. Schon vor Ihrer Ankunft steht Ihnen Irem jederzeit zur Verfügung, um ALLE Ihre Fragen zu beantworten! Der Chirurg, die Krankenschwestern und das Personal sind sehr engagiert. Ich bin mehr als glücklich, den Schritt gewagt zu haben, denn ich war sehr gut umgeben und Irem ist auch nach meiner Rückkehr nach Frankreich immer noch verfügbar und hilfsbereit
Leurs services sont complets et bien coordonnés, garantissant que les patients reçoivent les meilleures possibilités.
Vedat G, États-Unis
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Bridge Health Travel est une excellente option pour les personnes recherchant un traitement médical à l’étranger. Leurs services sont complets et bien coordonnés, garantissant que les patients reçoivent les meilleurs soins possibles. L'équipe de Bridge Health Travel est hautement professionnelle et compétente, et elle va au-delà de ses attentes pour s'assurer que ses clients se sentent à l'aise et informés tout au long du processus. Je recommanderais fortement Bridge Health Travel à toute personne recherchant des soins médicaux de haute qualité dans un pays étranger.
Son derece tavsiye ederim ve kesinlikle gelecekte geri giderdim
Lisa, İngiltere
Average: 5 (1 vote)
16 Ocak 2023'te gerçekleşen ameliyat için seyahat ettim, gelmeden önce, geldiğimde ve kaldığım süre boyunca bana iyi bakıldı. İrem tüm süreç boyunca hazırdı, her türlü soruyu veya endişeyi yanıtladı ve deneyimimi keyifli ve stressiz bir süreç haline getirmek için gerçekten beklenenin üzerinde çaba gösterdi. Son derece tavsiye ederim ve kesinlikle gelecekte tekrar giderim.
Kendilerine tüm hizmetlerinden dolayı minnettarım
Onur C, ABD
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Bana her konuda yardımcı oldular. Çok dikkatli ve arkadaş canlısıydılar. Kesinlikle onları ziyaret etmelisiniz. Bu hizmeti seveceğinize eminim. Tüm hizmetlerinden dolayı kendilerine minnettarım.
I would definitely recommend
Jess, UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
I had such an amazing experience with the team from the moment I was picked up from the airport until the day I left! Irem is honestly one of a kind and was so supportive from day one and throughout my gastric balloon procedure. I would definitely recommend.
I really couldn't fault them one bit - Gastric Sleeve
Lou, UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
I have recently been for my gastric sleeve over in Antalya with the Lovely Irem and her team. I really couldn't fault them one bit. everything was so smooth from arriving at the airport to the transfers to the hotel to be looked after by the lovely nurses. I had no problems Irem explained everything to me and put me at ease. Wouldn't recommend anybody else. Thank you so much again Irem for all that you did for me.
Un être humain professionnel, respectueux et aimable
Rachel, Royaume-Uni
No votes yet
Du début à la fin. Je n'ai que des mots positifs. Irem a été fantastique. De notre rencontre à l’hôpital à notre salut à l’hôtel. Elle a rendu un processus stressant si facile. Le Dr Belen était fantastique : un être humain professionnel, respectueux et aimable. J'ai fait des recherches longues et approfondies sur cette opération et auprès de toutes les entreprises qui la proposaient. Bridge Health est la société à utiliser. J'attends avec impatience mon nouveau mode de vie - mon nouveau régime alimentaire et d'ici quelques mois. Mon nouveau look. Merci Bridge Health pour tout
Je suis maintenant à la maison sans douleur résiduelle, je m'habitue juste à mon nouveau régime alimentaire et à mon petit ventre.
Brooke B, Royaume-Uni
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Quelle expérience fantastique. À notre arrivée à Antalya, nous avons été accueillis par un chauffeur de transfert privé qui nous a conduits confortablement à l'hôpital (un véritable hôpital, pas une petite clinique). Là, j'ai rencontré Irem qui m'a accueilli chaleureusement, moi et mon mari, et parlait un anglais excellent. Elle a répondu à toutes les questions et a pu me calmer complètement. Irem était incroyablement compétente – avec sa propre expérience en soins infirmiers – nous savions donc que j'étais entre de bonnes mains. Deux heures après mon arrivée à l'hôpital (très propre), j'avais subi une multitude de tests de santé physique utilisant des équipements de haute technologie - ces tests auraient eu lieu pendant des mois au Royaume-Uni, donc j'ai été impressionné ! Les installations étaient propres, bien rangées et le personnel extrêmement sympathique. Nos chambres privées avec salle de bains privative étaient nettoyées régulièrement, avec des serviettes et des couvertures fraîches tous les jours, voire plus souvent. Mon mari qui voyageait avec moi s'est vu offrir 3 repas par jour à l'hôpital. J'ai rencontré le chirurgien - qui pratique uniquement la chirurgie bariatrique - qui s'est montré très sympathique et encouragé à poser des questions. Il m'a expliqué, avec l'aide d'Irem, ce qui allait se passer et combien de temps je serais en chirurgie, etc. Le jour où j'ai été emmené au bloc opératoire, tout s'est parfaitement bien passé. J'ai été suivie très régulièrement par les plus charmantes infirmières pour s'assurer que mon état postopératoire était bon. Rien n'était trop leur demander, ils sont très efficaces et toutes les procédures ont été effectuées absolument comme vous le verriez au Royaume-Uni (juste plus rapidement). J'ai eu une conversation en tête-à-tête avec un diététicien qui m'a expliqué mon parcours d'émaciation après l'opération. Je suis très détaillé. On m'a donné un sac géant contenant des vitamines, des poudres de protéines, de la documentation concernant mon opération chirurgicale - à quoi m'attendre, etc., ainsi qu'une copie complète de mes notes médicales. J'ai été emmené par transfert privé à l'hôtel, qui était charmant et situé dans un endroit fabuleux. Mon mari et moi étions très à l'aise. Je recommanderais cette entreprise de tout cœur. Je pense qu'il y a toujours l'inquiétude de « partir à l'étranger » pour une opération chirurgicale, mais j'ai été très impressionné par l'efficacité, la propreté, la gentillesse et les connaissances de l'équipe tout au long du processus. Je crois que vous obtenez plus que ce que vous payez et je suis très heureux de commencer mon nouveau parcours de perte de poids après l'opération. Je suis maintenant à la maison sans douleur résiduelle, je m'habitue juste à mon nouveau régime alimentaire et à mon petit ventre. Merci a tous! Je vous remercie vraiment x Traité par : Mme İrem GÜLER
I would highly recommend this place
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Best service and care. I would highly recommend this place .and iram was excellent she helped me every step of the way
Определенно очень рекомендую
Николь, Великобритания
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Ни в коем случае нельзя винить мост в медицинском путешествии! 01.10.2023 мне сделали желудочный рукав после того, как мне порекомендовали ирем, и я так рада, что сделала это! Я был взволнован, нервничал, боялся всех эмоций, о которых только можно подумать, но все время чувствовал себя спокойно, и после операции уход был невероятным, все, что мне было нужно, было предоставлено! И теперь я дома, уход не прекратился, я могу написать в любое время, если у меня возникнут вопросы!
Everything was explained in great detail and the care I received really was A plus
Lisa, UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Irem and her team are absolutely amazing! My whole journey for my gastric sleeve went extremely smooth. Everything was explained in great detail and the care I received really was A plus. Since being home Irem has been available to answer any questions I’ve had. Nothing is too much for the team.
The next day I was taken down for surgery, everything went perfectly well no complications
Yvonne H, UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
What an amazing experience with the most kind, caring and professional team. When me and my son landing in Antalya we were met by a private transfer driver who gave us an ice-cold bottle of water and drove us in comfort to the hospital. On arrival I met Irem who welcomed me and my son, Irem spoke excellent English. She answered all questions, Irem is extremely knowledgeable in her field of work and with her own nursing experience, I knew I was just fine. The first day of arriving at the hospital, I had received all the test of physical health tests using high-tech equipment - these tests were all completed the same day one after another with excellent coordination. The facilities were clean, tidy and the staff extremely friendly, they all took the time to get to know you as a Person, I was never seen or never felt like I was just another one of their patients. The room was spacious and the private en-suite room was cleaned regularly 3-4 times a day, with fresh towels and blankets every day, a bed was provided for my son (who stated is was comfortable) he was also offered 3 meals per day from the hospital. But being a fussy eater Irem took the time out of her day/night to arrange a food delivery to be brought to the hotel for my son, some nights this could be around 8-9 0clock when Irem had already done a full days work! But nothing was to much of an effort for Irem, she didn’t only look after me amazingly she also looked after my 17yr old son. I met the surgeon Dr Belen who was very friendly and encouraged questions. He would then explain all questions and fully explained the full procedure with the help of Irem. Dr Belen is extremely knowledgeable and extremely professional, after meeting him I immediately know I was in good hands. The next day I was taken down for surgery, everything went perfectly well no complications. I was monitored by the most amazing, caring, professional nurses, my son only being 17yrs old got a little frighted whilst I was in recovery, he messaged Irem and Irem rang him and talked him through everything that was happening on the machines (bleeping) was all normal, Irem contacted the nurses on duty and arrange for them to spend a bit of time with my son for reassurance Nothing was too much trouble for them. A couple of days later I had a 1-2-1 with the dietician who explained all information to me in great depth. my wasting journey post-surgery I’m great detail. I was given a bag of aftercare materials, these included vitamins, protein powders, literature regarding my surgery and full copy of my medical notes along with a DVD of the surgery. Being in the medical profession myself and going through this experience. I would highly recommend this company. If you are looking for kind, caring, professional, dignified care then don’t hesitate you have found the right team with Irem and her team. there is always the worry about “going abroad” for surgery, I had them worries and doubt myself, but if there is one thing I can say is you really don’t need to worry, I spent so much time leading to the operation worrying when I didn’t need to. I am 10 days post-op, and couldn’t be happier than I am right now, iv had no complications at all, drinking fine, I’m currently on the thicker fluid stage so made homemade soups they are going down just fine. I haven’t had any pain relief since leaving the hospital, not because I wasn’t supples them , I was but I haven’t needed them.
Dans l'ensemble, je suis très satisfait de mon expérience avec l'hôpital et tout le personnel.
Natasha, Royaume-Uni
No votes yet
J'étais tellement nerveux avant d'arriver, mais dès mon arrivée, Irem était là et m'a guidé à chaque étape du processus, les soins que j'ai reçus du personnel étaient incroyables… J'étais constamment enregistré, changeant ma literie et me donnant médicaments, ma mère qui m'accompagnait gratuitement recevait 3 repas chauds par jour. Dans l'ensemble, je suis très satisfait de mon expérience avec l'hôpital et tout le personnel.
Was such a pleasant experience and everything went fab
Clarissa C., UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
I had been contemplating having a gastric sleeve for over two years before actually taking the plunge. I have struggled with my weight for half of my lifetime and I have three young children I want to see grow up. I had followed a girl on social media who had booked through BHT. She gave me the contact info for a lady named Iram. She was very thorough when booking me in for surgery and was always there when I had questions about the procedure. The day fast approached and I was met at the airport by a private taxi, and Iram at the hospital even with it being a late night! I was admitted straight away and bloods taken. The following morning I was taken for all my pre-op tests and everything was explained along the way. I was then booked in for surgery that afternoon, which went very well. I spent 2 more nights in the hospital and one night at a hotel before travelling back to the UK. All the nurses were lovely, they tried their hardest to communicate and even used google translate to help. The hospital was lovely & clean, bed sheets were changed daily, and bins emptied 2/3 times a day. Was such a pleasant experience and everything went fab. I would recommend BHT to anyone wanting surgery abroad.
Je n'aurais pas pu rêver d'une meilleure expérience - Consultation de chirurgie bariatrique
Gary R, ??Royaume-Uni
Average: 5 (1 vote)
J'ai voyagé la semaine dernière pour une opération. Tout ce que je peux dire, c'est que si vous envisagez de faire cela, contactez les personnes qui l'ont déjà fait, car elles seront toujours prêtes à vous raconter leur histoire. En ce qui concerne Bridge Health, je n'aurais pas pu rêver d'une meilleure expérience. Serviable, solidaire, professionnel mais surtout attentionné. Toutes les questions ou conseils dont vous aviez besoin ont été proposés et sont restés en contact depuis mon retour à la maison pour s'assurer que tout est sur la bonne voie.
Ich kann dieses Unternehmen und das Team nur wärmstens empfehlen. Ich wünschte wirklich, ich hätte es schon vor Jahren getan
Lauren, Großbritannien
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Ich bin am 28. April nach Antalya geflogen, um einen Magenballon machen zu lassen. Es war eine wirklich reibungslose und professionelle Erfahrung. Ich wurde am Flughafen von einem Chauffeur abgeholt, direkt ins Krankenhaus gebracht (sauber, funktionstüchtig) und nach Tests und Einweisungen durch die Krankenschwester Iram und den Chirurgen einige Stunden später zur Operation gebracht. Alles verlief reibungslos und sobald ich von den Krankenschwestern freigegeben worden war, wurde ich mit Iram (Krankenschwester/Übersetzer/Gott schenke) mit dem Taxi zum Hotel gebracht. Das Hotel war wunderschön, direkt am Meer mit herrlicher Aussicht und einem makellosen, sehr modernen Zimmer. Ich blieb eine Nacht und flog am nächsten Morgen nach Hause, nachdem Iram erneut ein privates Taxi zurück zum Flughafen organisiert hatte. Ich habe einen klaren Ernährungsplan erhalten und nach einigen Beschwerden und Übelkeit (alles normal und erwartet) geht es mir besser als je zuvor. In 10 Tagen habe ich 10 Pfund abgenommen und führe nun langsam wieder zu fester Nahrungsaufnahme und körperlicher Betätigung über. Ich kann dieses Unternehmen und das Team nur wärmstens empfehlen. Ich wünschte wirklich, ich hätte es schon vor Jahren getan. Vielen Dank euch allen x
Le personnel de l'hôpital était sympathique et serviable
Rachel, Royaume-Uni
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Manchon gastrique. Bridge Health Travel compte la dame la plus extraordinaire, Irem, qui, à mon avis, est le cœur et l'âme de Bridge Health Travel. Son service client est au-delà des niveaux attendus. Chaque question, du premier point de contact au soutien continu après l'opération, est traitée efficacement et rapidement. Le chirurgien était compétent et s'est enregistré plusieurs fois avant et après l'opération. Le personnel de l'hôpital était sympathique et serviable. Dans l'ensemble, je n'ai rien à reprocher à mon expérience. Je ne suis qu'à un peu plus d'une semaine après l'opération jusqu'à présent, je ne regrette rien et je suis heureux d'avoir utilisé Bridge Health Travel dans le cadre de mon voyage.

Weight Loss Surgery Reviews in Turkey

I have recently been for my gastric…
No votes yet
I have recently been for my gastric sleeve over in Antalya with the Lovely Irem and her team. I really couldn't fault them one bit. everything was so smooth from arriving at the airport to the transfers to the hotel to be looked after by the lovely nurses. I had no problems Irem explained everything to me and put me at ease. Wouldn't recommend anybody else. Thank you so much again Irem for all that you did for me.
I am truly grateful for the work you do, hope you help a lot more people
M.D., UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
I had an unforgettable experience, thank you for your service. They make treatments affordable compared to others. The hospital I got admitted to was extremely pleasant, very clean and spacious, the staff will look after you properly and will care for you. Everything was sorted from airport pick up, doing tests in the lab, follow-up care after surgery and everything. I am truly grateful for the work you do, hope you help a lot more people
I would definitely recommend
Jess, UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
I had such an amazing experience with the team from the moment I was picked up from the airport until the day I left! Irem is honestly one of a kind and was so supportive from day one and throughout my gastric balloon procedure. I would definitely recommend.
I would certainly return and recommend it
Terri, UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
I'm a few days back after having 12 12-month gastric balloon. I went by myself and that was fine as everything was planned very well, pick ups turned up on time each time and Irem took great care of me in the first-class hospital. My first couple of days I felt rough but then quickly got back to feeling like myself by following the eating plan and using the medication provided. I would certainly return and recommend it, now I'm looking forward to the new me.
Overall really happy with my experience with the hospital and all the staff
Natasha, UK
Average: 4 (1 vote)
I was so nervous before arriving, but as soon as I arrived Irem was there and led me through every step of the way , the care I received from the staff was amazing … I was constantly being checked in on , changing my bedding and giving me medication, my mum who came with me for free received 3 hot meals a day. Overall really happy with my experience with the hospital and all the staff
I am now home with no residual pain, just getting used to my new diet and tiny tummy
Brooke B, UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
What a fantastic experience. Upon landing in Antalya we were met by a private transfer driver who drove us in comfort to the hospital (real hospital, not a small clinic). There I met Irem who welcomed myself and husband warmly and spoke excellent English. She answered all questions and was able to calm my nerves entirely. Irem was incredibly knowledgable - with her own nursing experience - so we knew I was in good hands. In 2 hours of arriving at the (very clean) hospital, I had received a multitude of physical health tests using high-tech equipment - these tests would have taken place over months in the UK so I was impressed! The facilities were clean, tidy and the staff extremely friendly. Our private en-suite rooms were cleaned regularly, with fresh towels and blankets every day, if not more often. My husband who travelled with me was offered 3 meals per day from the hospital. I met the surgeon - who performs bariatric surgery solely - who was very friendly and encouraged questions. He explained, with the help of Irem, what was going to happen and how long I would be in surgery etc. On the day I was taken to surgery, everything went perfectly well. I was monitored by the loveliest nurses very regularly to ensure my post-op condition was good. Nothing was too much trouble, they are so efficient and all procedures were done absolutely as you would see in the UK (just quicker). I had a 1-2-1 conversation with a dietician who explained my wasting journey post-surgery I’m great detail. I was given a giant bag of vitamins, protein powders, literature regarding my surgery - what to expect etc and a comprehensive copy of my medical notes. I was taken by private transfer to the hotel, which was lovely in a fabulous location. Myself and husband were very comfortable throughout. I would recommend this company wholeheartedly. I think there is always the worry about “going abroad” for surgery, but I was so impressed by the efficiency, cleanliness, friendliness and knowledge of the team throughout. I believe you get more than what you pay for and I am very excited to start my new weight loss journey post-surgery. I am now home with no residual pain, just getting used to my new diet and tiny tummy. Thanks all! Really appreciate you x Treated by: Mrs İrem GÜLER
Defo 5-star
Allison, UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
I would recommend the hospital and also the surgeon, but I couldn't do enough for myself Irem is lovely and will be available 24/7 if I get any more surgery. I would go by Bridge Health Travel as the best ***** defo 5-star.
She made me feel at ease and was there most of the way to explain what was being said
Millicent N., UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
I was received warmly from the airport in a lovely VIP transfer 5*. I was then taken to the hotel which was clean and comfortable. The driver also picked me up in the morning and handed me over to Irem who I must say was so amazing, she made me feel at ease and was there most of the way to explain what was being said. The ward staff were brilliant and the consultant also paid me a visit prior to the procedure which I found reassuring. I only wish Irem was allowed to come into theatre with me until I was asleep. I had the option to stay in the hospital till my flight that evening but decided to go back to the hotel. I also got some advice from the dietician before my departure but unfortunately, she was unwell for the follow-up call, I was however given all the information I needed. Definitely good value for money and would use them again.
I was always being checked on and made sure I was comfortable
Kayleigh, UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Gastric sleeve surgery on the 25th November 2022. I’m a 33 year old mother who had 2 travel alone because of child care. Irem was amazing. From start 2 finish as soon as I landed in Turkey I was well looked after. The hospital was spotless and the nurses were amazing. I was never left no longer then 30 minutes on my own. I was always being checked on and made sure I was comfortable. I flew over on Friday and I left on Tuesday. When I first woke up I was very much shocked but I had 2 nurses who didn’t leave my side until I had come round and was well alert. I have had no problems at all with my surgery it took a little while for my head 2 catch up with my belly and Irem as answered any messages I’ve sent very quickly. My scars are so neat and hardly noticeable now I’ve gone from 16 stone 2 11 stone 9 and I’m comfortable enough to start to maintain my weight at the moment I don’t need any plastic surgery as I’m loving my new body. But I’m 50/50 about having my boobs done and if I do I will 100% be using this team again. I’m even friends with my surgeon on instagram and he always replied 2 my stories or asked me how I’m doing !! Honestly Turkey is a big place and many places offer this kind of surgery but I’m so glad I went with this company.
Bridge Health Travel to anyone wanted to have this surgery. Thank you Irem!
Furkan Demiryürek
Average: 4 (1 vote)
The nurses were always attentive. I was encouraged to get up and walk soon after surgery to get things moving again and speed up recovery. Before choosing to have my surgery at this clinic I had read lots of great reviews and was very impressed. I can honestly say that choosing this clinic was the best choice for me and I would definitely recommend Bridge Health Travel to anyone wanted to have this surgery. Thank you Irem!
She talked me through everything and explained everything I needed to know
Kayleigh B, UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
I couldn’t recommend this company enough, I was like any other patient scared and didn’t know what to expect but soon as I got off the plane I was welcomed straight away by a vip taxi that took us to the hospital where I met the amazing Iram, she talked me through everything and explained everything I needed to know. The hospital itself was so clean we had cleaners come in our room about 4 times a day, also they were amazing with our companion and give them meals 3 times a day. I had abit of complications after surgery where I needed 3 blood transfusions but yet again irem, the surgeon and her team made me feel so at ease and not worried. Day 4 we went to a hotel by vip transfers and the hotel was amazing. Since getting home irem messages me or could ring me anytime I need to ask a question. Honestly, I couldn’t recommend this company enough but most of all to irem for changing my life
Would recommend 100%
Mandy R, UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Got the gastric balloon fitted October. I was more nervous about the process (going on my own) than the procedure. But I shouldn't have been it went very smoothly and everyone was very supportive. Would reccomend 100%
Everyone was extremely helpful
Satdeep, UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Amazed at the level of care and hospitality given by Irem and those at the hospital. Am shocked at how efficient everything was and no time was wasted between the procedures and seeing the Dr. Everyone was extremely helpful and Irem was with us every step of the way and took tremendous care of us. She took care of everything for us. From the endoscopy, colonoscopy, ultrasound, blood tests, and pharmacy visit she was with us every step of the way and even recommended shops near our hotel to purchase food and the diet needed for these procedures. She is a gem. The hospital was immaculate.
I love the place is so beautiful and nice
Jose, UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
The staff is so professional and the experience is amazing I recommend it. I love the place is so beautiful and nice.
Was such a pleasant experience and everything went fab
Clarissa C., UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
I had been contemplating having a gastric sleeve for over two years before actually taking the plunge. I have struggled with my weight for half of my lifetime and I have three young children I want to see grow up. I had followed a girl on social media who had booked through BHT. She gave me the contact info for a lady named Iram. She was very thorough when booking me in for surgery and was always there when I had questions about the procedure. The day fast approached and I was met at the airport by a private taxi, and Iram at the hospital even with it being a late night! I was admitted straight away and bloods taken. The following morning I was taken for all my pre-op tests and everything was explained along the way. I was then booked in for surgery that afternoon, which went very well. I spent 2 more nights in the hospital and one night at a hotel before travelling back to the UK. All the nurses were lovely, they tried their hardest to communicate and even used google translate to help. The hospital was lovely & clean, bed sheets were changed daily, and bins emptied 2/3 times a day. Was such a pleasant experience and everything went fab. I would recommend BHT to anyone wanting surgery abroad.
Hospital staff were friendly and helpful
Rachel, UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Gastric Sleeve. Bridge Health Travel have the most amazing lady Irem who in my opinion is the heart and soul of Bridge Health Travel. Her customer service is beyond the expected levels. Every question from the first port of contact to continuing support post op is dealt with effectively and quickly. The surgeon was knowledgeable and checked in several times pre and post op. Hospital staff were friendly and helpful. As a whole I can’t fault my experience. I’m only just over a week post op so far no regrets and glad I used Bridge Health Travel as part of my journey.
I was at ease I felt safe and I was taken through the procedure aftercare and life after surgery
Maya, UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Irem and the staff to the surgeon's were so good and accommodating. I was at ease I felt safe and I was taken through the procedure aftercare and life after surgery.
Would definitely recommend
Gemma F, UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
I recently returned after having a gastric balloon. Irem was great from the very first enquiry to the aftercare after the procedure. Would definitely recommend Thanks
I couldn’t have asked for a better surgery
Afya, UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
I had the gastric sleeve the 16/01 and my experience has been amazing, so far I have lost 16kg, the nurses team were amazing. Irem was fantastic in translating any queries that I had my stitches are healing perfectly and I couldn’t have asked for a better surgery.
The staff was amazing; nurses, cleaners and even surgeons
Leann W., Turkey
Average: 5 (1 vote)
I went to Turkey in September 2023. I had gastric sleeve surgery the day after my arrival, and my surgery went well. The staff was amazing; nurses, cleaners and even surgeons; We should not forget the wonderful coordinators. Irem took care of me from the first minute to the last minute. I did my own research and went to BHT and I am very pleased. They are definitely 10/10.
Cannot recommend this hospital enough, I went alone for surgery and was absolutely fine
Chloe, UK
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Cannot recommend this hospital enough, I went alone for surgery and was absolutely fine. Irem and Sasha are fantastic, on hand whenever you need them day or night, the nurses were brilliant, all really friendly and gentle and the surgeon was fantastic too. Everything ran really smoothly, the hospital was really clean and the surgery itself went really well.
  • Gastric Sleeve Surgery in Turkey
  • Gastric Sleeve in Turkey with Dr. Murat Kağan Bilge | Bridge Health Travel
  • My weight loss trip to Turkey: “I couldn't wait for NHS help | Bridge Health Travel
Our Treatments:

Gastric Sleeve |  Gastric Bypass Gastric Balloon Mini Gastric Bypass Scarless Gastric Sleeve


Revisional Surgeries | Hotel Accommodation Nursing Care Services at Hotel Continued Dietitian Support After Surgery Consultation & Treatment Planning Preoperative Tests Continued Dietitian Support After Surgery Transfers (Airport-Hotel-Clinic)

FQ About Gastric Balloon Clinic in Antalya / Turkey

Since salads are typically made of raw fruits and vegetables they can be more difficult to digest. And since you had bariatric surgery your ability to digest foods has changed and will take some time to adjust Foods to Avoid After Bariatric Surgery TurkeyRed meat that's tough or dry.Greasy, high fat foods.Heavily seasoned or spicy foods.Sugar alcohols, such as erythritol, glycerol, mannitol, sorbitol and xylitol.Foods reheated in the microwave.  Guava. Guava is one of the most protein-rich fruits around. You'... +More
Full Body Lift Cost in TurkeyExcessive weight loss often leaves a patient with stubborn fat pockets and extra, saggy skin. Even with extreme diet, exercise, or surgery, a patient can never fully get rid of these unwanted flaps of skin. This can cause self-esteem and confidence issues among patients. In such cases, plastic surgery is the only way to achieve a fully sculpted and smoother body.  Body lift is one such cosmetic procedure that helps patients to get into their desired body shape. A body lift... +More
Pizza and pasta are normally favorites, but after bariatric surgery, they should be consumed in moderation. If you are having pizza, order a thin crust and add veggies and lean meats, such as chicken or Canadian bacon. Overall, you should choose a menu item that is centered on protein, like grilled chicken or seafood Longer term risks and complications of gastric bypass can include: Bowel obstruction. Dumping syndrome, causing diarrhea, nausea or vomiting Weight loss before surgery was associated with readmission... +More
Bariatric refers to the branch of medicine that deals with the causes, prevention, and treatment of obesity. Bariatric surgery includes weight-loss procedures like gastric bypass, sleeve gastrectomy, and lap band surgery, which help patients lose significant amounts of weight and improve obesity-related health conditions.
Mini Gastric Bypass Whatclinic Reviews in Turkey Mini Gastric Bypass Reviews in Turkey We tried to collect comments for you under the topic title Mini Gastric Bypass Reviews in Turkey The safety of gastric sleeve surgery, or any medical procedure, in Turkey or any other country depends on various factors, including the expertise of the medical professionals, the quality of healthcare facilities, and adherence to safety standards and protocols. While Turkey has gained recognition as a popular destination for... +More
Cost-Effectiveness - One of the primary reasons Americans are traveling to Turkey for medical treatment is the cost. Healthcare in the United States is notoriously expensive, and many procedures and medications are not covered by insurance. In contrast, Turkey offers high-quality medical care at a fraction of the cost.
Gastric band tablets are not a recognized treatment, but the term might refer to weight-loss medications that mimic the effects of a gastric band by suppressing appetite or blocking fat absorption. Medications like Orlistat or appetite suppressants are sometimes used in combination with bariatric procedures.
Avoid alcohol for the first six months after bariatric surgery. When you get permission to start drinking alcohol again, avoid carbonated beverages and sugary drink mixers. Remember that after surgery, even small amounts of alcohol can cause intoxication and low blood sugar Bariatric Surgery Turkey Price For more details in our article, Can you drink alcohol after gastric sleeve where you will find all the information about Can you drink alcohol after gastric sleeve please contact us. Can you drink alcohol after... +More
The primary benefit of the mini gastric bypass is that it can be performed in less time than a traditional gastric bypass. By estimates, a mini gastric bypass is 50 minutes faster. The surgery is also less complicated than a traditional gastric bypass and theoretically results in fewer complications Can you fly after gastric sleeve surgery? There is no reason why you should not fly as normal with a gastric sleeve. We do not recommend that sleeve patients fly short haul (e.g. Europe) within 7 days of their surgery... +More
Over the first three months, patients can expect to lose about 33 percent of their excess weight. Six months post-surgery, patients can anticipate shedding half their extra weight. Guava. Guava is one of the most protein-rich fruits around. You'll get a whopping 4.2 grams of the stuff in every cup. This tropical fruit is also high in vitamin C and fiber After undergoing bariatric surgery, many patients experience some difficulties adjusting to their new lifestyle. This is to be expected. Life after bariatric... +More
Bariatric surgery in Turkey encompasses a range of procedures designed to aid in weight loss, including gastric sleeve, gastric balloon, and gastric bypass surgeries. Turkish hospitals and clinics have garnered international attention for their experienced bariatric surgeons, cutting-edge medical equipment, and patient-centered care. Turkey offers patients a more affordable alternative compared to countries like the US or the UK, without sacrificing the quality of care. Many Turkish clinics offer all-inclusive... +More


Bridge Health Travel Antalya

  • 1
    Welcome! From the moment you arrive at the airport, our private driver will pick you up and it takes you to the airport, hotel and the hospital.
  • 2
    Your medical trip is perfectly scheduled! Our interpreters will be with you at the airport,hotel and the hospital. We will do all the logistics for you in order to ensure your comfort.
  • 3
    Your accommodation is booked! Our consultants will provide you a variety of hotels to pick. You can stay at wherever you want!
  • 4
    Consulting is all free! Our medical team will be at your service for a lifetime and answer all your questions and requests! We are always with you!
Gastric Bypass and Mini Gastric Bypass Procedure in AntalyaWhy do people consider Turkey?People consider Turkey for several reasons:Historical and Cultural Significance: Turkey is known for its rich history and cultural heritage. It has been home to various civilizations, including the Byzantine Empire and the Ottoman Empire, which have left a lasting impact on the country. Turkey boasts numerous historical sites and landmarks, such as the ancient city of Ephesus, the Hagia Sophia, and the Topkapi Palace, which attract tourists and history enthusiasts.Geographical Location: Turkey is located at the crossroads of Europe and Asia, making it a unique destination with a blend of Eastern and Western influences. Its strategic location has played... +More


  • £ 1580
    £ 1450

    Give a call to learn more about what’s included and to come up with a tailored plan if you need unique accommodations that are not listed below.

    • Airport
    • Hotel
    • Hospital transfer
    • The balloon is placed via endoscopy, the procedure takes 15-20 minutes and you are discharged after 2-3 hours.  It is enough to stay here for 1 night.
    • Blood samples & x-rays
    • 5 year follow up
  • £ 2750
    £ 2550


    Give a call to learn more about what’s included and to come up with a tailored plan if you need unique accommodations that are not listed below.
    • Airport
    • Hotel
    • Hospital transfer
    • 4 day stay at hospital
    • Blood samples & x-rays
    • 5 year follow up
  • £ 3100
    £ 2900


    Give a call to learn more about what’s included and to come up with a tailored plan if you need unique accommodations that are not listed below.
    • Airport
    • Hotel
    • Hospital transfer
    • 4 day stay at hospital
    • Blood samples & x-rays
    • 5 year follow up